Twelfth Month
Passage Hand
Waiting Hand
Year 10,175 Contasta Ar

Caste of Thieves

Here are relevant references from the Books where the Caste of Thieves is mentioned.
I make no pronouncements on these matters, but report them as I find them.
Arrive at your own conclusions.

I wish you well,

Supporting References

"You dare to tempt me," I said, feigning anger, "as if I were of the Caste of Assassins or a common thief with his dagger in the night." I frowned at him. "Beware," I warned, "lest I take your words as insult."
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Pages 20 - 21

His right ear had been notched, doubtless in some accident. Such notching, I knew, is usually done to the ears of thieves; a second offense is normally punished by the loss of the right hand; a third offense by the removal of the left hand and both feet. There are few thieves, incidentally, on Gor. I have heard, though, there is a Caste of Thieves in Port Kar, a strong caste which naturally protects its members from such indignities as ear notching. Nomads of Gor   Book 4   Page 85

Ha-Keel might have been a cutthroat and a thief but, too, he was of Ar - and a tarnsman.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 199

The man, who wore a simple dark tunic and sandals, dropped out to the ground. His hair was dark and clipped short; his face intelligent, but hard. On his right cheek, over the cheekbone was the Thief brand of the Caste of Thieves of Port Kar, who use the small brand to identify their members.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 96

I was in the delta of the Vosk, and making my way to the city of Port Kar, which alone of Gorean cities commonly welcomes strangers, though few but exiles, murderers, outlaws, thieves and cutthroats would care to find their way to her canaled darknesses.
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Page 6

He was pirate indeed, and slaver, and murderer and thief, a cruel and worthless man, abominable, truly Port Kar.
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Page 102

There is even, in Port Kar, a recognized caste of Thieves, the only such I know of on Gor, which, in the lower canals and perimeters of the city, has much power, that of the threat and the knife. They are recognized by the Thiefs Scar, which they wear as caste mark, a tiny three-pronged brand burned into the face in back of and below the eye, over the right cheekbone.
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Page 104

Saphrar, I recalled, had once been a perfumer from Tyros but, being exiled as a thief, had made his way to Port Kar, and thence had gone to Turia.
Raiders of Gor     Book 6     Page 139

"This penalty brand," said Rask of Treve, lifting another iron from the brazier, again with a tiny letter at its glowing termination, "marks you also as what you are, as a thief."
Please, no, Master!" I wept.
I could not move a muscle of my left leg. It might as well have been locked in a vise. It must wait for the iron.
I screamed again, uncontrollably. I had been branded as a thief.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 310

I hung by the wrists, miserable. My thigh felt as though it were burning. Tears streamed from my eyes. I coughed, and could not breathe. I heard the voice of Rask of Treve. "To begin," he was saying, "you will receive one stroke for each letter of the word 'Liar', then one stroke for each letter of the word 'Thief', and then a stroke for each letter of the word 'Traitress'. You will count the strokes.
Captive of Gor     Book 7     Page 312

Some free girls, without family, keep themselves, as best they can, in certain port cities. That her ear had been notched indicated that, by a magistrate, she had been found thief. Ear notching is the first penalty for a convicted thief in most Gorean cities, whether male or female. The second offense, by a male, is punished with the removal of the left hand, the third offense by the removal of the right. The penalty for a woman, for her second offense, if she is convicted, is to be reduced to slavery.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Pages 22 - 23

Thievery on Gor is not much approved.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 92

"You are a skillful thief," I said.
"My father was a thief," she said, "and his father before him."
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 93

"Is it your intention to steal further in this camp?" I asked.
She looked up into my eyes, earnestly. "No, Master," she said. "No!"
"On the contrary," I said, "it is my wish that you keep your skills fresh. You may steal in this camp where and when you wish, but within the Ahn you are to return what you have stolen."
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 94

"If I do not return, within the Ahn, what I steal," she asked, "what will be done with me?"
"For the first offense," I said, "your left hand will be removed."
She struggled to escape my arms.
"For the second offense," I said, "Your right hand will be removed."
Her eyes were but inches from mine, dark, dilated, filled with terror.
"Do you understand?" I asked.
"Yes, Master," she whispered.
"You are slave," I said.
"Yes, Master," she whispered.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 95

