d ~ The Gorean Cave ~ Civil Law: Administrator

Eleventh Month
Passage Hand
Year 10,175 Contasta Ar


This is a narrative and relevant references from the Books where an Administrator is mentioned.
I make no pronouncements on these matters, but report them as I find them.
Arrive at your own conclusions.

I wish you well,

The Administrator is usually one of the Caste of Warriors but any of the High Castes can hold this position. One specific example is Kazrak who was of the Caste of Builders. In fact, in some cities on the perimeter of the Barrens, is not unusual that the Administrator is of the Merchants.

The lower castes do not elect the Administrator. The Administrator is appointed by the High Council or Council of Castes; to which body, in theory, they are responsible.

There are two systems of courts on Gor, those of the City, under the jurisdiction of an Administrator or Ubar, and those of the Initiates, under the jurisdiction of the High Initiate of the given city.

The Administrator is the supreme civil official.

He has the authority to settle civil and economic matters, such as reform of the courts and laws and controls and regulations pertaining to commerce. This includes the licensing and taxing of places such as public auction houses. He may ban or implement events such as contests.

The Administrator has the authority to declare a person to be a Warrior of the city.

The Administrator can develop an alliance with or against other cities and sign treaties.

The Administrator may make use of a diplomatic agent, invested with full power and authority to transact business on his behalf.

The Administrator will typically put aside the color of his Caste and instead, wear the robe of state, which is a plain brown garment including a brown cloak.

The Administrator may want to make use of a personal guard or guards. These would be an elite corps of swordsmen and bowmen, carefully selected, specially trained and independent of the general military organizations of the city.

One other duty of the Administrator is to, at dawn on the first day of En'Kara, in the name of the city, greet the sun, welcoming it to the city on the first day of the New Year.

Typically, each city keeps track of time by virtue of its own Administrator Lists; for example, a year is referred to as the Second Year when so-and-so was Administrator of the city.

Here now are the names of the Administrators, listed alphabetically: Click Here

Supporting References

"The High Castes in a given city," said my father, "elect an administrator and council for stated terms. In times of crisis, a war chief, or Ubar, is named, who rules without check and by decree until, in his judgment, the crisis is passed."
Tarnsman of Gor     Book 1     Page 42

In your veins must flow the blood of your father, once Ubar, War Chieftain, now Administrator of Ko-ro-ba, this City of Cylinders."
I was surprised, for this was the first time I had known that my father had been War Chieftain of the city, or that he was even now its supreme civil official, for that matter, that the city was named Ko-ro-ba, a now archaic expression for a village market.
Tarnsman of Gor     Book 1     Page 58

In the center of the amphitheater was a throne of office, and on this throne, in his robe of state - a plain brown garment, the humblest cloth in the hall - sat my father, Administrator of Ko-ro-ba, once Ubar, War Chieftain of the city.
Tarnsman of Gor     Book 1     Page 62

"Then," said my father, placing his hands solemnly on my shoulders, "in virtue of my authority as Administrator of this City and in the presence of the Council of High Castes, I declare you to be a Warrior of Ko-ro-ba."
Tarnsman of Gor     Book 1     Page 63

My father, in his office as Administrator of Ko-ro-ba, had attempted to develop an alliance against Ar, but the free cities of Gor had, in their pride and suspicion, their almost fanatical commitment to protecting their own independent destinies, refused the alliance. Indeed, they had, in the fashion of Gor, driven my father's envoys from their Council Chambers with the whips normally used on slaves, an insult which, at another time, would have been answered by the War Call of Ko-ro-ba. But, as my father knew, strife among the free cities would be the very madness which Marlenus of Ar would welcome most; better even that Ko-ro-ba should suffer the indignity of being thought a city of cowards.
Tarnsman of Gor     Book 1     Page 66

