![]() Commands, Signals and GesturesPlunder of Gor Book 34 Page 86 Did she not yet know that any slave must do anything, and everything, at the merest suggestion of a master, at his merest word, even at his slightest gesture, or glance? That is something that most girls learn quite quickly. Players of Gor Book 20 Page 378 "One commands and uses a slave totally. That is what they are for. They must serve completely. They must deliver, at so little as a word or gesture, immediately and unquestioningly, whatever the master desires." Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Page 403 I noted that the palm of her hands, so soft, so vulnerable, had turned on her thighs, so that they faced up. Among slave girls this is a common way of signaling need, helplessness, a desire to please. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 209 Listed here are relevant references from the Books for various Commands, Signals and Gestures. I make no pronouncements on these matters, but report them as I find them. Arrive at your own conclusions. I wish you well, Fogaban Commands All Fours Anklet Bara Be Silent Believe Belly Brand Close Eyes Collar Come Commands More Forceful Than Suggestions Crawl Dance Do Not Struggle Down Drink Eat Fetch Go Grovel Hair Hesitation Hurry Injection Position Is the Command Understood? Juice Kiss the Quirt Kneel Lean Back Learn Lesha Lick and Kiss Lips Look Ahead Look At Me Look Down Look Up Man March Mat Must a Command Be Repeated? Obey Other Perform Please Me Position Run Sensuality Shackle Yourself Shear Her She-Quadruped Show Rebellion Silence Slave Lips Sleep Speak Stand Stay Stop Strip Sula Teach Thigh Walk Wriggle Signals Coffle Control Come Dance Gag Signals Heel Kneel Leading Position Leash Control Lift Head Stand Strip and Prostrate Rise Gestures Away All Fours Belly Crawl Come / Approach Dance Dismiss Do Not Kneel Heel Kiss Boots Kneel Lay Leading Lean Back Lie Across Saddle Move Proceed Me Prone Remain Standing Reposition Stand / Rise Stand Still Silence Strip Clap Hands Announce Presence Dance Dismiss Hurry Kneel React Stop Dancing Summon Wake Up Motions Approach Dismiss Follow Lie Down Move Proceed Rise Serve Snap Fingers Come Dance Face Me Fetch Follow Grovel Heel Juice Kneel Leading Position Leave Lift Head Obeisance Precede Prostrate Release Serve Spread Legs Stand Strip Whistle Come Serve Commands
"To all fours." he commanded. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Page 268 Now, emerging from the kitchen, came the Lady Temione, on all fours, as I had commanded. Renegades of Gor Book 23 Page 79 "Come here." I said. "On your knees." She approached me, as commanded. She then knelt there, slimly, beside me. Renegades of Gor Book 23 Page 160 I heard the key inserted into my cage lock. I looked up, frightened. The dealer thrust back the gate. "Out," he said. "On all fours, head down." Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 125 "Go to all fours," he said. "Fetch the leash, and bring it to me, in your mouth." "Yes, Master," I said. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 184 "To all fours," he said. I went to all fours. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 321 "To all fours," he said. I assumed the commanded position.
"Anklet!" he snapped. Instantly she turned about, sinuously, and, half lying, half kneeling, extended her left leg, gracefully, toward the older woman, her knee slightly bent, her toes pointed, extending the line of her well-curved calf. . . . It was as though she had been trained to present the device for easy view, and immediately, gracefully, beautifully, upon the utterance of that word, which, it seemed, constituted an understood, familiar command. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 24
"Bara!" he said. She instantly responded to his command, as she had been trained to do. She was now on her belly, her wrists crossed behind her, her ankles, too, crossed. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 196 "Lie here, to my side," he said, "the bara position will do." I lay then beside him, prone, my hip to his left knee, my head forward, away from him as he sat, cross-legged, perusing a scroll. My ankles were crossed, and my wrists, too, were crossed, and held behind my back. In such a position one may be conveniently bound. My head was turned to the side, that my right cheek might be on the carpet. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 3 "Bara," said Tullius Quintus. I went to bara. I was then bound, hand and foot, my wrists crossed and bound behind me, and my ankles crossed and bound, as well. This may be conveniently done, as earlier noted, when one is in bara. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 166 "Bara!" he said, sharply. Instantly, not even thinking, reflexively, I went to bara. I felt my ankles crossed and tied together. I could not then rise. I was in consternation. My wrists were crossed, and bound together, behind my back. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 487 The examination position, like bara, nadu, sula, and such, tends to arouse a slave. In a sense, the slave is helpless in such positions. Significance is woven into the fiber of such things. Meaning and symbolism reign. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 594
"Do not speak foolishly," I commanded her, angrily. "Be silent!" Raiders of Gor Book 6 Page 86 "Be silent," said Kurik, "and get your clothes off, now, both of you, quickly. Do not dally." And so we stripped, before our masters. My plea, my protest, had not been heeded. The slave does not demur. She may not. It is not permitted. She obeys. We had then, commanded, removed our clothing, and stood before them, naked slaves. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 590 I heard coins change hands. "Master?" I said. "Master?" "Be silent," he snapped. "Yes, Master," I said. I felt my hands drawn behind me, and thonged together. My left ankle was then freed of its shackle. Then, as I lay prone, my hands bound behind me, my collar was removed, and another was snapped about my neck, and then a slave hood was drawn over my head, and buckled shut, behind the back of my neck. I then felt leather about my neck, and the snap of a leash. "Get up," I was told. I then felt the draw of the leash against the leash collar-ring. I was apparently to be conducted from the room. "No, Master!" I cried, wildly, miserably, unable to see, from within the hood. "Please, no, Master!" "Be silent," he said. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 105 "Masters!" I cried. "Be silent," said a voice from above me. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 122 "Please, Mistress!" I begged. "Were you given permission to speak?" she asked. "No, Mistress," I said. "Be silent," she said. "Yes, Mistress," I said. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 385
"I do not believe you," she said. "Watch your tongue, Girl," said Samos. "If you command me to believe you," she said, "I shall, of course, for I am slave." Marauders of Gor Book 9 Page 11
"When the command 'Down!' is heard," said a man to us, "you will fling yourselves to your belly instantly. When the command 'Up!' is heard, you will stand, instantly, arranging yourselves as you are now." "Yes, Master," we said. There is a common command, familiar to all female slaves, "Belly," which brings us instantly to our bellies before he who commands us. This particular command expression, however, was not used in this context. I speculate that this was because the context of the two commands, and certainly their connotations, was so different. It is one thing, for example, to aesthetically and beautifully signify submission by bellying, perhaps on the furs at the foot of the couch, we being permitted upon them, and quite another to fling oneself down so that quarrels may be suddenly fired from behind one. Too, normally in the "belly command" one orients oneself toward he who commands, not away from him. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 604 "On your belly," said he, "slave." Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 328 "On your belly, worthless, lying slut, worthless beast," said the Lady Bina, "and put your wrists behind your back." Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 384
As they are free persons they could simply put the girl to her knees and issue the command, "Brand," to which the girl must respond by revealing her slave mark. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 529 She regarded me, frightened. I did not give her the "thigh" or "brand" command, but I had little doubt she was now marked. In response to such a command those such as she must kneel on the right knee and extend the left leg gracefully, bared to the hip. The most common marking site on such as she is high on the left thigh, under the hip. Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 55 "Brand!" he snapped. Instantly, without even thinking, I shifted my weight to my right knee and extended my left leg, fully, drawing the tunic to the hip. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 86 "Brand!" I snapped. Instantly, reflexively, without thought, with a snap of her chain, she responded, turning, her left leg extended, facing me. Her hand had even grasped, unguardedly, for a moment, to where might have been the hem of tunic, to draw it up, to her waist, but now, of course, she wore no tunic. This tiny contretemps had embarrassed her, but was to have been expected, given her training. There are several such commands to which a kajira is taught to respond, immediately and without thought. Indeed, sometimes a kajira, hoping to escape in a free woman's clothing, is, by such means, tricked into betraying herself. The girl's left hand was now at her waist, her fingers closed. "Brand!" I snapped. She looked at me, tears running down her cheeks, disbelievingly. "Must a command be repeated?" I inquired. Dalliance on the part of a slave can be cause for discipline. A slave is to respond to a command immediately and unquestioningly.
"Close your eyes," said the woman with the torch. I closed my eyes, gratefully, against the light, but, too, of course, I was frightened. The light hurt my eyes. But, too I wanted to see. But, of course, I had no choice. I had been commanded. I must obey. I am a slave. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 261
Then he looked at me, and snapped his fingers. "Collar," he said. Instantly I, trained, leaped to my feet and stood quite close to him, uncomfortably close, and held my hands a little behind my body. I lifted my chin. He crooked a finger under my collar and pulled me closer to him, holding me in place. I could feel his finger against my neck, on the left side, between the steel of the collar and the flesh. I could also feel the collar drawn tighter against the back of my neck. "It is a state collar," he said. "Your name is 'Janice'." "Yes, Master," I whispered. He released me, and I knelt. He then regarded the Lady Constanzia. He snapped his fingers and said, "Collar!" She rose uncertainly to her feet, and approached him. She had, of course, had my example from which to profit. She, to my surprise, however, stood closer to him than I would have expected, and more close to him than I had, originally. It seemed she was improving on my example. Was she then, in such matters, to be my teacher? She lifted her chin delicately. In response to the "collar command," the slave approaches the male, that he need not inconvenience himself by coming toward her. She then lifts her chin and places her hands behind her. It is thus that a girl renders herself vulnerable for the reading of her collar. Witness of Gor Book 26 Pages 357 - 358
"Come here," commanded Kamchak, and Aphris ran lightly to him, timidly. Nomads of Gor Book 4 Page 152 "Approach me, slave girl," I said, "and kneel." She lifted her head and looked at me, angrily, proudly, for a moment, but then she said, "Yes, master," and did as she was commanded. Nomads of Gor Book 4 Page 293 I who had desired to kneel before him of my own free will had been commanded to his sandals as a slave girl. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 197 "Beverly!" called Policrates, sharply. I tried to control myself. Then I saw she who had once been Beverly Henderson hurry into the room, commanded by her master. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 282 Aetius slapped his hands together, sharply, and called out, "Iris, here!" Instantly, commanded, she spun about and hurried to our side, where she knelt, head down, trembling, fearing she might have been found in some way less than fully pleasing.
