Twelfth Month
Passage Hand
Waiting Hand
Year 10,175 Contasta Ar

Bazi Tea

I include this information to show that, instead of an intricate, complicated Bazi Tea serving ceremony, there is, in fact, no such thing.
Read and learn.
I make no pronouncements on these matters, but report them as I find them.
Arrive at your own conclusions.

I wish you well,

Book 10 comes closest to describing anything approaching a 'serve'.

"Make me tea," I said.

Lifting her skirt the girl went to the tent, to make tea. Far off I could see a subtle, almost invisible lifting of dust. The raiders were returning.

I went to the tent, and, on one of the mats, near its entrance, sat down, cross-legged.

I brushed back the hood of the burnoose. It was hot. There is an almost constant hot wind in the Tahari.

"I feared, when first I saw you," said the girl, measuring the tea, from a tiny tin box, "that you had come to carry me off. But, I suppose, had that been your intention, you would have already done so."
. . .

She looked up. "You, yourself," she said, "have made me make your tea."

"Is it ready?" I asked. I looked at the tiny copper kettle on the small stand. A tiny kaiila-dung fire burned under it. A small, heavy, curved glass was nearby, on a flat box, which would hold some two ounces of the tea. Bazi tea is drunk in tiny glasses, usually three at a time, carefully measured. She did not make herself tea, of course.
. . .

She lifted the kettle from the fire and, carefully, poured me a tiny glass of tea.

I took the glass.
. . .

"You must flee!" she said. "They may kill you if they find you here!"

"I have not finished my tea," I said.

"Is it - is it," she said, standing, uncertainly, "your intention to do harm to my master?"

"I have business with him," I said, simply.

She backed away. I set the tea down on the sand, between two mats, beside me. I did not think it would spill.
. . .

The leader resheathed his scimitar and, lightly, dismounted from the kaiila.

I returned to the mats, sat again cross-legged upon them, and picked up my small glass of tea, which I had not yet finished.

He entered the tent, bending down.

"Tea is ready," I said to him.

He went to the back of the tent and, with a knife, freed Alyena of her restraints. She looked up at him, terrified. But he was not irritated with her. It is nothing for a man to overpower a female.

"Serve us tea," he said.

Trembling she measured him a tiny glass of tea. His men stood outside, wary.

"The tea is excellent," I said.
. . .

"Alyena!" he called.

The girl came running to him, and knelt before him. "Yes, Master," she said.

"Give us more tea," said Hassan.

"Yes, Master," she said.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Pages 139 - 148

Only one other instance, in Book 12 . . .

Another figure emerged from the tent, a woman, Tatkut, or Wick-Trimmer, the woman of Kadluk, the mother of Poalu. She smiled up at me and bowed slightly, and handed me a cup of tea.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 212

That's it. That is all the Books say in describing a Bazi Tea Ceremony.
For me, that is all the proof I need.
You can make believe anything else you'd like.

Supporting References

To the oases caravans bring various goods, for example, rep-cloth, embroidered cloths, silks, rugs, silver, gold, jewelries, mirrors, kailiauk tusk, perfumes, hides, skins, feathers, precious woods, tools, needles, worked leather goods, salt, nuts and spices, jungle birds, prized as pets, weapons, rough woods, sheets of tin and copper, the tea of Bazi, wool from the bounding Hurt, decorated, beaded whips, female slaves, and many other forms of merchandise.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 37

Meat, hides, and animal-hair cloth are furnished to the oases by the nomads. In turn, from the oases the nomads receive, most importantly, Sa-Tarna grain and the Bazi tea. They receive, as well, of course, other trade goods.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 37

Tea is extremely important to the nomads. It is served hot and heavily sugared. It gives them strength then, in virtue of the sugar, and cools them, by making them sweat, as well as stimulating them. It is drunk three small cups at a time, carefully measured.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 38

I had feasted well. I had, had verr meat, cut in chunks and threaded on a metal rod, with slices of peppers and larma, and roasted; vulo stew with raisins, nuts, onions and honey; a kort with melted cheese and nutmeg, hot Bazi tea, sugared, and, later, Turian wine.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Pages 47 - 48

From time to time the caravan stopped and, boiling water over tiny fires, we made tea.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 72

The smell, too, of Bazi tea was clear.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 116

