Twelfth Month
Passage Hand
Waiting Hand
Year 10,175 Contasta Ar

Slave Papers

These are relevant references from the Books where Slave Papers are mentioned.
I make no pronouncements on these matters, but report them as I find them.
Arrive at your own conclusions.

I wish you well,

Supporting References

see also Manumission

It was with this man that Vella had been placed, her registration, papers and purchase having been arranged. In the House of Cernus, after the sheet, bracelets, leash and collar had been removed, agents of House of Cernus had checked her fingerprints against those on the papers. She had then been examined thoroughly by the Physicians of the House of Cernus. Then, found acceptable, she had knelt while agents of the House signed the receipt of her delivery and endorsed her papers, retaining one set, giving one set to the seller's agent, for forwarding to the Cylinder of Documents.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Pages 40 - 41

Misk looked at her for a long time, his antennae focused. "It will be arranged," said he, "that you will be placed as a slave in the House of Cernus, as a member of the staff of Caprus. Papers will be prepared on you and you will be transmitted to the House of Clark in Thentis, whence you will be taken by tarn caravan to Ar, where you will be sold privately, your purchase to be effected by the agents of the House of Cernus, under the instructions of Caprus."
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 72

Elizabeth was much amused by the forged slave papers prepared for her, giving in detail an account of her capture and exchanges, complete with endorsements and copies of bills of sale. Some of the information such as Physicians' certifications and measurements and marks of identification had been compiled in the Nest and later transferred to the documents. In my compartment, Al-Ka fingerprinted her, adding her prints to the papers. Under a section on attributes I was interested to note that she was listed as literate. Without that, of course, it would be improbable that Caprus could have justified adding her to his staff.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 77

"Have you prepared the initial papers on them?" asked Ho-Tu.
"Yes," said Flaminius.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 129

The papers of most of the girls, including those of Elizabeth, Virginia, and Phyllis, had been transmitted days before to the staff of the Curulean, to be checked for authenticity, and for the updating of certain endorsements. The papers are correlated with the lot number and the girls' fingerprints are taken and checked against those on the papers. Some girls, whom the House had determined late would be sold, arrive at the Curulean with a small leather cylinder tied about their collar, which contains their papers, which girl is then, by the staff of the Curulean, assigned a lot number. Lana, whom Ho-Tu, who held considerable power in the House of Cernus, had decided to sell at the Love Feast, so arrived at the Curulean. Virginia, thanks to Ho-Tu, need not fear that the forward Lana would be likely to soon grace the leash of her Relius. When the members of the staff of the Curulean are satisfied that the girl's papers are in order the ticket with her lot number is stamped approved.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 283

Scribes at nearby tables endorsed and updated papers of registration, that the ownership of the girls be legally transferred from the state to individual citizens.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 396

"I have brought papers," said Hup. "They have been endorsed to you. The slave is yours."

Elizabeth looked at Hup. He was Gorean. To him she was that, simply, a slave.

To me she seemed the world.

"Write on the papers," said I, "that on this first day of the restoration of Marlenus of Ar, the slave Vella was by her master, Tarl of Ko-ro-ba, granted her freedom."

Hup shrugged, and so endorsed the papers. I signed them, my name in Gorean script, followed by the sign of the city of Ko-ro-ba.

Hup gave me the key to Elizabeth's collar and anklet and I freed her of the steel that marked her slave.

"I will file the papers in the cylinder of documents," said Hup.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 407

"I had them from the fine slaver, Alexander of Teletus," said the merchant, "but their papers were lost in transit."
"I will take them both," said the man. He did not much haggle over price.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 327

"You will make a lovely slave," he said. Then he said. "You may lower your hands, and kneel." The woman always examines the papers of enslavement on her knees. "Slave Girl," said the man, speaking to me, "remove the towel from about her head and permit her to dry her hands upon it."

"Yes, Master," I said.

I removed it carefully, lest it contain a needle or other device of which I might be unaware. The lovely cascade of dark hair which was Elicia's fell down her back. "Yes," said the man, "a lovely slave." Elicia dried her hands and, miserably, broke the ribbon and seal and examined the paper.