"Tell me," I repeated, more sternly. She looked at me. "Am I commanded?" she asked. I did not wish to command her. "No," I said. "Then," said she, "I shall not tell you." "Very well," I said, "then you are commanded." Priest-Kings of Gor Book 3 Page 37
"Get on your hands and knees," said Barus. "Carry the sticks, one by one, in your mouth." "Yes, Master," she said, angrily. I smiled to myself to see the Mistress' spy, commanded by a free man, obeying. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 259 "Crawl!" he commanded. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 691
"Dance, Slave!" commanded the proprietor, her Master. Raiders of Gor Book 6 Page 110 Should she miserably fall to slavery the passion dance of a nude slave girl will surely be among the least of what is commanded of her. Marauders of Gor Book 9 Page 278 Slowly, if permitted, she would rise to an erect kneeling position; her hands, as she lifted herself, extended toward us. Four times said I "No," each time my command forcing her head back, her body bent, to the floor, and each time, again, to the music, she lifted her body. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 29 "You commanded me to dance my beauty for the guests of Samos," said she, "Master. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 33 "Dance for us, Earth wench," he said. Her accent had betrayed her. "Yes, Master," she said. Before the table, to the music of some four musicians, Helen, commanded, danced before a Gorean master. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 411 "Dance, Slave," said Kisu. "Yes, Master," said Tende. Tende then, obedient to her master's command, as Kisu clapped his hands and sang, danced on a flat rock in the Ua river, danced before Bila Huruma, so far away, her master's enemy, from whom she had been stolen. She danced well. Explorers of Gor Book 13 Page 343 "Are you now commanding me to dance before you?" she asked. "Yes," I said, "you dance now as a commanded slave. And if I am not well pleased have no fear but what you will be well beaten, if not slain." "Yes, Master," she said. I then stepped back from her. "When I clap my hands," I said, "you will dance, Slave." "Yes, Master," she said. I then struck my hands together, and, terrified, the girl danced. Explorers of Gor Book 13 Page 361 "Continue to dance here," said Tenalion, indicating a place before his small table. "Yes, Master," she said, commanded. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 290 "Out, out, all of you!" commanded the interior whip master, and the dancers emerged once more, all, to the sand, to receive the plaudits of the crowd. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 450 "Dance!" commanded Peisistratus. And the slave danced, as she could, danced for fear of the whip, for fear of her life, danced for the pleasure of men, hoping to please them, hoping that they might see how beautiful and desirable she was, and would be kind to her, and then for the sudden desperation of her awakened needs, and danced as what she was, a slave. Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 262
"Do not struggle, well-formed beauty," whispered Cabot, and she, commanded, was instantly quiet, not daring to move in the slightest. Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 597
"When the command 'Down!' is heard," said a man to us, "you will fling yourselves to your belly instantly. When the command 'Up!' is heard, you will stand, instantly, arranging yourselves as you are now." "Yes, Master," we said. There is a common command, familiar to all female slaves, "Belly," which brings us instantly to our bellies before he who commands us. This particular command expression, however, was not used in this context. I speculate that this was because the context of the two commands, and certainly their connotations, was so different. It is one thing, for example, to aesthetically and beautifully signify submission by bellying, perhaps on the furs at the foot of the couch, we being permitted upon them, and quite another to fling oneself down so that quarrels may be suddenly fired from behind one. Too, normally in the "belly command" one orients oneself toward he who commands, not away from him. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 604
Sometimes Verna would say, "Drink," and I would pour wine into her goblet, saying, "Yes, Mistress," and sometimes Rask of Treve would command me, saying "Drink," and I would then, similarly, serve him, saying "Yes, Master." Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 301 No slave takes wine without the permission of the master. And even then, as often as not, she takes it only on his command, and under his eye, usually kneeling before him. Sometimes, even, he puts his hand in her hair, bends her head back, and pours it down her throat. It is done by his will. Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Page 158
With bits of the raw flesh I fed them, thrusting pieces into their mouth. Ilene was sickened, repulsed, but, upon my command, swallowed her feeding. Hunters of Gor Book 8 Page 195
Lana and Ute, too, went to the wagon, to fetch other botas, so commanded by other guards. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 112
When a master wishes to make use of a slave girl he tells her to light the lamp of love which she obediently does, placing it in the window of his Chamber that they may not be disturbed. Then with his own hand he throws upon the stone floor of his chamber luxurious love furs, perhaps from the larl itself, and commands her to them. Priest-Kings of Gor Book 3 Page 68 "To the Waiting Cells, Slave!" commanded Ho-Tu. He slapped the slave goad that hung at his belt. Terror came into the eyes of the girl. She threw one wild look at Relius and then, as Ho-Tu removed the slave goad from his belt, she ran weeping from the room. Assassin of Gor Book 5 Page 247 "Go to the kitchen," said I, "Kettle Slave." Telima turned and, in the stained tunic of rep-cloth, left the room, as she had been commanded. Raiders of Gor Book 6 Page 116 She, too, was ordered to a longboat, abruptly, as one commands a slave. Hunters of Gor Book 8 Page 310 "Depart!" I commanded. Hunters of Gor Book 8 Page 314 "To the pen," commanded the Forkbeard. Weeping, she hurried to the pen. Marauders of Gor Book 9 Page 255 When she looked up, he commanded her to the couch. She ran, eagerly to it, tearing the slave silks with which she had been adorned from her body, and knelt upon it, small, her head down, awaiting her master. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 349 Samos turned to the two slave girls who knelt to one side. "Be gone, Slaves," he said. Swiftly, in their silk, they fled from the room, commanded by a man. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 387 "On your feet!" he said. "Run to the nearest galley! Beg to be displayed there, as the loot you are!" "Yes, Master!" she cried and, leaping up, fled toward the galley, a commanded slave. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 177 "It is late," I said. "Go to the window." In the darkness of the cabin, barefoot, stepping softly through the glass and bits of frame scattered on the floor, she went, as commanded, to the window. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 75
"Grovel," I told her. . . . I let her please me for a time in this fashion, bellying before me, kissing, and licking and sucking at my feet. "You grovel well, Slave," I said. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 68
It is not unusual, incidentally, for slave girls, particularly for those who may not have proved superbly pleasing, as yet, to discover that their hair, even while it is still on them, is expected, like themselves, to serve various lowly, domestic purposes. For example, when a girl, serving at a banquet, hears the command, "Hair," she knows she is to go to the guest and kneel, and lower her head, that her hair may be used as a napkin or wiping cloth, by means of which the free person, either male or female, may remove stains, crumbs or grease from his hands. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 68
"Oh, Beverly," said Policrates. "Yes, Master," said the girl, hurrying forward and falling to her knees before him. "Earlier," said he, "you hesitated, if only briefly, in carrying out a command." "Forgive me, Master," she begged, turning white. "Leading position," he said. Sobbing, she rose to her feet, and put her head down, at what would be the height of a man's waist, her legs flexed. A guard walked over and fastened his hand in her hair. "Have her whipped," said Policrates. "Yes, Captain," said the man. He then left the chamber, pulling the girl, sobbing, at his side. I was pleased to see that Policrates was a strict master. The girl was, of course, guilty. She had clearly hesitated in carrying out a command. How can a girl expect such laxities to go unnoticed, or unpunished? Rogue of Gor Book 15 Pages 288 - 289
"Hurry!" he commanded. He struck her again. "Yes, Master," she sobbed, and, again, stumbled on before him, a blindfolded, herded slave girl. Explorers of Gor Book 13 Page 131 "Hurry now to the shore," he said. "Build a fire, prepare food, Slave." "Yes, Master," she said, commanded, hurrying from us to address herself to her tasks. Explorers of Gor Book 13 Page 339
"Hereafter," said Tutina, "when you hear the command 'Injection position', in whatever language, you will instantly, and unquestioningly, assume this position." Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 41
I had been commanded by a man. I obeyed immediately, or did my best to obey. If a command needs to be repeated, as the saying goes, the girl needs to be punished. If the girl thinks, however, that the command may have been, say, an inadvertence, or mistake, or that the master might relent, or something along these lines, she might, say, beg or inquire. She is reassured of the intent and seriousness of the command if, for example, she is asked if the command need be repeated, which eventuality she will presumably be anxious to avoid. If she has, sincerely, and not as a girl's trick, not understood the command, or has not heard it, or fears she may not have heard it correctly, she may also inquire into the matter, of course, and normally without penalty. In such cases the repetition of a command is not regarded as cause for discipline. A girl is seldom punished for trying to be pleasing, at least at first. If her efforts continue to fail, however, that is a different matter. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Pages 211 - 212 "Go to the other flute girls," I said, "to all those about, whether on the street or on the wall. Inform them that their work for the day is finished." "Master?" she said. "Tell them to hurry home to their chains." "Master!" she said. "Do you understand?" I asked. "Yes, Master," she said. "Do you dally in the carrying out of a command?" I asked. "No, Master!" she said, and leaped to her feet, running across the Wall Road, her hands tied behind her, wisps of silk fluttering about her waist, the flute dangling from her neck. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 126 "Turn left here," I said to the girl. "Masters?" she asked, stopping. "Left," I said. As she was free I did not demur to repeat a command. Also, punishment for having to repeat a command is always at the option of the master. For example, a command might not be clearly heard, or might not be clear in itself, or might appear inconsistent with the master's presumed intentions. Whether punishment is in order or not is then a matter for judgment on the master's part. In this case, of course, as we were on Tarngate, at Lorna, she had every reason to question my direction. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 198 "Must a command be repeated?" is a question which strikes terror into a slave girl's heart, for a repeated command is commonly a cause for discipline. The usual answer to that question is a hasty "No, Master," followed by immediate compliance. It is another thing, of course if the command has not been heard, is not clear, would be impractical to obey, or such. Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 574 "On your bellies, all of you, facing away, hands at your sides, palms up," I said. The slaves, well trained to obey free persons, instantly, and unquestioningly, complied, with the exception of Saru, who struggled to her feet and held out her hands to Pertinax. "Gregory!" she sobbed. "Gregory!" "Must a command be repeated?" said Pertinax. The repetition of a command is commonly a cause for discipline, unless there is a serious reason to suppose that the command has not been heard, or has not been understood. In this case, it seemed clear the command would have been both heard and understood. Failure on the part of a female slave not to respond instantly and unquestioningly to a command can mean the whip for her. Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 407
"The slave is not a free woman," said Tajima. "She is to be hot, helplessly so. She must juice upon command. Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 379
"Kiss the quirts," she said. I did so, commanded by the woman whom I feared, who was my mistress. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 66
I heard a word, of command. I recognized it. I had heard it before. Swiftly then did I reassume the position which I had dared to break, and again I knelt, though this time in an agony of terror, before the strange, mighty man, legs spread, arms crossed, who stood before me. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 34 "Kneel," said a guard. The two slave girls immediately knelt, obedient to a master's command. Beasts of Gor Book 12 Page 153 "On your back," she said. I rolled on my back, and lay, miserably, at her feet. She caressed the side of my body with the coils of the whip. "Yes," she said, "I think you will do very nicely. Now, again on your knees, legs spread, before me!" Then again I knelt before her, precisely as she had commanded, obeying her. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 52 "Kneel," I said. "Is this some form of mad joke, Brinlar?" she asked. "Have you taken leave of your senses?" "I believe you received a command," I said. Players of Gor Book 20 Page 114 "Kneel down," he said. Swiftly they fell on their knees, behind the wagon. "Heads down to the dirt," he commanded. Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Page 27 "Kneel!" commanded the free woman. Lale struggled to her knees. "Get on all fours," said the woman. Lale was then on all fours. Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Pages 327 - 328 "Kneel!" commanded the free woman. Lale struggled to her knees. Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Page 327 "Kneel, as you were before, slut," he said. "Beast!" I wept. "Beast!" But I crept to my knees, and knelt before him, as I had been commanded. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Pages 60 - 61 For us, at any rate, for whatever sort of slave we were, the open-kneed position was commanded. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Page 83 "Come out, traitress," he said. "Come out, and kneel, head to the dirt, before your superiors and judges." The Lady Bina crawled slowly, painfully, from the tiny shelter, against the weight of the chains, lifted her head briefly, saw Lord Grendel, cast a look of terror at him, and then knelt shuddering before the group, her head down, to the dirt, as commanded. Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 533 They approached abreast and, responding to a curt, sharply issued verbal command, they knelt, as one, in line, hands identically placed on their thighs, heads lifted, to the same angle. At another word they half knelt, half lay, the left leg beautifully extended, a common posture for exhibiting brands, but, Cabot noted, they were not yet slave-marked, and at another word they sat down, knees partly flexed, hands on their knees, heads lifted. Another word released them from their discipline and they gratefully reclined, as they would. Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 598 "Kneel," I said to her. She looked at Pertinax, angrily, but he merely smiled. "Now," I said. Angrily she knelt beside me, clutching the trencher. Her knuckles were white. I had repeated a command. It should not be necessary to do that. Such is cause for discipline. Cecily looked frightened. Slaves, of course, are to obey immediately, and unquestioningly. Exceptions to this practice should occur only if the slave has not heard the command or does not understand it. If the masters should ask, "Must a command be repeated?" the slave knows that she is in jeopardy; at the least, the master is thinking, "Whip." At such a point, the slave will doubtless do her best to make it clear to the master, honestly, that she did not hear the command or does not understand it. "Please be merciful, Master," she might plead. "I did not hear Master." Or, say, "Your girl desires to please, but she does not understand what she is to do. Please tell her, Master." The girl might, of course, honestly suspect that the master did not say himself as he intended. An inquiry in such a case, is simple, and should clarify matters. She might, of course, beg permission to speak, and attempt to discuss or review the command, perhaps if she fears the command might have been ill considered, perhaps contrary to the master's own best interests. For example, it would not be regarded, or, perhaps better, should not be regarded, as a breach of discipline if the slave were to remonstrate against, or at least question, the advisability of a master's putting his own life or welfare in jeopardy. Few slaves will happily bring a master his cloak if he is in no condition to walk the high bridges, or, more dangerously, enter for some reason unarmed amongst enemies. In the end, of course, the master's will is definitive. It is for the slave to hear and obey. In all such matters, ideally, however, common sense and judgment should hold sway. Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Pages 55 - 56 "Split your knees," said Tajima. "No!" said Pertinax. "Now!" said Tajima. The girl spread her knees. "Wider!" said Tajima. She was, after all, a collar-girl. The former Miss Wentworth complied, quickly, docilely, with Tajima's command. Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 383
"Lean back," I said. She leaned back, shuddering with need, tears in her eyes, commanded. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 14
Incidentally, for what it is worth, though the southern girl is, I expect, worked less hard then the northern girl, who is commonly kept isolated on the farm, she is more often than her northern sister put to the switch or whip; I think she lives under a harsher discipline; southern masters are harder with their girls, expecting more from them and seeing that they get it; northern girls, for example, are seldom trained in the detailed, intricate sensuous arts of the female slave; the southern girl, to her misery, must often learn these to perfection; moreover, upon command, she must perform, joyfully and skillfully. Marauders of Gor Book 9 Page 144