"In Port Kar," said I, "there is a caste of thieves. It is the only known caste of thieves on Gor."
She looked at me.
"You will have little difficulty," I said, "in earning entrance into that caste."
"I have seen the thief's brand!" she cried. "It is beautiful!" It was a tiny, three-pronged brand, burned into the face over the right cheekbone. I had seen it several times, once on one who worked for the mysterious Others, a member of a crew of a black ship, once encountered in the mountains of the Voltai, not far from great Ar itself. The caste of thieves was important in Port Kar, and even honored. It represented a skill which in the city was held in high repute. Indeed, so jealous of their prerogatives were the caste of thieves that they often hunted thieves who did not belong to the caste, and slew them, throwing their bodies to the urts in the canals. Indeed, there was less thievery in Port Kar than there might have been were there no caste of thieves in the city. They protected, jealously, their own territories from amateur competition. Ear notching and mutilation, common punishment on Gor for thieves, were not found in Port Kar. The caste was too powerful. On the other hand, it was regarded as permissible to slay a male thief or take a female thief slave if the culprit could be apprehended within an Ahn of the theft. After an Ahn the thief, if apprehended and a caste member, was to be remanded to the police of the arsenal. If found guilty in the court of the arsenal, the male thief would be sentenced, for a week to a year, to hard labor in the arsenal or on the wharves; the female thief would be sentenced to service, for a week to a year, in a straw-strewn cell in one of Port Kar's penal brothels. They are chained by the left ankle to a ring in the stone. Their food is that of a galley slave, peas, black bread and onions. If they serve well, however, their customers often bring them a bit of meat or fruit. Few thieves of Port Kar have not served time, depending on their sex, either in the arsenal or on the wharves, or in the brothels.
Hunters of Gor     Book 8     Page 304

Not five paces behind them I saw a ragged cutpurse cut the wallet of a merchant, dropping its contents into his hand and, bowing and whining, twist away in the crowd. The merchant huffed away. The fellow had done it neatly. I recalled a girl named Tina, once of Lydius, now of Port Kar. She, too, had been an excellent thief. My own coins I kept in belt pockets, within my robes, save for a small wallet at my side. I went about Tor now as a traveler from Turia, a small merchant. I checked the wallet at my side. It was intact.
Some other thieves had not done so well in the bazaar. Several right hands, severed, were nailed to a board on which salt prices were affixed.
There were no feminine hands on the board. A female thief in Tor, even on the first offense, is immediately reduced to slavery.
Tribesmen of Gor     Book 10     Pages 51 - 52

Port Kar is sometimes spoken of by her citizens as the Jewel of Thassa. Other men speak of her differently, rather as a den of thieves and cutthroats, a lair of pirates.
Slave Girl of Gor     Book 11     Page 377

"In what was he interested?" I asked. Surely there was little in a shop of curios to interest a thief. Would one risk one's throat and blood for a toy of wood or an ivory carving?
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Page 103

I had once owned a slave named Tina, who also had been from Lydius. It is not that uncommon a name. The Tina whom I had known was now free, an esteemed member of the caste of thieves in Port Kar, one of the most skillful in the city. She was doing well for herself.
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Pages 126 - 127

"May I present my colleague," said my lovely captor, "Sorgus."
"The hide bandit?" I asked.
"Yes," she said.
The man did not speak to me, nor look at me.
"Such men," she said, "have been useful. No longer are they confined to robbing the hides of honest hunters. We give them harvests beyond the loots which might be reaped from a hundred seasons of thievery."
Beasts of Gor     Book 12     Pages 149 - 150

Ayari was of Schendi, a thief. He had been put on the work levy for the canal of Bila Huruma. Schendi was using the misfortune of the levies in order, as much as possible, to rid itself of its less desirable citizens. I supposed she could scarcely be blamed. Ayari, of Schendi, of course, spoke Gorean. Happily, for me, he could also speak the tongue of the court of Bila Huruma. His father had, many years ago, fled from an inland village, that of Nyuki, noted for its honey, on the northern shore of lake Ushindi. The incident had had to do with the theft of several melons from the chief's patch.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 219

