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10,175 Contasta Ar
Triva Questions
Just for fun, test your knowledge of the Books. See how many you can answer correctly.
I make no pronouncements on these matters, but report them as I find them.
Arrive at your own conclusions.
I wish you well,
Black wine served 'Second Slave' is ______?
Hover here for the answer
Black, without creams or sugars
"Second slave," I told her, which, among the river towns, and in certain cities, particularly in the north, is a way of indicating that I would take the black wine without creams or sugars, and as it came from the pouring vessel, which, of course, in these areas, is handled by the "second slave," the first slave being the girl who puts down the cups, takes the orders and sees that the beverage is prepared according to the preferences of the one who is being served.
Guardsman, Page 245
Is this correct?
"Peasants, usually serving regular military rotation conscriptions, except in emergencies
when they are sent back to protect the fields, are thus utilized in the armed forces of a
city; this is a further reason why their weapon, the horn bow, is well known in the cities,
and among warriors, as it deserves to be."
Hover here for the answer
No . . .
Peasants, incidentally, are seldom, except in emergencies, utilized in the armed forces of a city; this is a further reason why their weapon, the long bow, is less known in the cities, and among warriors, than it deserves to be.
Raiders, Page 3
A man having a shaven stripe, running from the forehead to the back of his neck,
signifies what?
Hover here for the answer
He had been captured and sold by the panther girls
The strip which had been shaven on his head, from the forehead to the back of the neck, signified that he had been captured, and sold, by the panther girls of the northern forests. It is among the greatest shames that a man can know, that he had been enslaved by women, who had then, when weary of him, sold him, taking their profit on him.
Hunters, Page 12
There are four common purpose of a collar. Can you name at least one?
Hover here for the answer
"What is the common purpose of a collar?"
"The collar has four common purposes, Master," she said, "First, it visibly designates me as a slave, as a brand might not, should it be covered by clothing.
Second, it impresses my slavery upon me.
Thirdly, it identifies me to my Master.
"Fourthly," she said, "it makes it easier to leash me."
Explorers, Page 80