"Lesha!" he said, Immediately, responsive to this command, I flung my wrists behind me, separated by some two inches, and lifted my chin, my head turned to the left. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Page 365 "Lesha!" he snapped. We lifted our chins, turning our heads to the left, and placed our wrists behind us. We were then braceleted, and our wrists were fastened behind us, as before. The lesha command is essentially a "leash" command. Placing the hands behind the body facilitates their tying or braceleting. Lifting the chin facilitates the fixing of the leash. As we were already chained by the neck to the rings on the back of the wagon, and thus, in a sense, were already leashed, the command was essentially one to prepare for a "behind the back" binding of the master's choice. The turning of the head in a particular direction introduces a uniformity into the command. For example, if a line of slaves were given such a command, it would be unaesthetic if some of the slaves turned one way and some another. The lifting of the head exposes the throat nicely for its encirclement. That the lifted head is turned to the left has an affinity with a number of other practices, the shackling of the left ankle, or the left wrist, the heeling of a master on the left, and so on. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Pages 609 - 610
"Yes," I said. "Lick and kiss me." "Lick and kiss you?" she said. "Yes," I said. "You command me like a Gorean slave girl," she said. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 108
"To my lips, Slave Girl," I commanded. Priest-Kings of Gor Book 3 Page 235 "To my lips," he commanded. I fled to him, and kissed him, deeply, as a slave. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 350
The slave cast a furious glance at her but the fellow about whose pommel was looped the chain put back his head and laughed loudly, and gave the chain a little, admonitory shake. "Eyes front, Marga," he commanded her. "Yes, Master," she said, frightened, and turned her head forward, and held it deliberately, fixedly, in that attitude, and kept her eyes, too, squarely ahead, not so much as glancing to the side. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 674
"Look into my eyes, Jason," she commanded. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 158 "Look at me," I said. She turned her eyes toward mine, reluctantly, but helplessly, commanded to do so. They were filled with tears. Her lip trembled. Renegades of Gor Book 23 Page 404
"Heads down!" commanded Ottar. They knelt, their heads to the muddied dirt. Marauders of Gor Book 9 Page 262
"Look up," commanded Al-Ka, and both of the girls lifted their heads trembling. Priest-Kings of Gor Book 3 Page 268 "Lift your head, Girl," he said. I heard the bells on my collar move as I did as I was commanded. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 335 "Do you wish permission to lift your head?" She whimpered once. "It is not granted," he said. She moaned. "It will be rather in compliance to my command that you will lift your head," he said. "Lift your head," he said. She lifted her head, commanded, wildly, gazing upon him. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 525 "Look up!" he commanded. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 692
"Man!" suddenly said the girl to her right. Instantly, without really thinking, and not really understanding, at least for the first instant, why she did what she did, Ellen went to the first obeisance position. It was, you see, a matter of an instant response, one consequent on her training. She heard the girl to her right laugh. Ellen was going to break position angrily, and speak crossly to the girl, thinking herself the victim of a joke, when it occurred to her that the "Man" command might have been appropriately motivated. She looked, subtly, to her right and left and found the others girls, too, in first obeisance position. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 210
"March!" came the command, a command accompanied by the crack of a whip, sudden and sharp. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 359 A command was barked, and there was a snap of the whip, and the coffle, the left foot of each figure first moving, began to move, approaching, paralleling the beach side of the wharf, several yards of which were now ablaze. Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 558
She could not leave her mat without permission. Too, at the command "Mat!" she and the others must scurry to their mats and kneel upon them. Failure to do this promptly was cause for discipline. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 129
"Kneel," he said. "I do not understand," she said. "Kneel," he said. I noted that he had repeated a command. Masters do not care to repeat commands. Explorers of Gor Book 13 Page 163 "Stand up," I told her. She did so. "Turn and approach me," I said. "But I am naked," she said. "Do you wish for me to repeat a command?" I asked. She turned white. "No, Master," she said. Explorers of Gor Book 13 Page 200 He handed her the cup formed from the yellow half-gourd. She looked down at it, clutched in her hands. "Do you wish me to repeat a command?" he asked. "No, Master!" she cried and leaped to her feet, hurrying to the water, in its wooden bucket, at the side of the shed. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 270 "Kneel," I said. "Kneel?" she asked. "Must a command be repeated?" I asked. "No," she said. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 311 "Run to me, and turn your back," I said. "How fierce you look, in the helmet," she said, shrinking back. "Must I repeat a command?" I asked. She ran to me, and turned her back. "No Jason," she said. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 335 "Sandals!" I suddenly snapped. A Gorean command need not be repeated. Peggy, startled, wild-eyed, rose to her knees and seized my sandals. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 172 I dropped the leash. It fell between her breasts, and then to the stones of the street. "Get up," I told her, "and put on your tunic." She looked up at me, agonized. "Must a command be repeated?" I inquired. "No, Master," she said. She then got to her feet, the long leash falling before her. She picked up her tunic and drew it on, but did not tie it shut. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 166 "Strip," he said. "There are others present," she protested. His right hand, in a backhand blow, lashed forth, fierce and powerful, striking her from her knees to her side on the tiles. She rose to her hands and knees and, blood at her mouth, regarded him, disbelievingly. "Must a command be repeated?" he inquired. Swiftly she tore away the slave tunic, stripping herself. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 257 "Dance it," he said. "I am not a dancer!" she cried. "Must a command be repeated?" he asked. "No, my Master!" she cried, and gracefully flexed her legs, and lifted her hands, their backs to one another, above her head. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 259 "I believe you were given a command," I said. "I trust that you do not desire for me to repeat it, as your discharge of the task might well, then, be preceded by a severe whipping." Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 192 "Speak," he said, angrily. "I grow weary." "But I am a slave," she said, frightened. She looked at me, pleadingly, for understanding. "Accordingly, miserable, imbonded slut," I said, "you must speak the truth." She put down her head. She squirmed in her bonds. "Much a command be repeated?" asked Seibar. She lifted her head, tears in her eyes. "I am a slave," she said, "and I must tell the truth. Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 366 "Lift your hair," he said. "What are you going to do?" I asked. "Must a command be repeated?" he inquired. Swiftly I thrust up my hair, baring the back of my neck. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 411 "It will be shorter," he said, drawing out a knife. "Master!" I protested, but he, with the knife, cutting and tearing, must have shortened it by at least two horts. I looked down, dismayed. "Later," he said, "sewing, smooth out the hem." "But if I take up the hem," I said, "it will be even short" "Must a command be repeated?" he asked. "No, my master!" I said. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 431 "Continue," he said. "But I thought you wished to rest?" I said. He looked at me, menacingly. "I shall continue," I said. "I would certainly not wish for a command to have to be repeated. That would be a reflection on my discipline. Too, I have no wish to be beaten twice in one day." Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 438 "Strip," I said. "Master?" she asked. "Must a command be repeated?" I inquired. "No, Master!" she cried. In an instant she was bared. Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Page 60 "Open your hand," said the leader. "What is the meaning of this!" she cried. "Must a command be repeated?" he inquired. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Page 275 "Dance," he said. "Master?" I asked, disbelievingly. "Need a command be repeated, slave girl?" he asked. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Page 330 "Please him," said the stranger to me, indicating Mirus. "No," said Mirus, coldly. The stranger looked at me. "Please, Master," I said to him. "I think he would prefer to kill me." "Please him," urged Tupita. I looked at her, wildly. Surely she, of all people, would not desire that! "Must a command be repeated?" inquired the stranger. "No, Master!" I said. The tone of such a voice is unmistakable to a slave girl. She knows she must obey unquestioningly, perfectly, immediately. I hastily crawled to Mirus. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Pages 438 - 439 "Turn," I said, "slowly, and then again face me." "I am a free woman," she said, angrily. "Must a command be repeated?" I inquired. She turned, slowly, and then, again, faced me. Renegades of Gor Book 23 Page 62 "Strip," he said. She looked at him, suddenly, wildly, and then about herself. "This is a public street," she said. He did not speak. She squirmed. "Is there no doorway? No sheltered place?" she asked. He did not respond to her. "I was a woman of Cos," she said, tears springing to her eyes. "This is a public street in Ar!" His expression remained impassive. He maintained his silence. "Cos has defeated Ar!" she wept. He did not speak. "Am I to suffer because you are angry with the men of Ar?" she asked. "Does the slave dally in her obedience?" he inquired. "No, Master!" she said, frightened. "Must a command be repeated?" he inquired. "No, Master!" she cried. Her tiny fingers began to fumble with the knot of the slave girdle, on her left. Then she had the knot loose and pulled away the girdle. She then, hastily, struggling a little with it, pulled the tunic, a light pullover tunic, off, over her head. "The slave obeys her master!" she gasped, frightened, kneeling before him. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Pages 133 - 134 "On your feet," I said. "I will get my collar!" she said. "If necessary I will slacken my veil. I will lift my robes in ascending a curb, that my ankles may be glimpsed. I will dare to walk the remote districts, and to tread high bridges!" "Must a command be repeated?" I asked. "No, Master," she said, quickly, rising. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 202 "Serve me wine!" she snapped. "Mistress?" he asked. "Is that not wine, and assorted dainties," she asked, "on the table by the couch, that which I see behind me, in the mirror?" "Yes, Mistress," he said. "And certainly female slaves humbly and beautifully serve their masters in such a way," she said. "Yes, Mistress," he said. "Must a command be repeated?" she inquired. "I am a male slave," he said. "I am not a female slave." "Surely you are aware that male silk slaves are trained in such things as the serving of wine to their mistresses," she said. "I am not a silk slave," he said. "I see that a command must be repeated," she said. "No, Mistress!" he said. He hurried to the small table and put a tiny bit of wine into one of the small glasses. He then returned, and knelt before her. He then, holding the tiny glass in both hands, his head down between his extended arms, proffered her the beverage. But she did not receive it as yet at his hands. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 447 "On your belly," had said a man. I complied. It is unthinkable on this world that such a command not be obeyed instantly, or, at least, that one such as I not obey it instantly. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 42 "Remove the collar," said the man. I looked up at him, puzzled. I could not read his eyes. But one does not wait for a command to be repeated. I tried to remove the collar. I could not do so, of course, as it was of inflexible steel, and securely locked. Dorna laughed. I threw her an angry glance. Let her remove her collar, if she could! "Can you remove the collar?" asked the man in the chair. "No, Master," I said. "No not forget it," he said. "No, Master," I said. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 196 "Carry her to the wall," said a man in the chair. The jailer then lifted me up and carried me in his arms to the wall, on which he stood, I in his arms. The wind blew fiercely there. I whimpered piteously, terrified. "Look down, slave girl," called the man in the chair. "Please, no, Master!" I cried. "Must a command be repeated?" he inquired. "No, Master!" I wept. I turned my head and, moaning, looked down. The rocks were hundreds of feet below. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 223 "Pick it up," he said. "Surely I may not touch it, Master," I said. "It is a weapon." In many cities, it is a capital offense for a slave to touch a weapon. "Must a command be repeated?" he asked. "No, Master," I said. I lifted the knife, timidly. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 707 "You may have been a lady on Earth," he said, "but you are a slave girl on Gor. And you will serve whomever, and however, I please." "Master, please!" she begged, head down. "Must a command be repeated?" he asked. "No, Master!" she said, frightened. In his tone there was ice, and iron, and she then knew what she was to him, and would be to him, what he would have her as, an uncompromised full slave. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 525 "Get in the wagon," Selius Arconious told his slave. "May I not walk," she asked, "to lighten the wagon, Master." "Will it be necessary to bind you hand and foot, and cast you to the wagon bed?" he asked. "No, Master!" she said. "Must a command be repeated?" he asked. "No, Master!" she said, and, seizing the side of the wagon bed and, stepping on one of the spokes, supporting herself thereby, climbed hurriedly to the wagon bed, within which she knelt on the tarpaulins and supplies, and, looking out, clutched the sides of the wagon bed. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 657 "Remove your garment," said the Lady Bina. "Give it to me!" Lita looked wildly at Cabot. "Must a command be repeated?" he asked. "No, Master," she whispered. A slave's obedience is to be instantaneous, and unquestioning. The least hesitation may mean the whip. They are slaves. Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 427 "Now lean forward." "Master," she protested. "Must a command be repeated?" I asked. "No," she said, frightened. The repetition of a command is often cause for discipline. Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 38 "Now," I said, "to second obeisance position." "Please," she protested, her head to the deck. "Must a command be repeated?" I inquired. "No!" she said. The repetition of a command is often a cause for discipline, and she was well aware of what that might involve. Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 153 "Go," I said. "Master!" she begged. "Must a command be repeated?" I inquired. "No, Master," she said, quickly. She then pressed her lips again, fervently, to my boots, and then rose to her feet, backed away, head down, and then turned and ran, weeping, from the lantern light, disappearing in the darkness. Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 212 "Go to the Kasra keeping area," I said, "and beg to be put on your chain." "Master!" she wept. "Need a command be repeated?" "No, Master!" she said. Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 314 It is not advisable to hesitate in responding to a command. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 296 "Speak," he said. "Please," I begged. "Must a command be repeated?" he asked. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 48 "Replace your veil," I said. "And remove it properly, gracefully." "Am I commanded?" she asked. "Yes," I said. "You dare to command me?" she asked. "Do you wish to be whipped?" I asked. "You could do that - to me?" she asked. "I trust a command need not be repeated," I said. She then replaced the veil, and, seductively, removed it. Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 622 "Must a command be repeated?" he asked. "No, Master," I said. The repetition of a command is often cause for discipline. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 197 I slipped into the tunic, for I did not wish to risk a command being repeated. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 277 "Must a command be repeated?" he asked. "No, Master," I said. The repetition of a command can be a cause for discipline. Quarry of Gor Book 35 Page 30 "Must a command be repeated?" he asked. "No, Master," I said. The repetition of a command is often cause for discipline. Quarry of Gor Book 35 Page 156 The commands of a master are to be obeyed immediately and unquestioningly. Hesitation or reluctance can be a cause for discipline. Quarry of Gor Book 35 Page 168 "Must a command be repeated?" I asked. "No, Master," she said and turned quickly about, to hurry to the paga vat. Repetition of a command is often cause for discipline. A slave is expected to obey instantly, and unquestioningly. "Must a command be repeated?" he asked. "No, Master," I said. I had no desire to feel the lash. Then he scowled at me. "Must a command be repeated?" he asked. "No, Master," I said, trembling. Repetition of a command can be a cause for discipline. I had stripped myself, earlier, as commanded. I had done this without the least demur, instantly and obediently. Female slaves on Gor are not to dally in responding to commands. Repetition of a command can be cause for discipline.