There are two systems of courts on Gor those of the City, under the jurisdiction of an Administrator or Ubar, and those of the Initiates, under the jurisdiction of the High Initiate of the given city; the division corresponds roughly to that between civil and what, for lack of a better word, might be called ecclesiastical courts. The areas of jurisdiction of these two types of courts are not well defined; the Initiates claim ultimate jurisdiction in all matters, in virtue of their supposed relation to the Priest-Kings, but this claim is challenged by civil jurists.
Tarnsman of Gor     Book 1     Page 194

The free cities of Gor appointed Kazrak, my sword brother, to be temporary administrator of Ar, for it was he who, with the help of my father and Sana of Thentis, had rallied the cities to raise the siege. His appointment was confirmed by Ar's Council of High Castes, and his popularity in the city is such that it seems probable that in the future the office will be his by free election. In Ar democracy is a long-forgotten way of life that will require careful remembering.
Tarnsman of Gor     Book 1     Page 216

Chronology, incidentally, is the despair of scholars on Gor, for each city keeps track of time by virtue of its own Administrator Lists; for example, a year is referred to as the Second Year when so-and-so was Administrator of the city.
Outlaw of Gor     Book 2     Page 178

Such contests, in which life is lost, used to be popular at Ar, for example, being sponsored in that city by the Caste of Initiates, who regard themselves as being intermediaries between Priest-Kings and men, though I suspect that, at least on the whole, they know as little about the Priest-Kings as do other men. These contests, it might be mentioned, were banned in Ar when Kazrak of Port Kar became administrator of that city.
Priest-Kings of Gor     Book 3     Page 11

On Gor, incidentally, chairs have special significance, and do not often occur in private dwellings. They tend to be reserved for significant personages, such as administrators and judges.
Priest-Kings of Gor     Book 3     Page 45

The Administrator, however, would not be uninformed. His presence at the banquet was felt in the person of his plenipotentiary, Kamras, of the Caste of Warriors, a captain, said to be Champion of Turia.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 83

There were three who stood near the pyre; one wore the brown robes of the Administrator of a City, the humblest robes in the city, and was hooded;
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 3

Kazrak, who had been Administrator of the City for several years, had finally been deposed, largely due to the agitations of certain factions among the Initiates and Merchants, who had had their various grievances against the Administrator. Kazrak had offended the Caste of Initiates primarily by levying taxes on their vast holdings throughout the city and upon occasion upholding the rulings of the administrative courts over the courts of the Initiates. The Initiates, in their interpretations of sacrifices and in their preachments, primarily to the low castes, had led many of the city to fear that Kazrak might not long enjoy the favor of the Priest-Kings. After the murder of Om, who had been on tolerable terms with the Administrator, the new High Initiate, Complicius Serenus, in studying the omens of the white bosk slain at the Harvest Feast had, to his apparent horror, discovered that they had stood against Kazrak. Other Initiates wished to examine these omens, being read in the state of the bosk's liver, but Complicius Serenus, as though in terror, had cast the liver into the fire, presumably that such dark portents might be immediately destroyed. He had then collapsed weeping on the pillar of sacrifice, for it was well known that he had been a beloved friend of the Administrator. It was from this time that Kazrak might clearly have been said, particularly among the lower castes, to have lost the confidence of the city. He was further in danger by virtue of his controlling measures restricting certain monopolies important to certain factions among the Merchants, in particular those having to do with the manufacture of bricks, and the distribution of salt and tharlarion oil. He had further imposed restrictions on the games and contests of Ar, such that the loss of life had become infrequent, even among competing slaves. It was argued that the citizens of Ar could scarcely remain strong and fearless unless accustomed to the sight of blood, of danger and death. And since Kazrak was originally, perhaps surprisingly, of Port Kar, a city not on particularly good terms with Ar, or any other Gorean city, there was the hint of sedition in such matters. Moreover, Kazrak had been one of the leaders of the forces that had preserved Ar in the time of its troubles with Pa-Kur, master of the Assassins; as the tale was now told in the Streets, the men of Ar themselves, alone, had overthrown the invader; Kazrak seemed a living reminder that Glorious Ar had once needed the aid of other cities, and men other than her own.
Whereas it is only the men of high caste who elect members to the Council of the City, the gold of merchants and the will of the general populace is seldom disregarded in their choices. Accordingly, Kazrak of Port Kar, for years Administrator of Ar, was by vote deposed and banished from the city, being publicly denied salt, bread and fire, as had been Marlenus, long years before him, once Ubar of Ar. Kazrak, with loyal followers, and the beautiful Sana of Thentis, his consort, had left the city months before. Their whereabouts were unknown, but it was thought they had hoped to found a colony on one of the islands of Thassa, farther north than even Cos and Tyros. The new Administrator of Ar was a man named Minus Tentius Hinrabius, an unimportant man except for being of the Hinrabian family, prominent among the Builders, having the major holdings in the vast, walled Hinrabian kilns, where much of Ar's brick is produced.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Pages 15 - 16