"You are literate?" inquired the man.

"Yes," she said, acidly.

"Do you understand the document?" he asked.

"Yes," she said. "It is an order of enslavement."

"You understand further, of course," said he, "that under Gorean merchant law, which is the only law commonly acknowledged binding between cities, that you stand under separate permissions of enslavement. First, were you of Ar, it would be my right, could I be successful, to make of you a slave, for we share no Home Stone. Secondly, though you speak of yourself as the Lady Elicia of Ar, of Six Towers, you are, in actuality, Miss Elicia Nevins of the planet Earth. You are an Earth girl and thus stand within a general permission of enslavement, fair beauty quarry to any Gorean male whatsoever."
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Pages 393 - 394

"I have her slave papers here," said Ulafi, "delivered with her this morning by Vart's man."
He handed them to the praetor.
"She does not respond as a slave because she has not yet learned her slavery," said Ulafi. "She has not yet learned the collar and the whip."
The praetor examined the papers. In Ar slaves are often fingerprinted. The prints are contained in the papers.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 66

"The slave is awarded to Ulafi of Schendi," ruled the praetor.
There were cheers from the men present, and Gorean applause, the striking of the left shoulder with the right hand.
"My thanks, Praetor," said Ulafi, receiving back the slave papers from the magistrate.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 68

"Are there papers on her?" I asked the guardsman.
"No," said the guardsman. Most Gorean slaves do not have papers. The brand and collar are deemed sufficient.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 75

"You are of Earth, are you not?" she asked.
"Yes, Mistress," I said.
"The Lady Gina told me this," she said, "in the House of Andronicus. Too, it is on your papers."
Fighting Slave of Gor     Book 14     Page 130

Some female slaves, incidentally, have a pedigreed lineage going back through several generations of slave matings, and their masters hold the papers to prove this. It is a felony in Gorean law to forge or falsify such papers.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 69

Sometimes a member of the caste of scribes is also present, to provide certification on behalf of the city. Usually, however, in cities which encourage this sort of registration it is sufficient to bring the papers for stamping to the proper office within forty Ahn. Such rigor, however, is usually involved only in the breeding of expensive, pedigreed slaves.
Blood Brothers of Gor     Book 18     Page 319

"She is apparently yours. Do you have papers on her?"

"No," said Speusippus.

"Do you have friends who can vouch for you, that she is yours?"

"I am from Turia," said Speusippus. "I am a stranger in this beautiful city."

"Things, then, are not so simple," said the Archon's man. "As you can see she is not even collared or branded. She is claiming to be a free woman."

"No, Master," I said.

"Perhaps I could hold her for ten days," said the Archon's man, "and then, if there are no other claimant, turn her over to you."
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Pages 228 - 229

Two of the gate guards crawled into the wagon. Mincon presented his papers to the gate captain. "Mercenaries, from the north," said Mincon to the captain, indicating Hurtha and myself.

The captain nodded.

"More come in each day," he said. "They smell loot."

"Who is this?" asked the captain, indicating Boabissia. He returned the papers to Mincon. They were apparently in order.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 102

I gathered this form of dance was quite common here and that it might be required of any female, or any female of our sort. Interestingly enough I had had only two days of this sort of instruction before I was stopped, and sent from the room, to be applied to other lessons. I was told that my skills in these matters, as they had now ascertained, and confirming reports on my "papers," or "records," were already far beyond the rudiments that I would obtain in such a class.
. . .

That I was a virgin had undoubtedly been included by Teibar in my papers, or records.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 70

"I think she is a stolen tavern dancer," said the man.

"I bought her properly," said my master.

"You have papers on her?" asked the man.

"No," said my master.

"You received stolen goods," said the man.

"Not to my knowledge," said my master.

"An investigation might nonetheless prove you have no legal hold on her."

"Are you a magistrate, or a praetor's agent?" inquired my master, narrowly.

"No," said the fellow.

My master relaxed, visibly.