"Obey me!" I commanded. Nomads of Gor Book 4 Page 243
The following account is written at the command of my master, Bosk of Port Kar, the great merchant, and, I think, once of the warriors. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 1 "You have not yet complied with my command to adorn yourself with cosmetics and scents," he observed. "Are you disobeying?" Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 396 "You will work, eat, drink, juice, sleep, dream and excrete upon my command," he said. "Yes, Master!" we said. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 270 "Sit in the chair," he said. "I dare not!" I said. The thought of sitting in such a chair terrified me. It was the chair of a free person. I was a slave. I might be whipped, or slain, for sitting in such a chair. The greatest honor I might expect in connection with such a chair was to be permitted to crouch or lie at its foot, or, perhaps, to be chained by the neck to its side. "Is a command to be repeated?" he asked. "No, Master!" I said. I hurried to the chair and, small and frightened, sat down within it. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Pages 334 - 335 "The slave owes such, and more, to any master who commands her," I said. Players of Gor Book 20 Page 382 "Simply command her," I said. "As she is a slave, she must then obey promptly and perfectly, and will be subject to any disciplines which you might care to impose on her." Players of Gor Book 20 Page 390 "It would be the same with you, Boabissia," I said, "if you were a slave. You, too, then, as much as Feiqa, would be at the mercy of free persons. You, too, then, would have to obey, and anyone, as much as she. You, too, as then a mere slave, would have to cringe, and perform, and kiss, even if it were only at the command of a child. You, too, then, as much as she, would have to obey, responding swiftly, hoping desperately to please, while being put through your paces." Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Page 279 The handsome interlocutor, at this point, seemed for a moment undecided. He might even have been considering the wisdom, all things considered, of hastening forward. I said to him, rudely, I fear, considering his indubitable fame and talent, controversial though the latter might be, "Kneel!" Immediately he did so. "Oh!" said the woman in dismay, seeing the handsome fellow put to his knees. The two fellows with the handsome fellow, both free men, started forward a little at this point, but I threw them a welcoming, menacing glance, and they, looking to one another, decided to remain in the background. After all, on what grounds should they object to a legitimate command issued by a free person to one who, after all, was but a slave? Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 384 When the slave is commanded, the slave obeys. There is nothing unusual, untoward or surprising in this. She is a slave. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 294 The master has the right of command, and will exercise it; and the slave has the duty of unquestioned, absolute, instant obedience. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 357 Pyrrhus then uttered a command in Kur and the girl hurried to the furs and leapt into his arms. Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 160 "Girl," he said, "go to my pack, at hand, that with two black straps. Open it, fetch forth a flask bring it here, and then approach those two fellows playing stones, and invite them to be our guests." I could not even say, "Yes, Master," so startled I was, so commanded, but, when released, I hurried to do his bidding. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 370 "When I commanded you from the board, over the pool," said Tajima, "I addressed you as 'slave', and under that designation you obeyed." "That is sufficient," I said. "In that act she pronounced herself slave." A free woman can freely pronounce herself a slave, of course, but this is her last act as a free woman. Her freedom is then gone. She is then only another slave, another vendible beast and property. Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 297
"For your very life you performed," I said. "Yes, Master," she said, "as a terrified slave." "Perform," I commanded. Explorers of Gor Book 13 Page 328 "Return to the circle," he said, "and, hands at your sides, turn slowly for us." She did as she was commanded, and then again faced him, and the others. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 71
It is one thing to be thrown down and raped; it is quite another to hear the indolent command, "Please me." The responsibility for pleasure is often placed on the slender, lovely shoulders of the slave girl. It is she, then, who must labor in her bondage to be pleasing. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 162 A girl who is commanded to make slave lips, or who receives the command, "Slave lips," must form her mouth for kissing. She then, commonly, is not permitted to break this lip position until either she kisses or is kissed. Needless to say, a girl cannot speak when her lips are in the unbroken, fully-pursed slave-lips position. The command which commonly follows the "Slave-lips" command is, "Please me." Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 111
I was simply a prone slave girl who had been commanded to standard binding position. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 125 "Hands on thighs," called the soldier, "spread your knees, back straight, chin up!" He pushed up her chin with the coiled whip. She looked straight ahead, tears streaming down her face. "You will be struck twice more," he said. She cried out in misery, twice, each time shaken, each time almost thrown forward on her belly to the pavement. The blows were perfunctory, but, I suppose, to the one who receives them, they seemed intensely personal and meaningful. "Position," said the soldier. She resumed the position to which she had been earlier commanded, promptly and exactly. Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Page 133 "Position!" I snapped. Swiftly she knelt again, as she had been commanded earlier. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 209 "I trust that you and Iole," I said, "were well punished for your altercation." Normally masters do not much mix in the squabbles of slaves but, in this case, damage had been done, slaves bloodied, and tunics torn. Too, the slaves, in response to the command, "Position," had not knelt properly. Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 301
"Run!" I commanded. Nomads of Gor Book 4 Page 243 "Run to the iron, wench," suddenly commanded Ivar Forkbeard, harshly. Marauders of Gor Book 9 Page 88 "When you ran to your master," I asked, "as I commanded you, and crawled to him on your belly and begged his touch, what did he do?" Beasts of Gor Book 12 Page 80
"The Gorean master," I told the blondish girl, "commands sensuality in his female slaves." Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 12 Sexual heat, it might be mentioned, is looked upon in free women with mixed feelings; it is commanded, however, in a slave girl. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 17 I knew I had not been as successful as I might have been in pleasing the man to whom my master had earlier commanded me. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 105 "I cannot possibly respond with another woman in the room," she whispered to me. "Surely you must understand that, Master." "Respond," I told her. "I am commanded?" she asked, disbelievingly. "Yes," I said. "How can you command such a thing?" she asked. "As I have done," I said. "Yes, Master," she said. "And, further," I said, "you will respond as a slave." Explorers of Gor Book 13 Page 191
One of the kinsmen of Farouk went to the kurdahs of slave girls, hobble chains at his saddle pommel; he would rein in before a kurdah, throw the girl the hobble and order her, "Shackle yourself"; he would wait the moment it took for the girl to snap the small ring about her right wrist and, behind her body, the larger one about her left ankle; the rings are separated by about six inches of chain; they are not sleeping hobbles, which confine only the ankles; then he would rush to the next kurdah, fling a hobble to the next girl, and repeat his command. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 82
An additional advantage of long hair in a female slave, incidentally, is that it gives the master additional power over her, for, as he is the master, it is his decision whether or not she shall be able to keep it. One of the commands a Gorean woman most fears to hear, whether she is a captive or a slave, is "Shear her." Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 246
"In what slavery, or slaveries, will Master place me?" she asked. I looked at her position. "Perhaps in the slavery of the she-quadruped," I said. "Master may do so, if he wishes," she said, "if it pleases him, or amuses him." In this form of slavery, which is commonly used for disciplinary purposes, or for the amusement of the master, the woman is not permitted to arise from all fours; similarly she is not permitted human speech, though she may signify needs and desires by such means as cringing, and moaning and whimpering. Not permitted the use of her hands, save as a means of locomotion, she must also eat and drink from pans set on the floor, or, sometimes, to satisfy her thirst, she must lap the water permitted to her from puddles or lick pillages from the tiles; too, it is not uncommon to chain her near her master's feet, while he dines, that he may, if he wishes, throw her scraps of food. She will also be taught tricks, through which paces she may be put for the entertainment of her master's guests, such things as begging, lying down, rolling over, and fetching his sandals in her teeth. And, needless to say, when her master wishes to use her sexually, it will be in a position common to the she-quadruped. This form of slavery, incidentally, is often imposed on captured Ubaras. After a time, it is not unusual for the Ubara, on her belly before her master, given an Ehn in which to speak, to beg, in lieu of the slavery of the she-quadruped, that she be taught the salacious arts and lascivious dances of the female slave, that she may then be less a mere amusement for her master than a feast of slave pleasure for him. Her plea is usually granted. Such women tend to become superb slaves. They know, of course, that they may be, at any moment the master pleases, returned to the slavery of the she-quadruped. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Pages 225 - 226 Sometimes slaves are not permitted to touch food with their own hands. Sometimes, in such a case, they are fed by hand; at other times their food might be thrown to them or put out for them in pans, and such, from which then, not using their hands, on all fours, head down, they must feed, in the manner of she-quadrupeds, or slaves, if it be the master's pleasure. Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Page 82 "She is perhaps under the discipline of the she-quadruped," I said. The girl whimpered, looking at us, nodding her head affirmatively. Then she put down her head, again. "Oh," said Boabissia. In this discipline the female is forbidden human speech. She is also forbidden human posture, in the sense that she is not allowed to rise to her feet. Her locomotion, unless commanded to roll, or put under similar commands, suitable for a pet, will be on all fours. Her food will be thrown to her, or put in pans on the ground. In either case, she must feed without the use of her hands. She may also, of course, be fed by hand, but, again, will not be permitted to touch the food with her hands. She may be taught tricks. Sometimes these are taught as functions of arbitrary sounds, so that she must learn them as any animal might, without the benefit of an earlier understanding of the words used. If she is slow to learn, of course, she is punished, as would be any other animal. When used, too, it will commonly be in the modality of the she-quadruped. This discipline is often used as a punishment, but it may also figure in the training of a new girl. It helps her to understand what she now is, an animal totally subject to her master. After some time, sometimes as little as a few Ahn, in this discipline, she begs mutely, pleadingly, as eloquently as she can, to be permitted to serve her master in fashions more typical of the normal female slave, fashions in which her bondage, because of the greater complexities and latitudes of dutifulness and subservience possible with human activity, speech and posture, for example, dance, beginning at least on her feet, and song, may be even more deliciously complete and pleasing to him. To make certain that there are no possible confusions or misunderstandings involved in such cases the master usually gives the female a brief opportunity to speak, usually only a few Ihn, in which she must make her pleas, hoping to win his favor. If he is not satisfied with her pleas, of course, she is returned promptly to the former discipline. Too, for wasting his time, she might be exposed to other disciplines, as well, usually the lash. Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Pages 215 - 216 "Get on all fours," said the woman. Lale was then on all fours. "You are now in the modality of the she-quadruped," said my hostess. Lale moaned. "Esne," called my hostess. That woman, she who had earlier taken the Lady Labiena from the floor, came over. She, too, carried a whip, and was dressed in brief leather, rather like that of a warrior. At her belt was a chain leash. My hostess made a sign and Lale was leashed. "Can you understand me, my little she-quadruped?" asked my hostess. "Whimper once for 'Yes,' whimper twice for 'No.'" Lale whimpered once. "Good," said my hostess. "You are a bright little she-quadruped." The chain shook, as Lale trembled. "Have you ever served as a she-quadruped before, asked my hostess. Lale whimpered twice. "But you understand something of what is involved, do you not?" asked my hostess. One whimper. "For two weeks," said my hostess, "or more, if I choose, you will be chained in the darkness, in one of the back alcoves, serving there as a speechless animal any who may come upon you or desire you." Lale groaned in pain. "Do you understand?" asked my hostess. Lale whimpered once. Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Pages 327 - 328 I recalled the device that my hostess had used in communicating with the slave, Lale, a not uncommon one, or, at least, one of a not uncommon type, for females put in the modality of the she-quadruped. "You will whimper once for 'Yes,'" I said, "and twice for 'No.' Do you understand?" Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Page 389 "To all fours," said her keeper. Immediately she went to all fours. "Describe a circle, of some five paces in diameter, on all fours, as you are now," said her keeper, "and return to this place." I watched her. In this way was she well displayed, and in the attitude of the she-quadruped. She was then again before us, on all fours, head down. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 230 Too, for some days, I kept her in the bondage of the she-quadruped, or she-tarsk, not permitting her to rise to her feet, but she must go about on all fours. Too, her food and water must be taken from pans on the floor, without the use of her hands. Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 486
There is a mock rebellion which is sometimes permitted a slave girl, or even commanded of her, for the master's amusement. I felt a tear on my cheek. "Show rebellion," is a command which a girl must, as any other, obey. Yet it is a terribly cruel command. "Kneel," is the command which, commonly, puts an end to her rebellion. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 153
It is beautiful, too, to so fly, with a girl one has desired, bound over one's saddle, tied to the saddle rings, commanded to silence, her white belly arched, exposed to the moons. Beasts of Gor Book 12 Page 99
A girl who is commanded to make slave lips, or who receives the command, "Slave lips," must form her mouth for kissing. She then, commonly, is not permitted to break this lip position until either she kisses or is kissed. Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 111 "Slave lips," I commanded. She pursed her lips and then I, gently, kissed them. Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 138 Similarly, I was not required to respond to certain sorts of commands, for example, to make "slave lips," pursing my lips for kissing, or to writhe slowly before my viewers. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 224
"Did I not tell you to go to sleep?" he said. "Yes, Master," I said. "Must a command be repeated?" he asked. "No, Master," I said. The repetition of a command is often cause for discipline. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 197
"Say 'La Kajira'," I told her. She looked at me, helplessly. Then she repeated, "La Kajira." "Again," I commanded. "La Kajira," said the girl clearly, "La Kajira." Nomads of Gor Book 4 Page 40 "He commanded me to speak," said Ute, "and I, as a slave, must needs obey." Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 288 "Count," commanded Rask of Treve. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 312 As a note, it might be added, that the slave female, in her master's arms, must, if he so commands, under the threat of the whip or death, vocalize her sensations, then ventilating and reinforcing, multiplying, deepening, and increasing and intensifying them. Thus, cruelly, she is forced to help arouse herself and contribute to her own pleasures, and consequently, of course, those of the master. This command, sometimes, implicit, sometimes a matter of the master's policy with his girl or girls, under which she is placed, to vocalize her pleasures, and abundantly, as well as, in her abandon, nudity, and beauty, manifest them physically, guides, accurately and surely, the master in the detailed exploitation of her weaknesses, in his depredations practiced on her body. She must betray herself. Do not blame her. No choice is given her. Marauders of Gor Book 9 Page 292 "Were you not commanded by your Master, Ibn Saran, to so testify?" I said. "Yes," she said. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 351 "Speak, Slave!" commanded the Lady Gina. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 67 "I love you," said Iwoso, numbly. "I love you." "Speak the words with more meaning," commanded Hci. Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 404
He unlocked the door and ordered the Turian maiden forth, commanding her to stand before him, head down. Nomads of Gor Book 4 Page 184 "Stand straight and place your hands behind your head, head back." She did so. "Turn slowly," ordered Cernus. When Elizabeth had done so once, she remained standing before him, as he had commanded. Assassin of Gor Book 5 Pages 47 - 48 Then, at his command, I rose to my feet, and we continued on our journey to Laura, I preceding him, as before. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 186 "Stand proudly, Wench," commanded one of the men. Hunters of Gor Book 8 Page 260 "Stand!" said the merchant. "Head back! Hands behind head! Bend backwards! Farther! Farther!" He turned to us. "Acceptable," he said. Then to the girl he issued orders, rapidly, harshly. I watched, with interest, as the girl, tears in her eyes, responded to his swiftly issued, abrupt commands. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 155 The man barked a command. In panic and misery, in a movement of collar and chain, I fled again to my place and again stood before them, so straight, my chin again high, precisely as I had been before. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 14
"Shall the female be held?" asked a fellow. "That will not be necessary," I said. "Stay, Feiqa." "Yes, Master," she said. She would now keep her place, kneeling, as she was, until a free person might permit her to move. Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Page 52 "Stay," I told her, making certain of her compliance, giving her a command common to slaves. Renegades of Gor Book 23 Page 297
A slave running past stopped on my command. Assassin of Gor Book 5 Page 380 "Do not move," commanded the leather worker. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 164 They stood very still. They stood very straight. Their heads were very high. I had commanded them to stand so. Hunters of Gor Book 8 Page 186 "Hold, female slave!" I was afraid for a moment that she might panic and bolt in which case he would presumably have her in custody in a moment and she would have been beaten. If he did not catch her I would have to beat her tonight, for having disobeyed a command of that sort, from a free person. Such are not to be disobeyed. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 379 "Hold your coffle!" called the fellow from the saddle of the tarry he yards from the ground. His command was not necessary. We were terrified to move, and were crowded together. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 152
"Remove your clothing," I commanded, "and place your hands behind your back." Vika looked at me with surprise. "Quickly!" I said. She did as I commanded and I thonged her wrists behind her back. Priest-Kings of Gor Book 3 Page 196 One of the men barked a command at me. He moved his hand, angrily. I removed my hands from my body. I turned, still crouching. I understood that they would look upon me. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 12 Upon command I had slipped from the Ta-Teera. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 83 "Leave the tray where it is," said Tasdron. "Remove your silk, and remain kneeling." "Yes, Master," she said, swiftly slipping the silk back from her shoulders. She reddened, kneeling as a naked slave before the man she loved. Yet he looked upon her as though she might be any girl casually stripped by the command of a master. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 233 "Remove your silk, Slave," said Policrates. Instantly she did so, frightened, commanded. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 284 Slaves, of course, are often commanded to nudity before their master and their clothing, any, is always subject to his approval. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 176 Being a slave she knows that a master's invitation to remove a garment is equivalent to a categorical command to strip. She hastens to obey. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 278 "Remove the tunic," said the leader. She reached to the disrobing loop, and dropped the tunic to the floor, about her ankles. Tupita was too good a slave, and too wise a slave, to dally before a Gorean male, having received such a command. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Page 275 "Your tunic," he said. "Master?" she asked, uncertainly. "Remove it," he said. Swiftly, kneeling in the sand, she drew the tunic off, over her head, and put it beside her. Such garments have no nether closure, that the slave may well know herself slave. "The first command I have been given as Lita," she said, "is to bare myself before Master." "Yes," he said. Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 314 On the other hand the "strip" command may be obeyed, even so, with grace and alacrity. The garment is usually slipped back over the head as the girl kneels. Even in response to a simple, direct command, as suggested, the girl is expected to be graceful. Clumsiness is not acceptable in a slave; she is not a free woman. She is quite different, you see; she is a slave. There are, of course, a number of disrobing commands in Gorean, which are less curt and brutal than the direct, blunt, unadorned "Strip." For example, one might hear "Remove your clothing," "Bare yourself," "Disrobe," "Show me a slave," "I would see my slave," "Why are you clothed before me?" "Exhibit my property," "Display yourself," "You need not wear your tunic at the moment," "Remove the impediments to my vision," "You are lovelier stripped than clothed, are you not?" "What do I own?" "To the collar and brand, girl," "How were you on the block?" And so on. Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Pages 46 - 47 "Be silent," said Kurik, "and get your clothes off, now, both of you, quickly. Do not dally." And so we stripped, before our masters. My plea, my protest, had not been heeded. The slave does not demur. She may not. It is not permitted. She obeys. We had then, commanded, removed our clothing, and stood before them, naked slaves. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 590 When a slave is told to remove her clothing, she does not hesitate, protest, or cavil. She obeys without reluctance or reservation. She obeys unquestioningly, instantly. Quarry of Gor Book 35 Page 318 "I am a slave," she said. "I must obey. Does my master command me?" "Yes," I said. "I await his command," she said. "Remove your tunic," I said. To be sure she is well aware that her Master may command her naked whenever, wherever, and however he might wish, a command with which she must instantly comply. This is sometimes done at parties at which she serves, on occasions when Masters are comparing slaves, and so on. Masters are often protective of, and jealous of, their slaves, but the slave knows that if her Master consigns her to another, she must do her best to serve the other, and as a slave, or expect the whip.
