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10,175 Contasta Ar
Gor, sparsely inhabited by human beings, teems with animal life,
Outlaw of Gor Book 2 Page 48
As I began to research the animal life on Gor I found the quote above and realized just how true it is.
Through the links on the left I attempt to show what the books tell us of animal life on Gor.
As I've also come to realize, it is presumptuous of me to say this is every single reference to animal life. Every time I say this is 'everything', I find, or someone else points out, yet another quote. While there may be updates in the future, this is everything I can find right now.
Anyway, I present this information as my best effort to show you the animal life of Gor.
Take, for instance, these references to bacteria.
In compiling all this information, I needed to group it in some sort of way so that you could find that which you seek.
I trust you will appreciate it.
In the pits there is no light, save that which men bring there. Without light, there cannot be photosynthesis. Without photosynthesis there cannot be the reduction of carbon dioxide, the formation of sugar, the beginning of the food chain. Ultimately, then, food is brought into the pits, generally in the form of organic debris, from hundreds of sources, many of them hundreds of miles distant; this debris is carried by the fresh-water feeds, through minute faults and fissures, and even porous rock, until it reaches the remains of the ancient seas, now sunken far beneath the surface. On and in this debris, breaking it down, are several varieties of bacteria. These bacteria are devoured by protozoons and rotifers. These, in turn, become food for various flatworms and numerous tiny segmented creatures, such as isopods, which, in turn, serve as food for small, blind, white crayfish, lelts and salamanders.
Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Pages 248 - 249
Once I felt it roll over my back, my body protected by the remains of the frame. Its skin was not rough, abrasive, like that of free-water sharks, but slick, coated with a bacterial slime. It slipped over me, not tearing me from the frame.
Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 252
Termites, incidentally, are extremely important to the ecology of the forest. In their feeding they break down and destroy the branches and trunks of fallen trees. The termite "dust," thereafter, by the action of bacteria, is reduced to humus, and the humus to nitrogen and mineral materials.
Explorers of Gor Book 13 Page 312
"In the agricultural satellites," said Pyrrhus, "a number of crops are grown, not blood food, but crops from which, suitably processed, nourishment may be obtained. We may arrange growing seasons, temperature, soil nutriments, light and darkness, and such, as we please. Thus we may have crops all year around in any fashion desired. There are no noxious insects, or such, either, to compete for the food, as we have not allowed their entry into the areas. Only such bacteria as are beneficial are admitted."
Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 127
I will also mention breeding lines.
And races are popular, those of slaves, male and female, of the lofty kaiila, of tharlarion of various sorts, four-legged and two-legged, ponderous and fleet, and of the broad-winged, fierce, mighty tarns. Breeding lines are often kept in such matters. Breeding fees for champion animals can be exorbitant.
Quarry of Gor Book 35 Page 271