"Those of this house stand near the Administrator, and the High Initiate," said Portus.
"What do you mean?" asked Kuurus.
"The gold of this house is heavy in the councils of the city."
"The Administrator and the High Initiate," asked Kuurus, "owe their thrones to the gold of this house?"
Portus laughed bitterly. "Without the gold of this house, how could the Administrator and the High Initiate have sponsored the races and the games that won them the favor of the lower castes?"
"But the lower castes do not elect the Administrator or the High Initiate," said Kuurus. "The Administrator is appointed by the High Council of the City and the High initiate by the High Council of the Initiates of the City."
"These councils," said Portus scornfully, "know well the way the lower castes yelp in the tiers." He snorted. "And there are many in the High Councils of the city who, if forced to decide between the steel of the hook knife and the feel of gold in their pouch, will choose gold to steel."
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Pages 18 - 19

Although there are some private show and sales rooms in the House of Cernus, and private auctions and exhibitions, intended to interest prospective clients, are held, most slaves, of the House of Cernus and others, are sold in one of the five public auction houses, licensed and taxed by the Administrator of Ar.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 112

The Warriors who flanked the Administrator and High Initiate, incidentally, were Taurentians, members of the palace guard, an elite corps of swordsmen and bowmen, carefully selected, specially trained, independent of the general military organizations of the city. Their leader, or Captain, was Saphronicus, a mercenary from Tyros. I could see him a few feet behind the throne, wrapped in a scarlet cloak, a tall, spare man, long-armed and narrow-faced, whose head moved restlessly, surveying the crowd.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 140

Kazrak, who had been Administrator of the City for several years, had been popular but his straightforward attention, after he had put aside the Red of the Warrior and donned the Brown of the Administrator, to numerous and complex civil and economic matters, such as reform of the courts and laws and controls and regulations pertaining to commerce, had not been such as to inspire the general enthusiasm of the common citizens of Ar, in particular those who remembered with nostalgia the glories and splendors of the reign of Marlenus, that larl of a man, that magnificent Warrior, vain and self-centered, powerful, conceited, yet a dreamer of dreams, of a world undivided and safe for men, a world united, be it at the point of the swords of Ar.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Pages 142 - 143

Then, at dawn, on the first day of En'Kara, in the name of the city, the Administrator of Ar, or a Ubar if it be Ubar, greets the sun, welcoming it to Ar on the first day of the New Year.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 211

Once in a Paga tavern I heard a man, whom I recognized to be one of the guards from the iron pens, though now in the tunic of a Leather Worker, declaring that the city needed for its Administrator not a Builder but a Warrior, that law would again prevail.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 231

"Surely you recognize," asked Scormus, curiously, looking up at him, "the Two Spearman variation of the Ubar's Scribe's Defense, developed by Miles of Cos and first used in the tournament at Tor held during the Second Passage Hand of the third year of the Administrator Heraklites?"
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Pages 328 - 329

It was the fourth day of the sixth passage hand, shortly before the Autumnal Equinox, which in the common Gorean calendar begins the month of Se'Kara. In the calendar of Ko-ro-ba, which, like most Gorean cities, marks years by its Administrator Lists, it would be the eleventh year of the administration of my father, Matthew Cabot. In the calendar of Ar, for those it might interest, it was the first year of the restoration of Marlenus, Ubar of Ubars, but, more usefully for the purposes of consolidating the normal chaos of Gorean chronology, it was the year 10,119 Contasta Ar, that is, from the founding of Ar.
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Pages 1 - 2