Why had he not, at least, issued the "Sula!" command? That was one of several commands she had been trained to respond to instantly. Upon hearing this command, the slave immediately assumes a supine position, her hands at her sides, palms up, her legs open. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 124
further, being trained, she would be a rare and exquisite treat for the rude giants of Torvaldsland; beyond this, of course, commanded, she would impart her skills to the best of her abilities to his other girls. Marauders of Gor Book 9 Page 166
She regarded me, frightened. I did not give her the "thigh" or "brand" command, but I had little doubt she was now marked. In response to such a command those such as she must kneel on the right knee and extend the left leg gracefully, bared to the hip. The most common marking site on such as she is high on the left thigh, under the hip. Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 55
Again the girls were commanded to walk about the block, Assassin of Gor Book 5 Page 301 "Walk to one end of the room and back," said Sucha. "Please, no Mistress!" I begged. She lifted the whip. I did as she commanded. When I again stood before her she, to my dismay, touched me. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 261 A command was spoken and we rose. Another command was uttered and we stepped forth, beginning with our left foot. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Page 74
"Wriggle," I commanded the new slave, bound on the spear. Renegades of Gor Book 23 Page 272 Signals
"Attend me, Coffle," said he, "for bondage march." He held his hand, the visible signal of preparation, poised over his thigh. We tensed. But, strangely, though of Earth, I did not object to a world in which men, like larls, were healthy. I wanted them that way, rich and glorious in their power. I sensed, perhaps, my complementarity to them. Only in a world where there were true men could there be true women. I felt the steel on my wrist, with its chain. He struck his right thigh with his open hand, suddenly, sharply. We moved out, slave girls, on the left foot, that the pace of the march be uniform. We were owned. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 133
I snapped my fingers, and beckoned that she might approach me. She rose to her feet and approached me, backwards, as I had taught her. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 246 I snapped my fingers and Ina hurried to me. As I had kept the palm of my hand up, she did not kneel. She stood happily before me. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 327 "If he found me of slave interest," she said, "why was it that he never snapped his fingers, summoning me to his table, why did he not bind me, and thrust me before him to an alcove?" Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 574 "If you wish another round of paga," said Xenon, "I shall signal a girl." "We have a girl," I said.
I snapped my fingers and her legs turned under her, and she was kneeling, head back, dark hair on the tiles. Her hands moved, delicate, lovely. Slowly, if permitted, she would rise to an erect kneeling position; her hands, as she lifted herself, extended toward us. Four times said I "No," each time my command forcing her head back, her body bent, to the floor, and each time, again, to the music, she lifted her body. The fifth time I let her rise to an erect kneeling position. The last portion of her body to rise was her beautiful head. The collar was at her throat. Her dark eyes, smoldering, vulnerable, reproachful, regarded me. Still did she move to the music, which had not yet released her. With a gesture I permitted her to rise to her feet. "Dance your body, Slave," I told her, "to the guests of Samos." Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 29 At a signal from Ibn Saran, Alyena drew the veil about her body, and around it, and, with one small hand, threw it aside. She stood boldly before him, arms lifted, head to the side, right leg flexed. The veil, floating, wafted away, a dozen feet from her, and gently, ever so gently, settled to the tiles. Then, to the new melodic line, she danced. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 106
"You are familiar with gag signals, are you not?" he asked. I whimpered once. When a woman is gagged, one whimper means "Yes," and two, "No." Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 170 She whimpered twice, in misery. "Ah," said he, "you have already been taught gag signals! Excellent!" Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 520 "Surely you know gag signals, slut," said Selius. Ellen whimpered once. "Would you like to be thrown from the platform?" asked Selius. Ellen whimpered twice, miserably, two tiny, pathetic noises. "Good," said Selius. Ellen had been taught gag signals in her training, of course. The small tunic she now held between her teeth was not typical of Gorean gags, which often involve packing and stout mouth binding. It is important for a girl to know gag signals, for it is not unusual for her to be gagged by her master. This is useful in discipline, and it is also useful merely to remind her that she is a slave. They are also subject to blindfolds and hoods. In such encumbrances they must learn to respond to a variety of signals, for example, mere touches on an arm, guiding them, or, alternatively, verbal commands which, even though they can see nothing, they must obey with alacrity. The least hesitation or tentativeness is cause for discipline. In this way, it is possible to conduct a frightened, blindfolded slave even through narrow, twisting, intricate passages at a brisk pace. Prize of Gor Book 27 Pages 339 - 340 "Do you know gag signals?" asked Cabot. The beast came a bit closer. The slave shook her head, negatively, desperately. "One tiny sound," said Cabot, "for 'Yes', two such sounds for 'No'. Do you understand?" She nodded affirmatively, vigorously. Her eyes were wide, stricken with terror, over the gag. Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 317 "You know gag signals, do you not Vulo?" she said. I made a tiny, plaintive sound. I doubt that it could have been heard more than a few feet away. One sound signifies "Yes," two sounds, "No." All slaves are taught this. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 280 In gag signals, one sound betokens "Yes," and two sounds, "No." She would know that from the continent. Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 490 "You understand gag signals, do you not?" he inquired. I made a tiny noise, whimpering once. One such sound means "Yes," and two such sounds signifies "No." One is taught such things in the pens, or a training house. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 211 I was now in the modality of the she-sleen. One is denied an upright posture. One moves on all fours, or squirms on one's belly. One may kneel, but not rise to one's feet. One is denied human speech. One sound or whimper, as in gag signals, signifies "Yes," and two sounds or whimpers, again, as in gag signals, signifies "No." One feels very helpless in this slave modality. And few slave modalities better convince one that one is a slave. It can be terribly frustrating, trying to communicate in this modality, a frustration that is doubtless shared by many pet animals. Needless to say, as well, one is naked in this modality, as I was; one feeds and drinks from pans, head down, not permitted to use one's hands; and when one is put to use in this modality, it is done as one might expect. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Pages 644 - 645 She made a small noise. In common Gorean gag signals, one such noise means "Yes," and two means "No." I made a small, soft, single noise. When one is gagged, one such tiny noise signifies 'Yes,' and two such noises signify 'No.' Such signals may suffice, as well, if one is bearing a whip in one's teeth.
I extended my hand. I would snap my fingers. When I snapped my fingers she would rise to her feet and follow me, heeling me, like the sleek domestic beast she was, to her master's lodge. One of the first things a girl is taught to do is to heel. Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 108
He suddenly snapped his fingers and, in the swift double gesture of the Gorean Master, pointed to a place on the dirt floor before him, almost simultaneously turning his hand, spreading the first and index fingers, pointing downwards. I fled to him and knelt before him, my knees in the dirt, in the position of the pleasure slave, my head down, trembling. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 143 "'And if they should snap their fingers and point to the floor?' I asked. 'Then I would swiftly lie before them, and as a slave,' she said." Rogue of Gor, Page 102 I snapped my fingers, and the girl, to the side, rose from her knees and lightly hurried to the table, beside which she again knelt, head down. Rouge of Gor Book 15 Page 127 I snapped my fingers. "Yes, Master," she said. She approached the sound, and knelt before me. Rouge of Gor Book 15 Page 200 Quickly I snapped my fingers, sharply. She knelt immediately on the furs, among the chains. She knew well where she knelt. She knelt back on her heels, spreading her knees. Rouge of Gor Book 15 Page 204 I snapped my fingers. Immediately she knelt before me, bound, among the chains. Rouge of Gor Book 15 Page 214 I snapped my fingers, and indicated to her that she should resume the position of the pleasure slave which she did, immediately and beautifully. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 189 I snapped my fingers. "There," I said, pointing, indicating a place before me, "kneel there, facing away from me." Swiftly she crawled to the place, obeying. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 57 I snapped my fingers. She knelt. I snapped my fingers again. She stood. Rouge of Gor Book 15 Page 215
"I then snapped my fingers and held my right hand, open, at my hip. Swiftly the girl rose to her feet and, half crouching, put her head by my hand. I fastened the fingers of my hand deeply and firmly in her red hair. She winced, and kissed at my thigh. I then, the goblet of paga in my left hand, her hair in my right, dragged her beside me, her slender chains rustling, to the nearest alcove." Rouge of Gor Book 15 Page 59 "I looked at the girl. I nodded to her to approach me. She did so. I held my left hand open, at my waist. She stiffened, and looked at me, angrily. I opened and closed my left hand once. I saw her training in Gorean customs had been thorough. But she never thought that such a gesture would be used to her. She came beside me, and a bit behind me, and, crouching, put her head down, deeply. I fastened my hand in her hair. She winced. Women are helpless in this position." Beasts of Gor Book 12 Page 409
On the front of the hood strap, before the throat, there was a ring, for the attachment of a leash snap. Ellen had not realized this before. But now she felt a leash catch snap about the ring. She then felt two tugs, the signal, she knew from her training, that she was to be led, imminently, that she must be ready, at the next tug, to follow docilely, an obedient domestic animal, on her tether. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 286 Claudia had never seen a woman subjected to leash control before. "That was stupid," said the fellow. "Now, shall we begin again?" He took his foot off the leash. He shook the leash once, to alert the prisoner that a leash signal was imminent. Then he drew on the leash twice. "Stand," he said. "Follow." Renegades of Gor Book 23 Page 256 The leash was slackened, and gently snapped, twice. This was a signal, to a trained animal. I must try to rise to my feet to be led. Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 195 I became aware that the beast had picked up my leash. I was then startled, for it had snapped the leash, twice. I responded instantly, as the trained beast I was. When I was standing, and I stood very straight shoulders back, belly in, slender, and slimly erect, as one must, for one is a slave, the leash was snapped again, once. That is the signal to move. It is common, as in promenades, when the slave is to precede her master. If the slave follows her master, no such signal is required. The pressure on the collar ring makes clear that she is to move, as any other owned, tethered beast. Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 293 I idly reached for the leash, and tugged twice, which activated the metal ring on the leash collar, lifting and dropping it twice, signaling the slave that she should approach, which she did, on all fours. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 457 He had snapped the leash twice. If the slave is moving, one snap signifies 'Stop.' If the slave is stopped, one snap signifies 'Proceed.' If the slave is moving and the leash is snapped twice, as he had done, that signifies that the slave should not only stop but kneel. If the slave is kneeling, one snap signifies that she should rise to her feet. A second snap then, if desired, would signal her to proceed. A simple tug on the leash to the right or left, has the slave change her direction. If the slave follows on the leash, she kneels when the Master stops, and rises, and follows, when he continues on his way. Commands also, of course, may be delivered verbally. When not leashed, the slave commonly heels the Master, a bit on the left, a pace or two behind, depending on the traffic, so to speak.