His first case dealt with a widow who had been defrauded by a creditor. The fellow was dragged screaming from the court. His hands would be cut off, as those of a common thief. His properties were to be confiscated and divided, half to the widow and half, predictably, to the state.
The next fellow was an actual thief, a mere boy, who had stolen vegetables. It turned out that he had been hungry and had actually begged work in the gardens of his victim. "No one who wants to work in my Ubarate," said Bila Huruma, "will go hungry." He then directed that the boy be given work, if he wished, in his own gardens, which were considerable.
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 230

"With this letter," I said, indicating the document, "you may return when you wish. I would advise you, however, should the ruling, as I would expect, be in your favor, to consider the adoption of an honest occupation. If the magistrates do not apprehend you you might, in Port Kar, run afoul of the caste of thieves. They are sometimes jealous of their prerogatives."
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 463

"Avoid Victoria," he said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Are you a slaver?" he asked.
"No," I said.
"Then avoid Victoria," he said.
"Why?" I asked.
"It is a den of thieves," he said. "It is little more than a market and slave town."
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Page 65

"Stop, Thief!" cried the portly fellow, his robes swirling. Darting away from him was a small, quick fellow, clutching in his hand a bulging purse, its strap slashed. In the small fellow's right hand there was clutched a dagger.

Men stood aside to let the thief run by them.

"Stop him!" cried the portly fellow, stumbling, puffing, trying to pursue the running man.

I watched, a bale of rep fiber on my shoulder, near the rep wharf.

As the running man approached me I lowered the bale of rep fiber and, as he came within feet of me, suddenly slid it before him. He struck the bale and stumbled over it, rolling on the boards. Instantly I was upon him. He slashed at me, on his back, with the knife and I seized his wrist with both hands and yanked him to his feet. He dropped the purse. I spun him about twice by the wrist and then, with this momentum, hurled him into a tower of nail barrels on the side. They cascaded down. I jerked him back, groggy. He was bloody. There were splinters in his tunic and face. I then, with two hands, broke his wrist and kicked the fallen knife to the side. I then turned him about to face me. He looked at me wildly, clutching his wrist. A bone fragment was jutting through it. I then kicked him squarely and he threw back his head, screaming with pain. I then turned him about again and, holding him by the back of the neck, ran him to the edge of the wharf where, seizing his ankle, and holding his neck, I upended him into the water below. He struck out toward the shore, then clambered toward it, getting his feet under him. He screamed twice more. When he stood in about a foot of water, among pilings, near the next wharf, he struck down madly at his legs with his left hand, striking two dock eels from his calf. Then, painfully, he moved himself up the sand, staggering, holding his legs widely apart.

"Where are the guardsmen, to apprehend him?" puffed the portly fellow, who wore the caste colors of the merchants, white and gold.

"There are no guardsmen in Victoria," I said.

"Two copper tarsks, one to each of you," said the merchant to two dock workers who stood nearby, "to apprehend and bind that fellow!"

Swiftly the two dock workers set out after the thief. Though men stood about none had attempted to steal the purse of the merchant, which lay nearby. Most of those of Victoria are honest fellows.

One of them handed the purse back to the merchant, who thanked him.

"What is your name, Fellow?" asked the merchant of me. "Jason," I said.

"Of Victoria?" asked the merchant.

"It is here that I am now," I said.

He smiled. Drifters among the river towns are not uncommon. They come from all over Gor. "You have had difficulties with guardsmen?" he asked.

"I had some difficulties with guardsmen in Tancred's Landing and Fins," I admitted.

"I am Glyco," said he, "of the Merchants, of Port Cos.

You are a bold fellow. I am grateful for your aid."

"It is nothing," I said.

Whining, the thief was dragged before us by the two dock workers. He was still in great pain. He could scarcely stand. The dock workers had torn off his clothes and, ripping his tunic, had made a rope of twisted cloth, with which they had bound his hands behind his back. They also had him on a short neck leash, also fashioned of twisted cloth, from his tunic. His right hand was bleeding, and his left leg, in two places. The leg seemed gouged. The dock eels, black, about four feet long, are tenacious creatures. They had not relinquished their hold on the flesh in their jaws when they had been forcibly struck away from the leg, back into the water. The thief shrank back from me. The dock workers threw him to his knees before the merchant.

The merchant turned to me. He handed me a silver tarsk from the purse.

"You need give me nothing," I said. "It was not important."

"Take, if you will," said he, "as a token of my gratitude, this silver tarsk."