"I am Aelgifu," said the large girl. "I am the daughter of Gurt of Kassau. He is administrator. There will be ransom money for me."
Marauders of Gor     Book 9     Page 45

The Forkbeard fingered the silver chain of office, looped about his neck, which he had taken from the administrator of Kassau.
Marauders of Gor     Book 9     Page 77

"The well of the fourth passage hand," I told him. Water, more than a century ago, had been struck there, during the fourth passage hand, in the third year of the Administrator Shiraz, then Bey of Tor.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Page 83

The Lady Sabina, I learned from Eta, was pledged by her father, Kleomenes, a pretentious, but powerful, upstart merchant of Fortress of Saphronicus, to Thandar of Ti, of the Warriors, youngest of the five sons of Ebullius Gaius Cassius, of the Warriors, Administrator of Ti, this done in a Companion Contract, arranged by both Ebullius Gaius Cassius and Kleomenes, to which had now been set the seals of both Ti and Fortress of Saphronicus. The pledged companions, the Lady Sabina of Fortress of Saphronicus and Thandar of Ti, of the Four Cities of Saleria, of the Salerian Confederation, had, as yet, according to Eta, never laid eyes on one another, the matter of their match having been arranged between their respective fathers, as is not uncommon in Gorean custom.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 111

Most Gorean cities are governed by an executive, the Administrator, in conjunction with the high council.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 114

I saw now upon the stage Reginald of Ti, who was the elected administrator of the caste of players.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 85

I looked about the table. Seven men, including myself, were present, Glyco, high merchant of Port Cos; Tasdron, Administrator of Victoria; Aemilianus, leader of the naval forces of Ar upon the Vosk; Calliodorus, captain of the Tais; and my friends, Callimachus and Miles of Vonda, who had brought with him his slave, Florence.
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Page 232

"To the Vosk League!" we said, fervently.
Two of the men at the table had been signatories to the treaty of the Vosk League, solemnly signed under festive canopies on the wharves of Victoria yesterday at the tenth Ahn, Glyco, who had signed on behalf of Port Cos, and Tasdron, Administrator of Victoria, who had signed on behalf of Victoria. In all, nineteen towns had become members of the league,
Guardsman of Gor     Book 16     Page 235

I had spent a night on the road and had arrived in Kailiauk, hungry and muddy, yesterday, shortly after the tenth Ahn, the Gorean noon. Indeed, I had heard the striking of the time bar, mounted on the roof of the Administrator's store, as I had approached the town's outskirts. In Kailiauk, as is not unusual in the towns of the perimeter, the Administrator is of the Merchants.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 93

This morning, at the Five Horns stables, in Kailiauk, I had bought two kaiila. Bridles, a saddle, various sorts of gear, supplies, and trading goods, too, I had purchased in the town, at the store of Publius Crassus, of the Merchants, who is also Kailiauk's Administrator.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Page 96

"Do you still have the second bundle, unopened, and the letter from Menicius, Administrator of Corcyrus, in your possession?" asked Claudius of Hassan.
Kajira of Gor     Book 19     Page 378

At dawn on the day of the vernal equinox a ceremonial greeting of the sun takes place, conducted usually by the Ubar or administrator of the city.
Players of Gor     Book 20     Page 10

In the houses of administrators, in the domiciles of high merchants, in the palaces of Ubars, for example, slaves, and usually beautiful ones, for they can afford them, are often abundant.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 22

"That is the central cylinder of Torcadino," he said, "the administrative headquarters of her first executive, whether it be Administrator or Ubar."
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 127