I snapped my fingers and the girl kneeling before the dais lifted her head. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 177
Philebus unlocked even the holding collars on the neck chains of the girls at the post, that they, too, might participate in the serving. Swiftly, as soon as they were freed, they leaped up to do so. He glanced once at Temione, who moved, frightened, but he did not signal to her to rise. Clearly she was with me. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 26
Then, after a few Ehn, she toweled my body dry and then knelt before me, head down. I snapped my fingers, and she stood. Rouge of Gor Book 15 Page 202 I snapped my fingers. She knelt. I snapped my fingers again. She stood. Rouge of Gor Book 15 Page 215 I snapped my fingers. The girl, immediately, stood. Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 110 I snapped my fingers. "On your feet," I told her. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 87 He gestured that I might rise from where I knelt on the grass. I stood.
Did she not know that at a mere snapping of fingers she must tear away her tunic and prostrate herself? Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 268 A quick, abrupt gesture of the sword and she must disrobe, immediately, completely. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 348 A slave should never be too complacent in the matter of clothing. She must discard it at a gesture or a word. "I saw him looking at me," she said. "I covered my breasts with my hands, for they were bared, and smiled at him." "What did he do?" I asked. "He gestured that I should remove my hands from my breasts." "And did you?" I asked. "Instantly," she said. "Good," I said. "That probably saved you a cuffing."
"Away," said a fellow, with a gesture of his goblet, he sitting cross-legged, at the table, much engaged in conversation. I rose up, and returned to the vicinity of the Vat Master. Quarry of Gor Book 35 Page 419
In any event, after he had eaten for a bit, I kneeling back, he signed me to all fours, a simple gesture, and indicated that I might approach, beside the small fire. Then, from time to time, as he fed, he held out tidbits to me, and I fed, too, delicately, from his hand. Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 312 The back of his right hand faced me. His thumb was folded back, into the palm. The four fingers were extended and pointed downward. He made a quick, sharp gesture toward the ground. Instantly I went to all fours.
Two gestures then did he make, in quick succession, the first indicating the left shoulder where, had I been tunicked in that fashion, there would have been a disrobing loop, and the second indicating, fingers spread, palms down, the floor. Instantly I drew the tunic over my head, stripping myself before him, and turned about, and put myself to my belly, legs and arms spread widely, spread-eagled. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 144
I gestured that she should return the whip, and then, briefly, placed four fingers, downward, on the arm of the curule chair. The whip would be returned, then, in the manner of the naked slave. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 178 "Crawl, slut!" called more than one, as the slave was gestured from the tiny cage and, on all floors, head down, made her way to the floor ring, before which she was knelt, and to which her small hands were fastened. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 71
Cernus gestured for the kitchen slave to approach, and she did so immediately. Assassin of Gor Book 5 Page 184 I gestured that she should approach me, and she did so. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 445 I gestured that she should approach, and serve Pertinax. She did so. Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 408 "It is interesting," I said, "on Earth you could use the mere suggestion of sex, with its smiles and movements, as a weapon, a tool, as a device of business, use it in the interests of sales, contracts, and accounts, in the interests of opportunity, promotion, and advancement, and all with complete impunity, without risk or compromise, and now, at as little as a word, a gesture, a snapping of fingers, you must hurry to put yourself naked to a man's feet." Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 131 What man would wish, save for social or economic advantage, to indefinitely pursue, with exasperation and misery, a coy free woman when, with a snapping of his fingers, a slave will hurry to his feet, to cover them with kisses and beg to please him, and in the ways of the female slave? Quarry of Gor Book 35 Page 5 "How dared you, a slave, accost a free man?" I asked. "I did so with great politeness," she said, "and I am now before you, on my knees, as is fitting for one such as I, a slave, before one who is free." "I did not gesture to you and point to my feet," I said. "I did not clap my hands or snap my fingers. I did not summon you."
Yet if the fingers were snapped, or the hands clapped, or the gesture made, lifting the palms upward, she knew she must dance, dance as any slave, and as a slave must dance, for men. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 396
I then dismissed her with a gesture of my head and she rose lightly to her feet and left, to serve another. Rouge of Gor Book 15 Page 191 I then gestured her up with a casual motion of my finger and away, that she should hurry to the kitchen. Renegades of Gor Book 23 Page 71 I dismissed her with a gesture, as a slave is dismissed. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 18 He, sitting cross-legged, the small table to his left, made a tiny gesture with his left hand, and Saru quickly backed from the room. Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 116 With a gesture I was dismissed, and I rose, and backed away. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 398 I turned, and, with a tiny gesture of my head, dismissed the girl who had been kneeling a few feet behind me and to my left, in attendance, lest I might wish aught. "Go," I said, gesturing her away. "May you soon be marketed," I said, "and be purchased by the master of your dreams." "Thank you, Master," she said, and then, at my gesture, she leaped up and was lost in the crowd. I made a hasty, impatient gesture, dismissing Talena, hurrying her from the table.
We were then standing before the guardsmen. One of them had lifted his right hand, slightly, the palm up, so we did not kneel.
He had left me alone, kneeling, while he had scouted the camp. Shortly thereafter he had returned, and gestured for me to rise and follow him.
At his gesture, she, frightened, pressed her lips to his boots, and then looked up at him, waiting to be commanded. Had I gestured imperiously to my feet, I had the sense she might have crawled to me and placed her lips upon them. Had they made a certain gesture I would have pressed my lips to their shoes.
Outside Cernus gestured for the kitchen slave not to leave. Immediately the kitchen slave knelt in the hallway, not speaking. Assassin of Gor Book 5 Page 183 He suddenly snapped his fingers and, in the swift double gesture of a Gorean master, pointed to a place on the dirt floor before him, almost simultaneously turning his hand, spreading his first and index fingers, pointing downwards. I fled to him and knelt before him, my knees in the dirt, in the position of the pleasure slave, my head down, trembling. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 143 With his head Rask of Treve gestured me to one side, and I went and knelt to one side, as I had before. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 302 I gestured her to her knees, head down. She obeyed. Her hair fell to the map floor. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 34 I had gestured her to her knees. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 73 At a languid gesture from Ibn Saran, Alyena lifted herself from the scarlet tiles, gracefully turning from her side to her knees, and then, head back, hair to the floor, slowly, inch by melodic protesting inch, arms before her body, lifted herself to a kneeling position, erect, the last bit of her to rise being her head, with a swirl of her blond, loose hair. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 104 At a gesture from my master I knelt. I did so in the manner in which I had been taught, back on my heels, back straight, hands on thighs, head high, chin up. I did not neglect a further detail. I spread my knees, widely. It was the position, of course, as I would later learn, of the Gorean pleasure slave. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 77 I pointed to the sand before me. She immediately, frightened, dropped to her knees and again put her head down to the sand, the palms of her hands, too, on the sand. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 205 I spread the first two fingers of my right hand and gestured downward, toward a place nearby in the sand. Immediately she knelt there, her knees widely spread. There are many signals by means of which such behaviors can be commanded. In this particular signal, one of several which, from city to city, might have similar import, the downward movement of the hand indicates that the girl is to kneel, the place where she is to kneel is indicated in effect by pointing, and the spreading of the fingers indicates how she is to kneel, in this case, in effect, in the position of the pleasure slave, the knees spread. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 328 I looked down at her and pointed the first two fingers of my right hand to the ground, and then opened them. "You do not know the meaning of that sign?" I asked. "No," she said, trembling. "Her master is indeed weak," said a fellow. I supposed her master must be a low-drive male. "Spread your knees, widely," said another. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 223 The fellow who had asked for the brand display then made a tiny gesture and Ellen, instantly, returned to first position. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 417 "There is coffee," said the second man, glancing into the kitchen, noticing the pertinent vessel. "Good," said the third man. At a gesture Paula rose, hurried to the kitchen, and knelt beside the stove. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 37 He gestured, curtly, to the floor, to the side, where my tunic lay, near the brazier. I stepped, dripping, from the basin. "We must wait," he said. "Yes, Master," I said. I knelt near the brazier, warming myself, and wiped water from my body. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 395 At this point, Adraste rose to her feet, but was gestured back to her knees by a defender. Quarry of Gor Book 35 Page 387 I looked up at her, and then down, to the table. Her eyes followed mine. The first two fingers of my right hand were bent, and pressed to the table. My thumb and third and fourth fingers were closed and behind the first two fingers. Instantly she knelt. "That will do for now," I said. I gestured that she should leave the bottle at my place. At a gesture from me, Lais, frightened, restored order, replacing the goblets before the three women and pouring a small amount of wine into each goblet. I gestured that she might kneel before me, and she struggled to that position.
I gestured to the mat with the whip. Immediately she lay upon it. Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Page 369
I looked at the girl. I nodded to her to approach me. She did so. I held my left hand open, at my waist. She stiffened, and looked at me, angrily. I opened and closed my left hand once. I saw her training in Gorean customs had been thorough. But she never thought that such a gesture would be used to her. She came beside me, and a bit behind me, and, crouching, put her head down, deeply. I fastened my hand in her hair. She winced. Women are helpless in this position. Beasts of Gor Book 12 Page 409
He gestured to the grass, permissively. I sat back, on the grass, leaning back, on the palms of my hands. In this fashion one's hands are rather behind one, and rather held in place, by one's own weight. This position is one we are taught. In it, as is clear to us, we are more vulnerable. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 61
He gestured that she should lie on her back across the saddle in front of him, crossing her wrists and legs. She, terrified, did so immediately. He then secured her. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 229
I gestured toward the bars, and she hurried to them. Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 147 "There is coffee," said the second man, glancing into the kitchen, noticing the pertinent vessel. "Good," said the third man. At a gesture Paula rose, hurried to the kitchen, and knelt beside the stove. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 37 Silently, Iris rose to her feet, backed away, head down, and then turned and hurried through a nearby portal, one to which she had been directed by a gesture from Ruffio. "Begin with your veil," I said. "Then disrobe slowly, and beautifully." "As might a slave?" she asked. "As a slave," I said. "I see," she said. "Please me," I said. "I wish to enjoy reviewing my property." In a few moments she stood in the midst of her garments, sprawled about her ankles. I gestured that she should step away from them.