I took it. "Thank you," I said. Several of the men about, striking their shoulders in the Gorean fashion, applauded the merchant. He had been very generous. A silver tarsk is, to most Goreans, a coin of considerable value. In most exchanges it is valued at a hundred copper tarsks, each of which valued, commonly, at some ten to twenty tarsk bits. Ten silver tarsks, usually, is regarded as the equivalent of one gold piece, of one of the high cities. To be sure, there is little standardization in these matters, for much depends on the actual weights of the coins and the quantities of precious metals, certified by the municipal stamps, contained in the coins. Sometimes, too, coins are split or shaved. Further, the debasing of coinage is not unknown. Scales, and rumors, it seems, are often used by coin merchants. One of the central coins on Gor is the golden tarn disk of Ar, against which many cities standardize their own gold piece. Other generally respected coins tend to be the silver tarsk of Tharna, the golden tarn disk of Ko-ro-ba, and the golden tarn of Port Kar, the latter particularly on the western Vosk, in the Tamber Gulf region, and a few hundred pasangs north and south of the Vosk's delta.

The merchant then looked at the thief. "I will have him taken to Port Cos," he said, "where there are praetors."

"Please, Master," said the thief, "do not deliver me to praetors!"

"Are you so fond of your hands?" asked the merchant. I noted that the thief's left ear had already been notched. That had doubtless been done elsewhere than in Victoria.

"Please, Master, have mercy on me," begged the thief.

"He has had a rather hard day already," I said, putting in a word on the thief's behalf.

"Let us then just slit his throat now," said a fellow standing nearby.

The thief squirmed. "No," he begged. "No!"

"What do you suggest?" asked the merchant of me.

"Give him to me," I said.

"No, please, Master!" whined the thief to the merchant.

"He is yours," said the merchant.

I yanked the fellow by the neck leash of twisted cloth to his feet. I thrust the silver tarsk into his mouth, so that he could not speak. "Seek a physician," I told him. "Have your wrist attended to. It appears to be broken. Do not be in Victoria by morning." I then turned him about and, hurrying him with a well-placed kick, sent him running, awkwardly, painfully, whimpering and stumbling, from the dock.

"Surely you are a guardsman," said the merchant.

"No," I said.

The men gathered about watched the thief hurrying, bound, away. There was laughter.

"You are magnanimous," said the merchant.

"He was not a woman," I said. "Too, it was not my purse he stole."
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Pages 153 - 156

"Few in Victoria," I said, "are of Victoria, it seems. Yet many reside here. If not men such as we, who, then, is of Victoria?"
"I am sick," he said.
"There was no leadership at the wharves," I said. "Insult was done upon this town with impunity. I saw hundreds of men, fearful, milling about, with no one to lead them. I saw them intimidated by a handful of organized, ruthless fellows, strutting and vain as vulos. I saw free men impressed into the service of loading the goods of the town onto the galleys of the thieves. Men, unprotesting, fearful, saw their properties purloined and burned.
Rogue of Gor     Book 15     Page 180

This explains some of the eccentricities of tribal warfare; first, actual war parties, though common, are formed less often than parties for stealing kaiila; in this sport the object is to obtain as many kaiila as possible without, if possible, engaging the enemy at all; it is a splendid coup, for example, to cut a kaiila tether strap which is tied to the wrist of a sleeping enemy and make off with the animal before he awakens; killing a sleeping enemy is only a minor coup; besides, if he has been killed, how can he understand how cleverly he has been bested; imagine his anger and chagrin when he awakens; is that not more precious to the thief than his scalp; in actual warfare itself large-scale conflicts almost never occur.
Savages of Gor     Book 17     Pages 47 - 48

"Thieves, my friend," said Samos, "seldom carry gold on their persons."
Players of Gor     Book 20     Page 69

"Ah, yes," she said, "I know you fellows of Port Kar. You are all rogues, all pirates, thieves and slavers.
Players of Gor     Book 20     Page 88

The hastily opened coffer, which had seemed so momentous, and inaccessible, before, of course, had been only a diversion. The true concealment of the papers, one assuredly calculated to deceive those individuals who might have some just notion of their value, one worthy of Belnar's brilliance, was to have them lying about, almost casually, mixed in, and seemingly belonging with, papers of no great importance. This subterfuge was, so to speak, the disguise of unexpected obviousness. In this manner, too, of course, they would tend to be safe from common thieves, whose investigations presumably would be directed more toward the breaking open of strong boxes and the search for secret hiding places. Given their relative accessibility and their apparent lack of value common thieves would not be likely to find them of interest.
Players of Gor     Book 20     Pages 369 - 370