"What of Seremides, the high general?" I asked. "Might he not ascend the throne?"
"Unthinkable," said the man. "He is as loyal as the stones of the Central Cylinder itself."
"I see," I said. My question had not been prompted, of course, merely by the obvious consideration that the Ubar's cloak might seem an attractive prize to a strong, ambitious man, but by the sober understanding that Ar was in a situation of crisis, whether she knew it or not. In such times, of course, in the light of the failures and ineffectuality of an inept civilian administration, it is not unknown for military men, seeing what must be done, simply responding to the imperatives of survival, to take power and attempt to instill the will, the discipline and order without which catastrophe cannot be diverted.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 264

He was not wearing the purple of the Ubar, but his shoulders were covered with a brown cloak, rather of the sort worn by Administrators in certain cities, civilian statesmen, servants of the people, so to speak.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 288

The ruler in Tharna, paradoxically, was for several years a Tatrix, Lara. To be sure, she herself apparently had some understanding of what it was to be a female slave. It seems it had once been taught to her. I had heard, incidentally, a few months ago, in Port Cos, from a Tharnan silver merchant, that Lara had abdicated. Perhaps her abdication was in the best interests of the city. I do not know. Doubtless it ended something of a political tension in the city, and I take it that Tharna now, under the governance of its councils, and its administrator, Kron, has at last achieved a commendable political consistency.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 268

Gnieus Lelius, it seems, had been deposed, and Seremides, in a military coup he himself characterized as regrettable, had seized temporary power, a power to be wielded until the High Council, now the highest civilian authority in Ar, could elect a new leader, be it Administrator, Regent, Ubar or Ubara.
Magicians of Gor     Book 25     Page 83

The Initiates are sometimes thought of as the highest of the five high castes, and the Warriors commonly produce the administrators and ubars for a city.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 225

"Once Claudia Tentia Hinrabia," I said, "the last of the Hinrabians." Claudius Tentius Hinrabius had been an administrator of Ar, later deposed. He who acceded to the rule of Ar had been Cernus, in effect, a usurper."
Swordsmen of Gor     Book 29     Page 271

Claudia Tentia Hinrabia, once the daughter of an Administrator of Ar, was one such.
Mariners of Gor     Book 30     Page 40

Brundisium has no Administrator and no Ubar. It is ruled by a Merchant Council, with its day to day affairs managed by an executive committee, chief of which is the harbor master.
Mariners of Gor     Book 30     Page 493

Common governance on Gor is in terms of Administrators or Ubars. Administrators, in the high cities, are usually appointed by the Council of Castes; to which body, in theory, they are responsible.
. . .
I have spoken of Lysander as a tyrant, though he referred to himself genially, as an Administrator, a humble servant of the people. He was, in effect, a strong man, of considerable economic power, who, by means of a coalition of personal supporters, mercenaries, and the military, controlled the city. I speak of a "tyrant" in the sense that there was no legal limit of a tenure in office involved nor any familiar, established, legal mechanism for removing from office. In a sense the tyrant is, for most practical purposes, a Ubar. To be sure, he does not bear that title. The word 'tyrant', I should mention, carries in itself no negative sense. Many "tyrants" are effective governors and enjoy popular support. The word in Gorean is 'tyrannos', and some tyrants do not eschew the word.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 150

"My dear Phyllis," said Lysander, Administrator of Market of Semris. I froze in terror, and went immediately to my knees, my head to the floor. I had been addressed by the high master himself.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 162

"Hold! Hold up your beasts! Hold! Inspection, inspection, in the name of the Administrator!"
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 172

"Recently," said Kurik, "at the behest of Decius Albus, I, in the guise of a merchant envoy from a mythical city, Mytilene, was introduced in, and entertained in, the Commerce Court, one of the receiving courts of the palace, and there, in that guise, met numerous officiaries, administrators, dignitaries, guests, clerks, and such, most having one thing or another to do with the commerce of Ar.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 476

"I have noted," called out Decius Albus, waving the goblet about, "that some of you, my dear friends of Ar, administrators and magistrates, companions and colleagues, have witnessed the pleasures of our friends with but subdued enthusiasm.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Pages 548 - 549