"He," acknowledged the desert raider. "Now let us have more tea."
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 150

Then he said to Alyena, "Make tea."
"Yes, Master," she said, happily.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 168

The boy looked at him and laughed. "Your slave, Raider," said he, indicating the irritated Alyena, now again mounted, well vexed, on her kaiila, "apparently makes your tea too strong."
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 172

Usually an Aretai merchant, selling small goods, would visit the tents of the Khan of the Tajuks, the black kaffiyeh and white agal cording guaranteeing him safe passage, and, at the campfire of the Khan, after his trading, while drinking tea, would say, "I have heard that the Aretai are gathering for war."
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 302

Haroun smiled. "Let us discuss these matters over small cups of Bazi tea at the end of the day," he suggested.

"There are more important matters to attend to at the moment."

Suleiman grinned. "Lead on, sleen of a Kavar," he said. "You have the audacity of Hassan the bandit, to whom you bear a striking resemblance."

"I have been told that," said Haroun. "He must be a dashing, handsome fellow."

"That matter may be discussed over small cups of Bazi tea at the end of the day," said Suleiman, looking narrowly at Haroun.

"True," said Haroun.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Pages 325 - 326

"Red hunters of the polar basin, trading for tea and sugar, have reported the failure of the herd to appear."
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 36

The sled was heavily laden, but with little gold. More significant to Imnak had been sugars and Bazi tea, and furs and tools.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 176

"Make us tea, Arlene," I said.
"Yes, Master," she said.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 199

Hot Bazi tea I wanted. This is an important trade item in the north. I now knew why. The southern sugars are also popular. I had originally supposed this was because of their sweetness, there being few sweet items, save some berries, in the north. I now began to suspect that the calories of the sugars also played their role in their popularity.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 206

"Well," I said, "let us return to the tent. The tabuk are gone and I am soaked and freezing. I will well relish a hot cup of Bazi tea."

"Ah, my friend," said Imnak, sadly, "I am sorry there is no Bazi tea."

"True," said Imnak, "but now there is not."

"You used the tea to buy Poalu?" I asked.

Imnak looked at me, horrified. "I made a gift to Kadluk," he said.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 209

Another figure emerged from the tent, a woman, Tatkut, or Wick-Trimmer, the woman of Kadluk, the mother of Poalu. She smiled up at me and bowed slightly, and handed me a cup of tea.

"Thank you," I said, and drank the tea.

After a time she returned and I handed her back the cup. "Thank you again," I said.

She smiled, and nodded, and returned to the tent.

Imnak sidled up to me. He was looking worried. "It should not take this long to carry a girl off," he whispered. I nodded.

"It should not take this long to carry a girl off," I called. Imnak backed away, expectantly.

Inside the tent then we heard an argument in course. There was much expostulation. I could make out Poalu's voice, and that of Kadluk and Tatkut. They spoke in their own tongue and I could pick up but few of the words. I did hear the expression for Bazi tea a few times. I gathered that Kadluk had little intention, or desire at any rate, to return Imnak's quantities of Bazi tea, or other gifts, to him.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 212

We in Imnak's tent could use that Bazi tea, those furs and the tabuk steaks.
. . .
Imnak unhitched Thimble, Thistle and Arlene. They stood about, puzzled. He then turned and left the vicinity of the tent. "Would you like more tea?" asked Tatkut.
"Yes, thank you," I said. I was at least getting some of the tea back which Imnak had given to Kadluk.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 215

"Well, let us go home then," I said, "for I have drunk enough tea at the tent of Kadluk and evaded enough missiles to last me for several years."
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 217

"It is my guess," I said, "that both Thimble and yourself will be traded south next spring for tea and sugar."

"Traded! For tea and sugar!" she said.

"Yes," I said.

"Audrey Brewster sold for tea and sugar!" she said.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 239

I was very cold. I would like some tea when we returned to camp.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 259

"Do you have Bazi tea?" asked Akko. "Do you have sugar?" asked Naartok. The word 'Naartok' in the language of the Innuit means 'Fat Belly'. In many cases there is no particular correspondence between the name and the individual. In Naartok's case, however, the name was not inappropriate. He was a plump, jolly fellow with a weakness for sweets prodigious even among red hunters.

