![]() Path of Stones, a metaphor - by Master Krymsun Forward Over 20 years ago, in response to a request, I wrote a piece for an online Gorean publication. Though I haven't visited Gor (online, via mIRC) in years, I thought today to submit it here to invite opinions. So, here it is: la`dina{Seij}c/o portal@straynet.com January 1, 2003 Master, i need an essay for the next issue of the the Gorean Portal Press; feel like writing one? you would have almost a week the path of Stones, then.. what is that, Master? an allegory oh.. it's not for the next issue, but the one after.. so you have TWO weeks! ============================================== The Path of Stones, a metaphor - Most folk have encountered, at some time, a path of stones set in a pattern enabling one to walk through, for instance, a garden. I have more than once remarked to a girl, that her journey into and through the world of Gor was akin to being on such a path. Her steps along the way were sometimes as on stones that were solid, warm, smooth, and easily take her tread, welcoming her foot; some were more like stepping on stones that were rough, cold, unsteady, or otherwise unpleasant on which to step. The easy steps are pleasant, but from which we take little, than the happy passage they grant. The ones from which the most is gained and learned are those that are the more difficult. In looking back at our path, we can see those steps that were simple, close, not much of a stretch, easily seen and accepted, clearly pointed out or perceived, toward which we needed little urging. Some steps are not; some are less obvious, or harder to reach, and gained only with significant effort. Sometimes the stones of the path are as boulders, steep impediments that must be climbed, but once surmounted, grant not only the satisfaction of the achievement, but the confidence to attempt, and attain yet loftier heights. Easy or difficult, smooth or rough, warm or cold, solid or unsteady, all of the stones of the path are necessary steps along the path that brings one to where she is, in her journey. When a girl considers this, she should keep in mind that there are oft alternate paths, some easier than others. An easy path may be laid out to avoid difficult terrain, wandering and meandering about, taking gentle grades, while a more direct path, 'as the crow files', will encounter a more challenging way, but mayhap by which she can achieve her goal the sooner. Small steps are oft required, and she may falter, especially when diffidently starting upon a new, unfamiliar way, but soon it will be learned that more ground is gained when the step to the next 'stone' is a longer stride away, requiring more effort, focus, determination, courage. Steps along such a path are much easier, when you've a hand to hold. Someone to guide, sustain and encourage you, particularly along the more difficult portions of the trail, can make all the difference. Some big steps look at first impossible, as if across a chasm, requiring a leap of faith to cross the hurdle and attain the safety of welcoming arms, when past the formidable obstacle, and then in retrospect, will seem more as a moment of flying, than a nervous jump. As on many a journey, one may sometimes find accompaniment, proceeding along among a crowd of others, sharing the way, in converse and merriment. At times, the path is shared with but one, and the way is still not lonely, but can be the better braved, when shared with another, be it sister or Owner. Wandering alone, one can be lost, uncertain of the way forward, making little progress, fearful of the darker places, unsure of where to seek the way, find a roof under which to shelter, a fire by which to take warmth and comfort. Parts of Gor can be forbidding territory, unwelcoming, threatening, hostile. Many choices of turn-offs can confront one, with few signposts to indicate which may lead to an enjoyable place and which, into danger; the uncertainty of inexperience can make most quite daunting. Some seem to require a steep toll, more than can be easily afforded or readily offered, of self, and heart, and effort, and trust, especially when one is unaware of how much of such one has, something as difficult to gauge as the extent of the forest, when one is in the midst of the trees. Still the risk may seem great and the reward uncertain, but for Gor to be such a populous place, there must be some draw, some attraction, some reason to quest about in this place, among those who would not grant a girl modesty, yet still can gift her thrilling joy. There is more to consider in this 'path of stones', when speaking of Gor, where a simple stone has special meaning. In its common language, a 'gor' is a stone, and yet more: a rock which One may take as His Own, and makes about it His Home, and defends with His life, as that dearest to Him. 'Home' may refer to residence, be it but a small shelter of a hovel or a grand palace, or to his hamlet, city, region, nation, or entire world, and contain all that is dear to Him: His caste, His slave, His family, friends, community, tribe, and more. The path through Gor for the slavegirl is also one of passing from her own lonesome individuality, to meeting with others, finding her place among them, Free and slave alike, among whom she may find those who will guide and teach her, bringing her to a fuller understanding that there is more to life than personal pleasure; service, and pleasing others till, finding that One, before Whom she cannot but fall to her knees in abject humility, she begs to be owned, and finds her true place, and an end and a beginning to her quest. It is said that, when speaking of a gor, a Home Stone, or of Gor, the planet and its society, One should stand, in honor of that for which a Gorean should be willing to give all. A slave also should be ready, willing and able to give all, for to do less is to live life at less than its fullest. For life to have real scope, depth, breadth, and width, and not be a shallow, narrow experience, one should brave fear, and best doubt, ever contesting against the dark. Life is not gaining a destination, as the destiny is in the quest, the journey; the trip through each passage should be savored, and appreciated for each new vista achieved, each lesson gained, each hurdle passed, each obstacle surmounted. It is said that pain is the best teacher, the hardest lessons teach the most, and the most difficult quest is the most worthy; therefore gather courage, and venture forth, braving the unknown, for in it is all that of which one may wish, dream and desire. Grateful Dead Ripple Lyrics: There is a road, no simple highway, Between the dawn and the dark of night, And if you go, no one may follow, That path is for your steps alone. You who choose to lead must follow But if you fall, you fall alone. If you should stand, then who's to guide you? If I knew the way, I would take you home. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |