Twelfth Month
Passage Hand
Waiting Hand
Year 10,175 Contasta Ar

Love To

Here are relevant references from the Books where Love To is mentioned.
I make no pronouncements on these matters, but report them as I find them.
Arrive at your own conclusions.

I wish you well,

Click a heading to jump down to that listing.

Main Headings

Love To Be An Owner
Love To Be Dominated Helpless Yielding Begging Toy
Love To Crawl Naked
Love To Have Them Under Our Switches
Love To Kiss
Love To Kiss The Whip
Love To Kneel
Love To Lie On Straw
Love To Please
Love To Sell


Love To Be An Owner
To The Top

"I was thinking," I said, "that a man would love to have his collar on you."

She laughed merrily. "Perhaps," she said. "I am very beautiful."
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 314


Love To Be Dominated Helpless Yielding Begging Toy
To The Top

"The masters need not be concerned with our pleasures," said Corinna, "for we are slaves. They may slake their lusts upon us, peremptorily, and as they choose, unilaterally, without the least consideration for us, no more than for a sandal in which they might press their foot, for we are slaves. To be sure, they sometimes, for their amusement, are patient with us, inducing in us feelings we may not, and cannot, resist, feelings which transform us into helpless, rejoicing, sobbing, grateful, begging toys."

"I would," said the brunette, "be touched by my master, though he had no more interest in me or no more cared for me than a carpet beneath his feet. And if he would deign to be patient with me I would love to be his dominated, helpless, yielding, begging toy."
Kur of Gor     Book 28     Page 656

I am dominated, totally, and love it.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 516


Love To Crawl Naked
To The Top

"I would love to crawl naked and collared at his feet, cleaning them with my tongue, any time," said Mila.
Smugglers of Gor     Book 32     Page 366


Love To Have Them Under Our Switches
To The Top

"How we will love to have them under our switches," said another.

"We will teach them that they are now slaves," said another.
Conspirators of Gor     Book 31     Page 96


Love To Kiss
To The Top

"I love to kiss you," she said. Then she again put her head down on my belly.

"Do not stop, Slave," I said.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 367


Love To Kiss The Whip
To The Top

"You will be strong with me, will you not?" she asked. "You will make me do, and be, uncompromisingly, and as slave, what you want, will you not?"

"Yes," I said.

"Then I kiss your whip," she said, "and love it."
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Page 291


Love To Kneel
To The Top

How could he respect her if he knew she wanted to kneel, that she loved to kneel, as a helpless slave at his feet?
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 185

To me, as a natural slave, which I now knew myself to be, it felt right and proper to kneel. I loved to kneel.
Quarry of Gor     Book 35     Page 356


Love To Lie On Straw
To The Top

Twice we stopped at palisaded villages, those of simple bosk herders. I liked these stops, for there we would have fresh bosk milk, still hot, and would have a roof over our heads for a night, be it only of grass. These villagers would always spread fresh straw in the hut in which we would be chained for the night. It smelled clean, and was dry. I loved to lie on it, after the canvas spread over the hard boards of the wagons.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 70


Love To Please
To The Top

If the slave is in lock-gag, one understands, there are certain pleasures she is unable to give the master. Doubtless it was with respect to these pleasures that the remark of Nelsa had reference.

"I do not think that master would approve," whispered Ellen, frightened.

She would have loved to have pleased her master in this intimate fashion, and had dreamed of begging to do so, but Gart, or another, would surely be a different matter.

Giving the master such pleasures, and many others, is fitting for a slave.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Pages 134 - 135


Love To Sell
To The Top

"Oh, misery, for a poor merchant," said he. "I could have received sixteen for her and sold her for fifteen. Misery! But I cannot now renege upon my word, sadly enough, for I am a merchant of well-known integrity. Much as I would love to sell her to you for sixteen tarsks I must let her go to a previous buyer for fifteen. Such is occasionally the sad lot of one who has made the difficult choice, and will abide by it, of dealing straightforwardly and honestly with all men, whomsoever they may be."
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 129