"But I could always lodge a citizen's inquiry, and have the matter looked into," he said.

"What do you want?" asked my master.

"She is a hot slave, and is curvy, and beautiful," he said.

"So?" asked my master.

"Too, she dances well, and her ears are pierced," said the man.

"So?" inquired my master.

"What did you pay for her?" he asked.

"That is my business," said my master.

"Not much, I would suppose," said the man. "Stolen slaves seldom bring high prices, unless delivered to private dealers on contract, or to slavers, who know what to do with them, and where to sell them."

"She is mine," said my master. "I have held her in my collar for a sufficient time."

"I am prepared to accept that she is now yours," said the fellow. "For example, she seems clearly accommodated to your collar. The official recovery period is doubtless now passed."

"Then our conversation is at an end," said my master, angrily.

"Nonetheless it seems you might still count, officially, as a fellow who had received stolen goods," said the man.

"Not to my knowledge, if at all," said my master.

"Ignorance of the origin of the goods," said the man, "might indeed exonerate you from personal guilt in the matter."

My master shrugged.

"Still," said the man, "it might be of some interest to a praetor to hear you protest your innocence in the matter. He would be likely to be interested, too, in whom you bought the slave from, and such, and perhaps even where they obtained her."

"What do you want?" asked my master, angrily.

"I am prepared to be generous," said the man.

"She is not for sale," said my master.

"I have come from Argentum," he said. "I have come to Market of Semris looking for a certain type of slave. I think that your girl might be just what I need."

"Are you a slaver?" asked my master.

"No," he said. He looked down at me. "You are an exciting slut," he said.

I put my head down.

I did not want to be involved in this. In Gorean courts the testimony of slaves is commonly taken under torture.

"She is not for sale," said my master.

"I will give you five silver tarsks for her," said the man.

My master seemed stunned. I myself could scarcely believe what I had heard. Such prices are not paid for street dancers.

"Done!" said my master.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Pages 287 - 288

Slavers will take pains in checking out new catches, or acquisitions, to ascertain the natural color of their hair, one of the items one expects to find, along with fingerprints and measurements, and such, on carefully prepared slave papers.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 186

"She is a bred passion slave," I said, "with papers and a lineage going back a thousand years."
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Page 53

"Do you think it is permissible for you to lie to a free man?" I asked.
"No, Master!" she said. She put down her head, her head in her hands, and sobbed.
"Your reticence is interesting," I said. "The matter is doubtless entered in your papers."
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Page 303

"You do not mind filling out certain pertinent papers, do you?" I asked. I had brought some sets of such papers with me.

"Common slave papers?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.

"It is not necessary," said one of the retainers.

"Not at all," said Appanius. "You do not have an appropriate collar at hand, I gather."

"No," I said.

"If I am not mistaken," said Marcus, "ink and a pen are in the back."

"Interesting," I said. To be sure, they had been here when we had scouted the compartments. Doubtless they had been used before, in the course of Appanius' acquiring new slaves. Slave papers, too, were in the back, although I had brought my own. Hoods, gags, ropes, and such, were in the back, too.

"Give me the papers," said Appanius.

I handed him a set.

"I will fill these out in the back, and you, Lucian, will witness them."
. . .

In a few moments Appanius and I had concluded our business. The papers had been signed, and witnessed.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Pages 429 - 430

"Let the papers be prepared, and the measurements, and prints, taken," said Tolnar.

"Yes, Tolnar," said Venlisius.

"Papers! Measurements! Prints!" she protested.

"I think you can understand," said Tolnar, "that in a case such as this, such documentations, guarantees and precautions are not out of order."

"No! No!" she cried.

Tolnar and Venlisius put their wands of office to the side and went to the back room, to obtain the necessary papers and materials.

"You!" cried the prisoner, looking at Marcus. "It is then you to whom I belong!"

He merely regarded her.

"Who are you?" she cried.

"It does not matter," he said.

"I will buy my freedom!" she said. "I will give you a thousand pieces of gold! Two thousand! Ten thousand! Name your price!"

"But you have nothing," he said. "No more than a kaiila, or sleen."