"But," said Archelaos, "let us dismiss false rumors as the wretched canards they are, while, in all justice, acknowledging that it is not inappropriate for worthy folk posted far from civilization to seek to compensate in some manner, however minimal, for their isolation and remoteness. How is one to occupy one's time? Has not many an administrator, a general, and even an occasional Admiral, returned wealthy from the wilderness?"
Avengers of Gor     Book 36     Page 55

"Why should I believe you?" asked Thrasymedes, portly administrator of Mytilene.
Avengers of Gor     Book 36     Page 248

"If what you say is true," said Thrasymedes, Administrator of Mytilene, "why are you here? You would put yourself in peril."
Avengers of Gor     Book 36     Page 249

"Thank, too," I said, "yourself, the brave and august Thrasymedes, Administrator in Mytilene, and the noble citizens of Mytilene who withstood the terrors of a long and hard-pressed siege, even the harrows of incipient starvation."
Avengers of Gor     Book 36     Page 308

"During the Occupation of Ar," I said, "did you not acquire the former Claudia Tentia Hinrabia, the daughter of the former Administrator of Ar, Minus Tentia Hinrabius, as a slave?"
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 67

Inside the gate, and to the side, I spoke to him. "Surely," I said, "the gatesmen do not keep all the money they collect."

It seemed that, if so, they would be fabulously wealthy.

"Certainly not," said the Baker. "It is others who grow rich."

"Assassins," I asked, "administrators, officers, beasts, trade advisors?"

"I do not know," he said.
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 165

"Did not you yourself," snarled Decius Albus, who was clearly displeased at the turn the examination had taken, "lead away the former Claudia Tentia Hinrabia, the daughter of the former Administrator of Ar, Minus Tentia Hinrabius, as a slave?"

"Certainly," said Myron, "and she is amongst the most delicious of my beasts."
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 321

Finally Hemartius spoke. "I have little to say," he said. "I grieve. I have failed my client. I would only urge the jury to consider an obvious truth. Lady Talena, whatever may have been her motivations and her actions in these dark matters, was only a single person. She, no more than any other Ubar, Ubara, Tatrix, Administrator, or such, rules alone. Always there are others, often unseen. There must be those who advise; those who incite; those who suggest and propose; those who follow; those who accompany and abet; those who transmit orders and those who carry out orders. Talena of Ar could no more alone have wrought tragedy on Ar than she could have moved the Voltai range with a command or uprooted giant Tur trees with her bare hands. Therefore, I beg of you not to visit upon her slender, fair shoulders more than they can justly bear. When honey is available, urts will find it and lap it up. So it is in dark times. The history of the war and the Occupation is rampant with theft, brutality, corruption, and profiteering. Such was wrought by hundreds, both citizens and strangers. Do not ascribe it all to Talena of Ar."
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Pages 330 - 331

"I find this raiment acceptable," she said, "even suitable. I freely and gratefully acknowledge it so."

"I am pleased," I said.

"I trust that it was appropriately expensive."

"It was," I said.

"Good," she said.

"It is worthy, is it not," I asked, "even of an Administrator's daughter?"

"Perhaps even a Ubar's daughter," she said.
Warriors of Gor     Book 37     Page 540

"Recently," he said, "the lands and palace of the Lady Temione of Hammerfest were overrun, apparently by marauding pirates venturing ashore. She has disappeared. Her chattels were scattered. I have five behind me, tied to my saddle rings now. Her lands, as needs to be the case, have been confiscated by Gordon, Administrator of Hammerfest, in the name of the High Council of Hammerfest."
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 176

The power of an Administrator is limited; that of a Ubar is not, save perhaps by revolution or the stroke of an assassin's knife.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 357

In this was largely seen the gold and hand of Marlenus of Ar, who resented, and perhaps feared, the existence of free companies. How can one control them? How can one threaten their walls when they have no wails? They have no Home Stone to seize. They can move about. Where will they next appear, and with what prospects in mind? In any event, many Ubars and Administrators, particularly minor ones, proved unwilling to risk incurring the displeasure of the Ubar of Ar by having recourse to mercenary companies.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 433


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