Never before on Gor, I suspected, had such forces been marshaled. It was an invasion, it seemed, not of an army, but of armies. To be sure, many of its contingents were composed of mercenaries sworn to the temporary service of diverse fee captains, and not Cosian regulars. It is difficult to manage such men. They do not fight for Home Stones. They are often little more than armed rabbles. Many are little better than thieves and cutthroats. They must be well paid and assured of ample booty. Accordingly the tactics and movements of such groups, functions of captains who know their men well, and must be wary of them, are often less indicative of sound military considerations, strategic or otherwise, than of organized brigandage, I did not think that such men would stand well, even in their numbers, against the well-trained soldiers of Ar.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Pages 29 - 30

"Some thief," I said, "one who is highly skillful, one worthy even of the thief's scar of Port Kar, though I doubt he wears it." The thief's scar in Port Kar is a tiny, three-pronged brand, burned into the face over the right cheekbone. It marks the members of the Caste of Thieves in Port Kar. That is the only city in which, as far as I know, there is a recognized caste for thieves. They tend to be quite proud of their calling, it being handed down often from father to son. There are various perquisites connected with membership in this caste, among them, if one is a professional thief, protection from being hunted down and killed by caste members, who tend to be quite jealous of their various territories and prerogatives. Because of the caste of thieves there is probably much less thievery in Port Kar than in most cities of comparable size. They regulate their numbers and craft in much the same way that, in many cities, the various castes, such as those of the metal workers or cloth workers, do theirs.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Page 239

"He is a thief," I said, angrily.
"I am not a thief," said the fellow.
"He is not a thief," said another man.
"He is a well-known thief from Torcadino," I said.
"Nonsense," said a man.
"Who do you think he is?" asked another fellow.
"Ephialtes, of Torcadino," I said.
"I am not Ephialtes," said the man.
"He is not Ephialtes," said another fellow.
"He has been so identified for me, days ago," I said.
"And who made this identification?" asked a fellow.
"I do not now see him about," I said.
"That is not Ephialtes," said a man.
"Even if it were," said another fellow, "you apparently did not see the theft, and do not have clear evidence, even of a circumstantial nature, that he is the culprit." The fellow who had said this wore the blue of the scribes. He may even have been a Scribe of the law.
"Release him," suggested another fellow.
"I am Philebus, a vintner, of Torcadino," said the man.
"He is lying," I said.
"That is Philebus," said a man. "I have dealt with him."
"Release him," said a man.
I untied the fellow.
Mercenaries of Gor     Book 21     Pages 243 - 244

The fact that I now realized I was subject to theft frightened me, but it, too, like many other things, seemed an attachment of my condition; a simple consequence of what I was. I recalled hearing now, in the house, of "capture rights," respected in law. I had originally thought these rights referred to the acquisition of free women but I had later realized they must pertain, more generally, to the acquisition of properties in general, including slaves. I had not thought much about such things, in a real, or practical, sense, until now, now that I was outside of the house. I tried to recall my lessons. Theft, or capture, if you prefer, conferred rights over me. I would belong to, and must fully serve, anyone into whose effective possession I came, even if it had been by theft. The original master, of course, has the right to try to recover his property, which remains technically his for a period of one week. If I were to flee the thief, however, after he has consolidated his hold on me, for example, kept me for even a night, I could, actually in Gorean law, be counted as a runaway slave, from him, even though he did not technically own me yet, and punished accordingly. Analogies are that it is not permitted to animals to challenge the tethers on their necks, or flee the posts within which they find themselves penned, that money must retain its value, and buying power, regardless of who has it in hand, and so on. Strictures of this sort, of course, do not apply to free persons, such as free women. A free woman is entitled to try to escape a captor as best she can, and without penalty, even after her first night in his bonds, if she still chooses to do so. If she is enslaved, of course, then she is subject to, and covered by, the same customs, practices and laws as any other slave. The point of these statutes, it seems, is to keep the slave in perfect custody, at all times, and to encourage boldness on the part of males. After the slave has been in the possession of the thief, or captor, for one week she counts as being legally his. To be sure, the original master may attempt to steal her back.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Pages 95 - 96

"Yes," said Hendow. "I caught a thief, to whose lair I was led by Borko. He spoke quickly, after only his legs were broken. Tupita stole Doreen, duping her into leaving the house, she thinking she was still first girl, and intended to sell her, using her price to secure tarn passage from Brundisium in the guise of a free woman. She is, thus, a runaway slave. Moreover, I now put sword claim upon them both. Dispute it with me, if you will. I further learned from the thief they were both sold in Samnium. I spared his life, as he was cooperative. He is now doubtless, with his fellows, stealing other women.
Dancer of Gor     Book 22     Page 402

Thieves are often dealt with harshly on Gor.
Renegades of Gor     Book 23     Page 11

To be sure the general reputation of Port Kar was that of a den of thieves, a lair of cutthroats and pirates. On the other hand, there was now a Home Stone in the city. Some folks might not even know that.
Vagabonds of Gor     Book 24     Page 489

I was well exposed to view, on four sides, given the construction of the cage. To be sure, I might have been even better revealed, had it not been for the bars, which were thick and closely set. There are a great many varieties of slave cages, with respect to the number of occupants for which they are designed, and, within such parameters, with respect to shape, size and materials. I was in a fairly standard, common-model, single-girl cage, one involving a design compromise between display and security, security not from the point of view of containing the occupant, which a lighter cage would be fully effective in doing, but security against being broken into by thieves.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 302

"How can that be?" I asked. "That is not a trading city, some sort of multifaceted commercial metropolis. This is a city of thieves, of raiders and warriors. One does not have free women from foreign cities wandering about above."
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 335

Interestingly they were all free women. At that time I did not realize how unusual that was, not knowing at that time that "slave strikes" are almost always directed against slaves. This was the result, as it turned out, I would later learn, of a special situation. It was a response to a presumed insult on the part of an administrator of a distant city, something to the effect that those of this city, whose name I did not yet know, were at best cowards and petty thieves, capable of no more than making off with an occasional slave.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 420

"One I met long ago, when I was mercenary tarnsman," said Terence. "I was in Port Kar."
"A den of thieves, a lair of pirates," said the pit master.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 637

"Honor," I said, "has many voices, and many songs."
He looked down at me startled. "That is a saying of warriors," he said. "It is from the codes. It is a long time since I have heard it. I had almost forgotten it. Where did you, a slave, hear it?"
"In Treve," I said.
"A den of thieves!" he said.
Witness of Gor     Book 26     Page 711

Few thieves will rob where robbery seems pointless.
Conspirators of Gor     Book 31     Page 219

"Why do they think the sewers?" I asked.
"Where else?" she said. "Too, some thieves, some well known, in broad daylight, even within view of the praetor's platform, pushing aside a grating, rushed from a sewer, to be shortly apprehended by rings of spear-bearing guardsmen. Shortly were the thieves manacled and neck-chained."
Conspirators of Gor     Book 31     Page 254

The usual theft takes place by cutting the strings of the purse or wallet, commonly in a seemingly inadvertent contact or in the press of a throng. Some thieves are trained in this skill from childhood. There is only one city I am aware of in which the caste of thieves is explicitly recognized, which is a port on the Tamber Gulf, bordering Thassa, the sea. Its governance is in the hands of a Council of Captains. It is north of the great port of Brundisium. It is famous for its canals and "Arsenal," which is actually a depot and naval yard. Its name is Port Kar.
Plunder of Gor     Book 34     Page 199

Port Kar, I have been told, is the only Gorean city in which there is an officially recognized Caste of Thieves. To be sure, most of the thieving, I gather, is done outside the city, in other cities, Port Kar then affording a refuge to which successful members of that unusual caste may repair to enjoy the profits of their labors.
Quarry of Gor     Book 35     Page 134

Tassa powder is tasteless and is used by the Green Caste as a sedative. It was not unknown for slavers, and others, to rely on it, to render a woman unconscious, before her abduction. Thieves and swindlers, too, often found uses for the potion.
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 336

"No commander in his right mind would lead a free company into the swamp forest," said Tiskias, "and certainly not in pursuit of two slave thieves."
Treasure of Gor     Book 38     Page 625