"Contact Seremides!" she said. "Contact Myron, Polemarkos of Temos! They will arrange my ransom."

"Ransom or price?" asked Marcus.

"Price!" she said, angrily.

"But you are not, as of this moment, for sale," he said.

"Sleen!" she wept. She struggled but I, behind her, kept her well in the net.

At this point Tolnar and Venlisius reentered the room and, in a few moments, were in the process of filling out the papers.

These included an extremely complete description of the woman, exact even to details such as the structure of her ear lobes. Tolnar then, with a graduated tape, reaching in and about the net, and moving the woman, as necessary, took a large number of measurements, these being recorded by Venlisius. Additional measurements were taken with other instruments, such as a calipers. With these were recorded such data as the width and length of fingers and toes, the width of her heels, the lovely tiny distance between her nostrils, and so on. The result of this examination, of course, was to produce a network of data which, to a statistical certainty, far beyond the requirements of law, would be unique to a given female. Then, one hand at a time, pulled a bit from the net, then reinserted in it, her fingerprints were taken. Following this, her toeprints were taken. Then, the woman shaken, tears on the furs, was again fully within the net, on her belly. Her fingers and toes were dark with ink, from the taking of the prints.
. . .

"I shall sign the papers," I said to Tolnar.

"And I shall stamp, and certify, them," he said.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Pages 457 - 459

I looked down at the new slave, whom I had decided to call 'Talena', which slave name was also entered on her papers, in the first endorsement, as her first slave name pertinent to these papers, and by means of which she could always be referred to in courts of law as, say, the slave who on such and such a date was known by the name 'Talena.' This did not preclude her name being changed, of course, now or later, by myself, or others.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Page 469

"Your slavery is complete," I said, "by all the laws of Ar, and Gor. Your papers, and certified copies thereof, will be filed and stored in a hundred places."
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Page 475

"Is she hot?" asked a man.
"It is so certified, by the house," said one of the strangers. I gathered this information had been obtained from my papers.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 52

"Do you think I cannot recognize a hot little tart when I see one?" asked Aynur.

"I do not know," I murmured.

"Do you think I have not read your papers?" she asked.

"I do not know," I said. I could not read them, of course. I did not even know what they said. There was apparently some remark on them pertinent to my heat. He whose whip I had first kissed, in the corridor long ago, he who had later treated me with such cruelty, spurning me, throwing me to others, he whom, in the long nights in the kennels, I had never forgotten, had old me that I was supposedly quite "vital." The matter had been confirmed in the pens, of course. I had wept with misery and shame for hours afterward. But the proper endorsements had been included, I had gathered, on my papers.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 88

And how miserable and embarrassed I had been when I had learned that this information, of such intimacy and delicacy, and secrecy, had been publicly recorded on papers pertinent to me.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 93

There were papers in his wallet which he presented. I supposed they were my papers.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 163

And certainly determinations, made with merciless thoroughness in the pens, had clarified such matters beyond all doubt. And entries pertinent to these matters, I gathered, and had gathered originally to my dismay, for I had regarded such things as my closely guarded secrets, now appeared explicitly on my papers.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 178

I had been given slave wine in the pens, of course, but it was not mine to call that to their attention. Indeed, the matter was undoubtedly noted on my papers.
. . .
The breeding takes place under the supervision of masters, or their agents, with endorsements being recorded on proper papers.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 189

Indeed she seems, subject to what she is, and her antecedents, quite intelligent. That is clear even from her papers.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 192

"She is illiterate," said the man in the chair.
"It is on her papers," said another.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 195

"It is hard to believe that she is new to her collar," said a man.

"It is so certified," remarked another.

"I have seen her papers," said a fellow.