He gestured that she should precede him. Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 414 Shortly thereafter the arrangements, whatever they might have been, seemed to have been completed. In any event, Kurik then indicated an opening in the wall, one of several such, and I, at his gesture, approached it. It was then, as I hesitated, that he had thrust me through the opening, and then turned to buckle shut the leather curtain. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 264
Then Emerald, at a gesture from her captor, put herself in place, prone, beside Tuza and Darla. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 335
One of them had lifted his right hand, slightly, the palm up, so we did not kneel. Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 257
At a gesture from me she removed her hands from the sides of the garment and placed them on her thighs. Savages of Gor Book 17 Page 169
At a gesture from me she rose timidly to her feet. She wiped her eyes and looked at me. "May your girl ask a question, Master?" she asked. Priest-Kings of Gor Book 3 Page 202 He gestured for the woman to rise and she did so and stood before him, head lowered. Nomads of Gor Book 4 Page 160 Flaminius gestured that the two girls should try to rise and walk a bit about the room. Assassin of Gor Book 5 Page 153 At a gesture from Clitus, Ula, too, leaped to her feet. Raiders of Gor Book 6 Page 116 With a gesture I permitted her to rise to her feet. "Dance your body, Slave," I told her, "to the guests of Samos." Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 29 He gestured me to my feet and I stood again, straight, frightened, he regarding me. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 40 He gestured me to my feet. I sprang up. I stood straight before him, proud in the pleasure I had given him. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 74 The Lady Gina turned her right hand, back down, to the floor, and lifted it slightly. Both girls, obedient to the gesture; rose together to their feet. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 65 "Take me there!" she demanded. Instantly, appropriately, he lashed her head to the side with the back of his right hand. She was struck to the ground with the force of the blow and at a snapping of his fingers, and his gesture, she struggled again to her knees before us, her mouth bloody. Her eyes were wide. It was perhaps the first time she had been cuffed. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Pages 192 - 193 Late that afternoon I arrived at the shop of Amyntas, entered, knelt, put my head to the floor, then knelt up and, at his gesture, rose to my feet. Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 630 "So this is Asperiche?" I said. "Yes," said my captor, indicating with a gesture that Asperiche might rise. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 468 He was handed the whip and he gestured, peremptorily, to Saru that she should rise up to her knees. Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 417 "There is coffee," said the second man, glancing into the kitchen, noticing the pertinent vessel. "Good," said the third man. At a gesture Paula rose, hurried to the kitchen, and knelt beside the stove. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 37
He turned about, and, with a gesture, cautioned me to immobility and silence. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 41
"If I may not speak," she said, "by your least gesture or movement of irritation, warn me to silence. I have no wish to displease you in the slightest." I indicated, with a movement of my fingers, that she should discard the pleasure silk. She did so, dropping it behind her. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 177 I cautioned her to silence, holding my finger across my lips. This is a very natural gesture. I do not know if the gesture, considered as a Gorean gesture, had an independent development, or if, specifically, somewhere in the remote past, it had an Earth origin. There are many Gorean gestures, of course, some of which are very similar to Earth gestures and some of which are not. Another way of warning an individual to silence, incidentally, is to touch the fingers twice, lightly, to the lips. The origin of that gesture, as far as I know, is uniquely Gorean. Players of Gor Book 20 Page 179 "May I speak?" I asked. I then realized that no gag was needed to silence me. It could be done to me as simply and effectively by the will, or mere whim, of men such as these. By such men I could be silenced by a mere word, or a gesture or glance. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Page 48 He smiled and put his finger to his lips, a gesture that warned me that I was not to speak, a gesture with which I was familiar, from my own cultural background. I did not know if it were native to him as well. He smiled and put his finger to his lips, a gesture that warned me that I was not to speak, a gesture with which I was familiar, from my own cultural background. I did not know if it were native to him as well. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 25 "She has a general permission to speak," I said. Such a permission, of course, at a word or gesture, may be revoked. Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 38 What a difference between the unquestioned prerogatives of the free woman who may speak if and when, and as, she pleases, and the helplessness of the slave who may be silenced with a word or gesture, and may not speak without permission. Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 371 I sensed that with Lord Grendel I had a standing permission to speak. Many slaves are given such a standing permission by their masters. It is a permission, of course, that, at a word or gesture, may be instantly revoked. Plunder of Gor Book 34 Pages 408 - 409
He gestured that I should remove my garments, and I did so, even to, reading his eyes, the red Koora on my head. He then gestured that I should crawl to him and kneel back on my heels, facing away from him. I did so. I felt my wrists, with binding fiber, tied behind my back. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 333 Two gestures then did he make, in quick succession, the first indicating the left shoulder where, had I been tunicked in that fashion, there would have been a disrobing loop, and the second indicating, fingers spread, palms down, the floor. Instantly I drew the tunic over my head, stripping myself before him, and turned about, and put myself to my belly, legs and arms spread widely, spread-eagled. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 144 Clap Hands
I had not announced my presence to them, and by design, as might have a typical Gorean male. Such a male, entering among hooded slaves, in particular, pleasure slaves, might have signified his presence by smiting his thigh once, or by twice clapping his hands, sharply, perhaps, at the same time, calling, "Position." Such women, then, had they been hooded Gorean pleasure slaves, and not Waniyanpi females, would have scrambled to kneel, and beautifully and vitally. Too, they would have knelt with their knees widely spread, exposing the soft interiors of their opened thighs, indicating thereby, and sensitively and beautifully, their vulnerability to male might and their submission to male power. Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Pages 159 - 160
I then stepped back from her. "When I clap my hands," I said, "you will dance, Slave." "Yes, Master," she said. Explorers of Gor Book 13 Page 361
When Kron had tired of watching the dancers he clapped his hands twice and with a discordant jangle of their ankle bells they fled from the room. Outlaw of Gor Book 2 Page 226 The feast steward then clapped his hands twice, dismissing the girls, who rushed from the room; and then he clapped his hands twice more. I heard the sound of slave bells attached to ankle rings, to locked wrist bracelets, to Turian collars. More girls approached rapidly, their feet taking small running steps in a turning line that sped forth from a small room in the back and to the right. Nomads of Gor Book 4 Page 97 "The rest of you," I said, "to your kennels, hurry!" I clapped my hands. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 268
"The rest of you females," said Boots, clapping his hands sharply, "get back to your work!" Players of Gor Book 20 Page 256 He then clapped his hands together, sharply, joyfully. "Get busy, you worthless pot girls, you tarsk-bit sluts, prepare a feast, a mighty feast!" Kur of Gor Book 28 Page 598
He clapped his hands sharply twice, and there was a scurrying and rambling of bodies and the sound of the long chain slipping through the ankle rings. The girls now knelt, each in the position of the Pleasure Slave, in their camisks on the grass, in a line between the two trees to which their chain was fastened. As I passed each she boldly raised her eyes to mine and said, "Buy Me, Master." Outlaw of Gor Book 2 Page 194
Others, on their chains, were to react, as though struck, given a clap of hands. Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 333
Rask clapped his hands again, twice, sharply. The musicians stopped, and the girl stopped dancing. "That is enough, Slave Girl," he said. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 304
Kron clapped his hands again and to my surprise there was a sudden sound of bells and four terrified girls, obviously chosen for their beauty and grace, stood before our table clad only in the scarlet dancing silks of Gor. They threw back their heads and lifted their arms and to the barbaric cadence set by the musicians danced before us. Outlaw of Gor Book 2 Page 225 Then Kutaituchik sat back and clapped his hands together sharply twice. "Bring the she-slave," he said. Nomads of Gor Book 4 Page 44 The feast steward then clapped his hands twice, dismissing the girls, who rushed from the room; and then he clapped his hands twice more. I heard the sound of slave bells attached to ankle rings, to locked wrist bracelets, to Turian collars. More girls approached rapidly, their feet taking small running steps in a turning line that sped forth from a small room in the back and to the right. Nomads of Gor Book 4 Page 97 Rask clapped his hands twice, sharply. And the black-haired, green-eyed, olive-skinned slave girl stood before him. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 302 I had last seen Tajima at the camp of tarns, north of the holding of Lord Temmu, in his headquarters tent. He moved aside the lists of equipment and the maps on the small table, and clapped his hands, twice, briskly. Nezumi hurried in, and knelt, head down, to await instructions. Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 608 "How dared you, a slave, accost a free man?" I asked. "I did so with great politeness," she said, "and I am now before you, on my knees, as is fitting for one such as I, a slave, before one who is free." "I did not gesture to you and point to my feet," I said. "I did not clap my hands or snap my fingers. I did not summon you." I clapped my hands sharply and Talena, who was some yards away, in the shadow behind the tent I shared with my party, looked up from her work, buffing the walking boots of Aetius. I pointed to the ground at my feet, and she put down the boot on which she was working, and hurried to kneel before me, head down. She was trembling. I think she was afraid to be in the presence of Marlenus.
"Wake up, Wench!" I cried, striding into Vika's chamber, clapping my hands sharply twice. Priest-Kings of Gor Book 3 Page 57 Motions
I motioned for her to approach, and she did so. I indicated that she should enter my arms, and she did so. Nomads of Gor Book 4 Page 298 He turned to us, and motioned us forward, the five girls in the coffle. We approached. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 149 I threw off the furs, and motioned her to my arms. Beasts of Gor Book 12 Page 80 I motioned her forward and she turned to my arms, sobbing, holding me. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 264 The jailer motioned that I should approach him. I did so, timidly. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 153 He motioned that she should bring it to him. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 85 The older lad motioned that she should come closer, and then cautioned her to approach no more closely. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 363 Pertinax stood up, not too solidly, and motioned to his Jane, who instantly surrendered her trencher of suls to another girl, and hurried to him, to kneel and put her head down, softly, her forehead to his sandals. Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 414 "Girl!" I said. Frightened, the slave turned, catching sight of me, I think for the first time, and probably, too, the fallen Seremides. I motioned her to me. Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 248 "Let us see," he said, motioning me to him. I approached him, and knelt, the large bottle supported in its net, the sling running from my left shoulder to my right hip. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 372 When he felt each girl had suitably presented herself, pausing, turning slowly before us, and facing us again, he dismissed her with a slight motion of the switch, and the next approached. Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 186
"Paga, Master?" asked a dark-haired, belled paga slave, in a scrap of diaphanous yellow silk. I motioned her away. Rouge of Gor Book 15 Page 12 I motioned her away, impatiently, clumsily. "Thank you, Master," she said, and leapt up and fled, with a flash of bells, from the small, round table, at which I sat, cross-legged. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 43 When he felt each girl had suitably presented herself, pausing, turning slowly before us, and facing us again, he dismissed her with a slight motion of the switch, and the next approached. Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 186 "No," said the Ashigaru, and the tip of his switch moved slightly, dismissing the slave. Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 187 I motioned that she should return to the vicinity of the kitchen master, which she promptly did. Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 210
He motioned me to my feet that I should follow him. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 99 He motioned that I should follow him within. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 371
He carried some things, and motioned that I should lie upon my stomach in the vicinity of the double door. He crouched beside me and crossed my wrists. He jerked tight knots on them. He then crossed my ankles, and pulled them up, close to my wrists. In a moment, with a few quick movements, my ankles had been tied tightly together and fastened to my wrists. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 393
A man opened the gate and motioned me out, still on all fours, onto a small wooden platform. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Page 125
Kuurus threw the silk and chain over his shoulder and motioned the girl to move ahead of him and, numbly, she did so, crossing the room, going between the tables, and stopping before the narrow ladder at the right side of the high wall, in which were found the ledges with their alcoves. Assassin of Gor Book 5 Page 22
He then stepped back from me, and motioned that I should get up. I did so, unsteadily, for I had been closely bound, hand and foot. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Page 413 He motioned for her to rise, and she did so, and stood before him, though I feared she might fall. Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 532 The leader then motioned that Donna should rise. She did so. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 342 The Ashigaru motioned her to the side, and she leapt up and hurried to wait, beside Cecily. Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 191
Too, of course, the slave may be commanded to serve her master in a medley of modalities, at so little as a hand sign or a snapping of fingers. Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 247 Snap Fingers
Kamchak snapped his fingers and pointed to the rug, Elizabeth then knelt to him, clutching the pelt about her, and put her head to his feet. Nomads of Gor Book 4 Page 63 She suffused with pleasure as he snapped his fingers for her to approach him. She leaped to her feet and ran to him, where he shook her head roughly, and unbound her. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 112 He suddenly snapped his fingers and, in the swift double gesture of a Gorean master, pointed to a place on the dirt floor before him, almost simultaneously turning his hand, spreading his first and index fingers, pointing downwards. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 143 Rask of Treve snapped his fingers. "Approach me, El-in-or," he said. Captive of Gor Book 7 Page 301 "Slave!" he called. He snapped his fingers at her, pointing to the planks of the wharf at his feet. She sped down the gangplank to kneel swiftly before him. Hunters of Gor Book 8 Page 69 Then he released her, snapping his fingers and pointing to his feet. She knelt before him, and kissed his feet, her hair falling over them. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 179 For all the restraints placed upon me I might have been a free woman, save that the distinction between us, apart from my tunic and collar, would have been clear when a man snapped his fingers and pointed to the deck at his feet, or whistled for me in the night, and I must run to him, as might a pet sleen, to serve him. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Pages 360 - 361 He snapped his fingers at her. "Come, Girl," he said. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 22 I snapped my fingers, and the girl, to the side, rose from her knees and lightly hurried to the table, beside which she again knelt, head down. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 127 I snapped my fingers. "Yes, Master," she said. She approached the sound, and knelt before me. I again snapped my fingers, and the girl stood. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 200 I snapped my fingers. Head down, then, on all fours, to the small sounds of the slave bells on her wrists and ankles, and collar, she slowly ascended the three broad steps of the carpeted dais. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 179 I then snapped my fingers and she crawled to me, and then, putting out her hand to determine my position, knelt before me. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 207 He snapped his fingers and pointed to his feet. She crawled to his feet on her belly. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 257 I snapped my fingers. She, even though frightened, must come to my arms. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 297 "Here," I said, snapping my fingers. The naked blond slave ran swiftly to me and knelt before me. Players of Gor Book 20 Page 291 She snapped her fingers and Louise sprang up, and came to where we stood. Then she knelt. Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Page 342 We must run to a man eagerly, at his least summons. We could be "gotten" as easily as by a snapping of the fingers. Dancer of Gor Book 22 Pages 243 - 244 Later that afternoon, after I had slept, I had awakened and snapped my fingers. She was over against the far wall, awake, wide-eyed, half covered in the straw, lying on her side, watching me. At my signal she had crawled across the floor, through the straw, and then knelt before me, her head down, submitted. Renegades of Gor Book 23 Pages 214 - 215 I snapped my fingers, and beckoned that she might approach me. She rose to her feet and approached me, backwards, as I had taught her. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 246 He snapped his fingers and Ina, who had not yet fed, hurried to kneel beside us, back a little, so that her presence would not be obtrusive. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 333 I snapped my fingers and Ina hurried to me. As I had kept the palm of my hand up, she did not kneel. She stood happily before me. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 327 He snapped his fingers and indicated that Ina should approach us. She did so and then looked up at us. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 354 I snapped my fingers. She hurried angrily to stand before me. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 219 He snapped his fingers and said, "Collar!" She rose uncertainly to her feet, and approached him. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 357 I heard the snapping of the pit master's fingers. Quickly I backed away, on my stomach, from the peasant, and then rose up, on my knees, to kneel, head down, before the pit master. Witness of Gor Book 26 Pages 398 - 399 Why did they not let her, too, kneel, or stand, inconspicuously aside, scarcely noticed, deferent, ready to be summoned, at so little as a snapping of the fingers of the free? Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 73 He snapped his fingers that she should approach him and she ran to stand before him. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 649 After a bit I snapped my fingers that Cecily should approach me, and then, bit by bit, as she knelt by me, and extended her head, delicately, I fed her. Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 56 Then I snapped my fingers, and pointed to the floor, before me, and she crawled to that place, on all fours, and looked at me. Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 231 She might behave as before, should it be his wish, as it may be but, too, if he wishes, he might snap his fingers, speak a simple word, point to the floor, or such, Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 252 "It is interesting," I said, "on Earth you could use the mere suggestion of sex, with its smiles and movements, as a weapon, a tool, as a device of business, use it in the interests of sales, contracts, and accounts, in the interests of opportunity, promotion, and advancement, and all with complete impunity, without risk or compromise, and now, at as little as a word, a gesture, a snapping of fingers, you must hurry to put yourself naked to a man's feet." Rebels of Gor Book 33 Page 131 "How dared you, a slave, accost a free man?" I asked. "I did so with great politeness," she said, "and I am now before you, on my knees, as is fitting for one such as I, a slave, before one who is free." "I did not gesture to you and point to my feet," I said. "I did not clap my hands or snap my fingers. I did not summon you."