"Yes," said Ram, "I have tea and sugars. And I have mirrors, and beads and knives, and many other trade goods."
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 294

I sipped my Bazi tea, and looked at him, over the rim of the bowl. He, too, looked at me, and sipped his tea.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 304

I put aside my tea. "Fetch my pouch," I said to Arlene.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 305

Karjuk sipped his tea.
"I, too, of course, will accompany you," said Ram.
"Will you trade Bazi tea to the ice beasts?" I asked.
"I am coming," said Ram.
"Very well, my friend," I said. I looked at Karjuk. "When shah we leave?" I asked Karjuk.
"I must finish my tea," he said, "and then sleep. We may then leave."
. . .
He finished his tea and then crawled into furs on the sleeping platform. The others, too, prepared to retire.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 306

There were three sleds in our party. Karjuk had his own, and his own snow sleen. The second sled was Imnak's, and the third was Ram's, brought with him from the south, which the men of the permanent camp had drawn to the camp for him. Imnak's sled was drawn by a snow s een borrowed from his friend, Akko, and Ram's sled was drawn by another snow sleen, replacing the one the Kur had slain outside the camp, He had purchased it from Naartok for Bazi tea.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 318

We lined up, single-file, at his counter. There was a cup and a pitcher of Bazi tea on the counter. Bazi tea is a common beverage on Gor. Many Goreans are fond of it. I was last in line. He took our disks from the out-board and hung them, one by one, in their places, on the in-board.

"You had best hurry along and get something to eat," he told us.

"Yes, Master," we said. "Thank you, Master."

Along the corridor a bit I turned and watched him lock the agency door. This was fastened with two bars and locks. I then watched him swing shut and lock the gate to our corridor. He then returned to his place behind the counter. From somewhere behind the counter he took out a wrapper and placed it on the counter. It contained a lunch. He also poured himself a cup of Bazi tea. He then began to eat.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 332

"They are best with salt," said Lecchio. He then repeated the test, and bit each of the coins carefully, thoughtfully, expertly, not hurrying, as a connoisseur might sample varieties of Bazi tea or fine wines.
Players of Gor     Book 20     Page 298

The real attendant was probably upstairs in the paga room, enjoying cakes and Bazi tea, a breakfast popular with Goreans on holidays.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Page 117

"Away!" I cried. "Away!" I did not stop to consider until later that it was not likely the ul could understand Gorean. After all, I was now dealing with my own case. As everyone knows, one's own case is always different, in many ways, from that of others. Besides, what did one expect one to say, say, "Come over here, old chap. Shall we have tea?" or something along those lines. Certainly not.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 183

"Targo will be returning from his tea," said the girl to her left. "I do not know where Barzak is.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 209

In his other hand he held a small metal bowl.
When she had finished the bread, he put one hand behind the back of her head and held the small bowl to her lips. "This is Bazi tea," he said.
He helped her to drink. The tea was not hot, but it was strong, and flavorful.
. . .
This man did not seem unkind.
He had fed her, and given her tea.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 212

"I was having tea!" said the portly fellow in blue and yellow robes, Targo, who seemed to be Master.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 213

She had been given bread and tea by Targo in the afternoon.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 250

Targo returned after a time, perhaps having had his tea.
Prize of Gor     Book 27     Page 257

I had insisted on a strong Bazi tea, for all of us. The reason for this would become clear presently. Within the Ahn, I would be leaving the tavern and possibly entering into the darkness outside, and I suspected I knew what that darkness might hold. Should I fail to dissuade my friends from accompanying me, as I feared I might, I wanted every nerve and reflex in each of us to be tense, vigilant, aware, and alive.
. . .

"Tea, Masters," said Cora, returning to the table.

While she arranged the cups, we were silent.

She rose to her feet.

"Slave," I said.

"Master?" she said.

"While we wait for our tea to cool," I said, "perhaps you might, amongst your various duties, fill a pan with water, and take it outside the tavern, and cast it into the gutter, following which you might return and inform us if you have noted anything unusual in the vicinity."

"Yes, Master," she said, and withdrew.

I sipped my tea.
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 284

"I do not know that group," said the Peasant. "I did, once in Ar, sip a Bazi tea."

"I trust you enjoyed it," said Xanthe.

"I did," he said.

"There are hundreds of blends," said Xanthe.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 444