I knew I had papers but, of course, I could not read them. Such papers, as I understood it, begin with a girl's arrival in the pens. That is when her meaningful existence, her slave existence, begins. Nothing before that counts. There is no interest in our origins, save that we are of Earth, nor in our history or background. Such things have no relevance, or importance. They are all behind us. We are no longer free women. What interests them is merely that we are slaves, and our slave properties. A number of things are commonly found on papers, which may be more or less detailed, for example, our brand type, a number of measurements, the sorts of training we have received, and such. There is also, usually, a place for sales endorsements, for when a girl changes hands. There is also a "remarks section." where miscellaneous information may be recorded.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Pages 202 - 203

Too, surely he knew that I was a "hot slave." That information, like my eye and hair color, was on my papers. He would know that I was helpless under the caresses of men such as he, that I could not help myself, that I was the sort of woman, pleading, helpless, vulnerable and spasmodic, who must, to a master, yield the totality of herself, sans reservation, sans qualification.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 388

"You are a virgin, are you not?" he asked.
"Yes, Master," she said. Surely that was clear from her papers.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 123

"It is, of course, a slaving chamber," he said. "There our fair guest will be stripped, fingerprinted and toeprinted, measured with care, and papers prepared on her. She will then be branded and collared, following which the final certifications will be placed on the papers.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 127

In a moment or two there proceeded through the door two men, clad in blue robes. One carried a small rectangular board on which he held some papers. At his belt there hung a small case, containing at least pens, and a tiny horn, which, as Ellen later realized, was an inkhorn. Ellen had seen such papers before, when she had been examined in great detail, apparently partly to ascertain identifying marks, subjected to numerous measurements, and fingerprinted and toeprinted. She had little doubt that they were her slave papers. Such papers, as may have been mentioned, are unnecessary and are not kept on the vast majority of slaves. They can provide a convenience to buyers and sellers, however, as they will provide a good deal of information, with respect to background, caste, education, languages, training levels, physical descriptions, collar sizes, ankle- and wrist-ring sizes, and such, on the slave in question. Sometimes brochures and sales sheets for public postings are compiled from them by judicious selections. Such papers assume greater importance, of course, in the case of pedigree slaves or exotics. The bloodlines of some pedigree slaves go back several generations. Collectors, too, tend to be interested in the background of exotics, for example, who bred them, and where they were bred, and such.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 190

"If you could read, I would show you the papers," said Targo. "They are all in order, with the proper endorsements, and such."
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 225

"What have you found?" asked the officer, emerging from Portus's office, a sheaf of papers in his hands, doubtless to be examined by others, elsewhere. He wadded these papers, these documents, into a pouch, slung at his side.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 327

She heard herself described in some detail, by the auctioneer's assistant, who read from papers, presumably extracted from scribes' records. Various measurements were iterated matter-of-factly, for example, those of her bosom, waist and hips, and those of her neck, wrists and ankles, the latter primarily of interest with respect to the dimensions of appropriate identificatory or custodial hardware, the collar, wrist rings and ankle rings.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 483

Even the name which appears on formal slave papers is a slave name.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Page 231

I had not changed her name on the embondment papers, but had permitted her to retain the name 'Talena', though then, of course, not as a free name but as a slave name, put upon her by the will of her master.
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Page 478

Needless to say, if the slave comes with papers, a certification with respect to slave wine, and the date of its most recent administration, will usually be included in the papers.
Mariners of Gor     Book 30     Page 525

"She had no papers," said Callias. "The transaction was informal. She is nameless. It would be difficult to trace her.
Mariners of Gor     Book 30     Page 559

"But he did more, as well! He had seen to it that it was inscribed on my papers, certified with the seal of the slaver; that I had begged to be purchased. This appeared as an endorsement on my papers. Such things are of interest in some cases, to some masters."
Rebels of Gor     Book 33     Page 626

It is on your papers that you have been administered slave wine.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 77

It was difficult to trace slaves through Victoria, most of whom were sold without papers.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 88

"How soon will we be sold?" asked a slave.

"Not soon," said another. "We must be rested and refreshed."

"There will be measurements to be taken, finger and toe prints to be made, and papers to be prepared," said another slave.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 313

"Do not champion her," said the floor manager. "That will not go well with you, especially as you are a yellow-placard girl."

"I did not know you knew that," I said.

"It is on your papers," he said.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 353