Samos, with a snap of his fingers, freed the dancer from the slave pole. She moved, turning, toward us. Before us, loosening her veil at the right hip, she danced. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 13 I then snapped my fingers and pointed to the men. Immediately Ina, humbly, desperately, with a zeal that would have befitted a threatened slave, began to move about, on her knees, and all fours, and on her belly, among the men, kissing and licking, and caressing. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 335 Yet if the fingers were snapped, or the hands clapped, or the gesture made, lifting the palms upward, she knew she must dance, dance as any slave, and as a slave must dance, for men. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 396
I laughed, and snapped my fingers. Elizabeth straggled to her knees, threw back her head turning the collar on her throat, and knelt facing us. Assassin of Gor Book 5 Page 85 I snapped my fingers and her legs turned under her, and she was kneeling, head back, dark hair on the tiles. Tribesmen of Gor Book 10 Page 29
He snapped his fingers. Again, then, head down, slowly, she approached him, the whip held in her mouth. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Pages 140 - 141 He then pointed to the sandals, and snapped his fingers. Aynur dropped to all fours and crawled to the first sandal, picked it up in her teeth, and brought it to him, and dropped it at his feet. She then fetched the second sandal, in the same manner. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 78 Perhaps she will be permitted, at a snapping of fingers, to crawl to the master, bringing him the whip in her teeth. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 598
In the very sight of such men I felt it natural that I should kneel and bow my head, hoping that I might be noticed, might be found acceptable might be found such that they might deign to snap their fingers and indicate that I might follow them, hoping to be eventually awarded their collar. Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 282
Already you grovel at the snapping of fingers, and lick and kiss the whip with not only skill, but eagerness. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 200
I rose to my feet. I prepared to snap my fingers. "I love being owned by men," she said. "I do not find it degrading or debasing. I find it exalting and fulfilling. Do not despise me for what I am." "And what are you?" I asked. "A woman," she said. "And a slave," I said. "Yes," she said, "a woman, and a slave." I extended my hand. I would snap my fingers. When I snapped my fingers she would rise to her feet and follow me, heeling me, like the sleek domestic beast she was, to her master's lodge. One of the first things a girl is taught to do is to heel. Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 108 "And when I am finished with you," I said, "I shall rise to my feet and snap my fingers. You will then, without further ado, rise to your feet and follow me, silently, humbly and unquestioningly, heeling me, as the mere beast you are, to the lodge of your master." Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 115
"I am fond of a barbarian," said Drusus, "a hot, shapely slut whom I put to frequent, ruthless use. She juices at the snapping of my fingers crawls to my feet, whimpering, begging, like a she-sleen in heat. I hope one day to buy her. Her name is 'Paula'." Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 485 "You are no different from thousands of others," he said, "dark-haired, shapely meat, block goods, begging, moaning beasts, juicing at a snap of the fingers, melting and ready as soon as a master deigns to look upon you. You have learned your collar well and your meaning in chains." Quarry of Gor Book 35 Pages 314 - 315
Quickly I snapped my fingers, sharply. She knelt immediately on the furs, among the chains. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 204 I snapped my fingers. Immediately she knelt before me, bound, among the chains. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 214 I snapped my fingers, and indicated to her that she should resume the position of the pleasure slave which she did, immediately and beautifully. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 189 He snapped his fingers. Immediately she resumed her former position. Mercenaries of Gor Book 21 Page 164 I snapped my fingers. "There," I said, pointing, indicating a place before me, "kneel there, facing away from me." Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 57 She was struck to the ground with the force of the blow and at a snapping of his fingers, and his gesture, she struggled again to her knees before us, her mouth bloody. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 193 And so, bidden with as little as a snapping of fingers, she quickly kneels and presses her soft lips to his whip, and rejoices, and is alive. Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 462 Shortly thereafter, Kurik sauntered over, and snapped his fingers. "Out from under the wagon," he said, "and kneel, here, before me." Plunder of Gor Book 34 Page 607
I then snapped my fingers and held my right hand, open, at my hip. Swiftly the girl rose to her feet and, half crouching, put her head by my hand. I fastened the fingers of my hand deeply and firmly in her red hair. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 59
My master snapped his fingers and Marla sprang to her feet and went out the door of the hut. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 143 Normally slave girls, with a snap of the fingers or a wave of the hand, are dismissed from an area when sensitive information is to be discussed. Renegades of Gor Book 23 Page 417 He then snapped his fingers and indicated that I should rise and leave the cell, going to the right, as one faced outwards. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 146
I snapped my fingers and the girl kneeling before the dais lifted her head. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 177 I heard the snap of his fingers, and I knew I must lift my head, that I might be regarded. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 184
He spoke to her in Kaiila and snapped his fingers. She put her head down to the dirt before him. Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 352 The young man snapped his fingers, and Tutina swirled back to her original position, and kept her head down. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 25 One expects total pleasingness from her, deference, and subservience, instant and unquestioning obedience, and, at a word or the snapping of fingers, the provision of ecstatic gratification. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 49
He then snapped his fingers and I leaped up and, at a gesture, preceded him into the inn, up the rear stairs. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 153
Did she not know that at a mere snapping of fingers she must tear away her tunic and prostrate herself? Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 268
With a snap of his fingers and a movement of his hand he released me from position. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 36
Marlenus snapped his fingers, pointing to his cup on the table. The slave girl came forward, from where she knelt to one side, and, kneeling, from a two-handled vessel, filled it. She was very beautiful. Hunters of Gor Book 8 Page 149 At his slightest word I would leap to serve him. How furious, how jealous, would the boys have been had they seen how perfectly the haughty, beautiful girl they could not even interest or impress now responded swiftly, eagerly, even to the snapping of fingers of another, of a true man. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 37 Then he snapped his fingers. Through the door, bearing a tray, came a small, exquisite, brunet female slave. Beasts of Gor Book 12 Page 347 Yet I would be remiss did I not mention that even the most vital, animate slave, delightedly conversing with her master, knows that at a mere snap of his fingers she may have to tear aside her garments and serve him as a chain slut. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 100 I saw that either, at a snap of my fingers, would have thrown themselves on their backs on the boards before me. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 269 "And if they should snap their fingers and point to the floor?" I asked. "Then I would swiftly lie before them, and as a slave," she said. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 102 With the older slave girl, one who has already learned something of the meaning of her collar, a mere snapping of the fingers or a small, imperious gesture can have a similarly devastating, triggering effect on her sexuality. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 169 She knows, too, that she may now be summoned to perform sexually, and fully, by as little as the merest snapping of the master's fingers. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 208 One of the next things she is taught to do, in her training chains in a furred alcove, is to make love instantly, at so little as the snapping of fingers, or the barking of a command. Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 404 Had Drusus Rencius so much as snapped his fingers I think I might have thrown myself to my back in the alley, begging for his touch. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 135 I wondered if the shortness of my hair, the result of the shearing, made me less attractive to Speusippus. I wondered if that were why he had not snapped his fingers and commanded me to his pleasure. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 245 Let every glance, every look and movement, signify to men the promise of untold pleasures, and if any of them should so much as snap his fingers, see that you fulfill that promise and a thousand times more. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 279 Ligurious was truly a master; he had proved this with other women; similarly, in most circumstances, had he so much as snapped his fingers at me, I would have thrown my legs apart for him; Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 357 I must now ready myself for him, and please him fully, at as little as a glance or a snapping of fingers. Kajira of Gor Book 19 Page 415 "And at so much as the snapping of my fingers, you will bring yourself running to me, obediently and warmly, desperate to please me." Dancer of Gor Book 22 Page 145 Slaves learn to be in the "mood" instantaneously, at so little as a glance or a snapping of the fingers, and a pointing to the floor. Renegades of Gor Book 23 Page 146 It is not like looking on the beauty of a female slave whom one may then, with a snap of the fingers, send to the furs. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 118 Her reflexes were almost as instantly activatable as those of a female slave, most of whom, in virtue of their condition and training, juice readily, often at so little as a glance or a snapping of fingers. Vagabonds of Gor Book 24 Page 290 The slave must be instantly ready to serve the master, and at so little as a whistle, a gesture or a snapping of the fingers. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 415 To be certain, we are taught, in such situations, to be self-effacing, and to serve deferentially. Such things can be changed, of course, at so little as a word, or the snapping of fingers. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 12 Had he so much as snapped his fingers I would have done anything! Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 32 He pointed to the sandals, at his feet. He snapped his fingers. I hurried to kneel before him. I picked up on sandal, looked up at him lowered my head, kissed the sandal, looked up at him again, and then bent to put the sandal on his foot, which I did, carefully trying the thongs. I then did the same with the other sandal. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 80 Too, I knew, somewhat to my chagrin, that it could be ordered from me with so little as a snapping of fingers. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 103 When then one is summoned to further service, by perhaps so little as a glance or snapping of fingers, one leaps up and hurries forward, perhaps then, on one's knees, to clear, or perhaps to fetch and then serve, again kneeling, the tiny cups of strong coffees, or black wines, the shallow silver bowls of white and yellow sherbet. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 220 To be sure, I must yield it at so little as the snapping of fingers. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 296 How amusing to have such a woman as a slave, to have her serve his meals, to order her, at so little as a snapping of fingers, to pose or dance, or to strip and hasten to the furs! Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 492 "I am a slave," she said. "Surely Master can force me. He can bend me to his will. A mere snapping of the fingers will suffice. I must obey, with all the perfection with which I am capable, and instantly." Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 123 Let such husbands, such weaklings, cry out in misery, she thought, learning that their pampered, bored, spoiled, troublesome, nagging wife is another man's kneeling licking, begging slave. Another, at the mere snapping of fingers or an imperious gesture, receives from she whom he has never taken the time or interest to truly know, she whom he has never questioned as to her depths and needs, she to whom he has never intimately and truly spoken, she whom he has never attempted to understand, but has insisted upon seeing only from a distance, through the distorting prisms of convention, frequent, delicious, loving, abject services, services of which he has feared even to dream. Prize of Gor Book 27 Pages 173 - 174 "A strong hand and a quick whip and she will writhe at a snapping of the fingers," said Targo. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 273 She heard a snapping of fingers. She looked up. "Bread," said Selius Arconious, gesturing toward the kitchen. Prize of Gor Book 27 Page 693 She is to be hot, helplessly so. She must juice upon command. A touch readies her. At a snapping of the fingers, she must hasten to assume whatever attitudes or positions you wish. Swordsmen of Gor Book 29 Page 379 "If he found me of slave interest," she said, "why was it that he never snapped his fingers, summoning me to his table, why did he not bind me, and thrust me before him to an alcove?" Mariners of Gor Book 30 Page 574 But now I was a slave, and would probably belong to a man, one who might exact from me, at a mere snapping of fingers, everything that a frightened, docile slave might give. Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 121 Too, of course, the slave may be commanded to serve her master in a medley of modalities, at so little as a hand sign or a snapping of fingers. Conspirators of Gor Book 31 Page 247 We are at the disposal of the free. We must obey, instantly, and unquestioningly. A simple word, a gesture, a snapping of fingers may command us. Smugglers of Gor Book 32 Page 483 Commonly a slave is to be at hand, ready to serve at so little as a glance or a snapping of fingers, but is not to be obtrusive. Quarry of Gor Book 35 Page 82
They soon learn, as we all do, to throw their legs apart at a snapping of fingers. Quarry of Gor Book 35 Page 413
I snapped my fingers. "Yes, Master," she said. She approached the sound, and knelt before me. I again snapped my fingers, and the girl stood. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 200 I snapped my fingers, and she stood. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 202 I snapped my fingers. She knelt. I snapped my fingers again. She stood. Rogue of Gor Book 15 Page 215 I snapped my fingers. "On your feet," I told her. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 87 Tasdron, with a snapping of his fingers calling Peggy to her feet, removed his collar from about her neck, and she ran to stand, head down, deferential and bound, near Callimachus. Guardsman of Gor Book 16 Page 270 I snapped my fingers. The girl, immediately, stood. Blood Brothers of Gor Book 18 Page 110 "Up," said Marcus irritably, snapping his fingers. Immediately she sprang to her feet. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 13 Teibar snapped his fingers once, sharply, and the slave leaped to her feet, standing erect, her head down, turned to the right, her hands at her sides, the palms facing backward. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 52 Marcus then snapped his fingers that she should rise. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 134 "Have her stand, and turn," said a man. I heard the snapping of fingers. Quickly I rose to my feet, and turned, before them. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 44 The pit master snapped his fingers. We struggled to our feet, aligning ourselves, standing, the tallest first, Fina was third of the ten, I was seventh. Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 573
Most, however, permit the girl some garment, usually a brief, sleeveless, one-piece slave tunic. This helps the master to control himself, should he wish to do so. Too, it is enjoyable, at a snap of his fingers, to have the girl remove it, or, indeed, if he wishes, to tear if from her at his whim. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 148 How I then again envied the Gorean brutes who might order such a woman, at so little as a snap of their fingers, to strip to her collar. Fighting Slave of Gor Book 14 Page 149 At as little as a snapping of my fingers, she must strip herself and hurry naked, licking and kissing, to my arms. Savages of Gor Book 17 Page 169 Whistle Also, clipped to the belt, was a slave whistle, used in issuing signals, summoning slaves, and so on. Assassin of Gor Book 5 Page 84 About her throat there hung a slave whistle. Assassin of Gor Book 5 Page 150
The soldier whistled, as though he might have been summoning a pet sleen, and lifted an open wrist ring, the last ring on the chain. I ran angrily to the chain. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Page 130 For all the restraints placed upon me I might have been a free woman, save that the distinction between us, apart from my tunic and collar, would have been clear when a man snapped his fingers and pointed to the deck at his feet, or whistled for me in the night, and I must run to him, as might a pet sleen, to serve him. Slave Girl of Gor Book 11 Pages 360 - 361 Must she not hasten to her place at his feet, summoned even as might be another form of domestic animal, perhaps by a mere word, or whistle? Witness of Gor Book 26 Page 238
The slave must be instantly ready to serve the master, and at so little as a whistle, a gesture or a snapping of the fingers. Magicians of Gor Book 25 Page 415 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |