Twelfth Month
Passage Hand
Waiting Hand
Year 10,175 Contasta Ar

Triva Questions

Just for fun, test your knowledge of the Books. See how many you can answer correctly. I make no pronouncements on these matters, but report them as I find them.
Arrive at your own conclusions.

I wish you well,

2)   When Tarl was sentenced to the mines of Tharna, what was the name of the informant
      on his chain?
Hover here for the answer

"I shall inform against you," hissed Ost, "for plotting an escape."
Outlaw, Page 149

4)   What is the phrase that came to signify camaraderie in the mines of Tharna?
Hover here for the answer
"We are of the same chain."

"We are of the same chain," he said.
Outlaw, Page 171

7)   All directions on Gor are calculated from:
      (a) The North Pole
      (b) Ar
      (c) The Equator
      (d) The Sardar Mountains
      (e) Each Free Person's perspective
Hover here for the answer
(d) The Sardar Mountains

all directions on the planet are calculated from the Sardar Mountains
Nomads, Page 3

8)   A kite is:
      (a) a bird
      (b) a child's toy among the Wagon Peoples
      (c) a term used among the Merchants
      (d) a slave outfit used in the far north
      (e) None of the above
Hover here for the answer
(a) A bird

Overhead a wild Gorean kite, shrilling, beat its lonely way from this place
Nomads, Page 4

9)   As a guest at a banquet in Turia, Kamchak places a gift on the neck of Aphris.
      What was it?
      (a) a priceless diamond necklace
      (b) a bosk rope
      (c) a silken ribbon holding a golden medallion of Turia
      (d) a Turian slave collar
      (e) None of the above
Hover here for the answer
(d) a Turian slave collar

Kamchak lifted from the box an object indeed intended to grace the throat of a girl. But it was a round metal ring, a Turian collar, the collar of a slave.
Nomads, Page 100

13)   The Yellow Pool of Turia is:
        (a) one of the public baths
        (b) a cesspool
        (c) a paga tavern
        (d) a monetary collection for the Caste of Builders
        (e) None of the above
Hover here for the answer
(e) None of the above

"Yes," said Saphrar, gleefully. "It is alive!"
I heard Saphrar remark, "It sometimes takes hours to be fully digested."
Nomads, Pages 208 - 209

16)   "What woman could respect a man who is not strong enough to _______."
Hover here for the answer
put her under the whip

Guardsman, Page 102

17)   "Goreans, as the men of Earth commonly do not, celebrate ___(a)___ and ___(b)___
        in a girl."
Hover here for the answer
(a) quickness of mind
(b) alertness

Assassin, Page 125

22)   "Perhaps it should only be added that the Gorean Master, though strict, _______."
Hover here for the answer
is seldom cruel

Outlaw, Page 53

23)   "A girl in a collar is not permitted _______."
Hover here for the answer

Marauders, Page 171

24)   "The absolute truth must be spoken to a Gorean master.
        It is forbidden to a girl to _______."
Hover here for the answer
hide her feelings

Captive, Page 171

25)   The talender, fixed in her hair, is a slave girl's wordless confession that she _______.
Hover here for the answer
cares for her Master

Hunters, Page 65

29)   The words "Three beats of a slave's heart" appear how many times?
        (a) 1 time
        (b) 3 times
        (c) 26 times
        (d) Never
Hover here for the answer
(d) Never

31)   "To share the kettle of a friend is to dine with a ______."
Hover here for the answer

Blood Brothers, Page 349

33)   Is this correct?
        "Peasants, usually serving regular military rotation conscriptions, except in emergencies
        when they are sent back to protect the fields, are thus utilized in the armed forces of a
        city; this is a further reason why their weapon, the horn bow, is well known in the cities,
        and among warriors, as it deserves to be."
Hover here for the answer
No . . .

Peasants, incidentally, are seldom, except in emergencies, utilized in the armed forces of a city; this is a further reason why their weapon, the long bow, is less known in the cities, and among warriors, than it deserves to be.
Raiders, Page 3

34)   "There is a time and a place for speaking, as there is a time and a place for ______."
        It is a saying of the warriors.
Hover here for the answer

Slave Girl, Page 269

35)   What is a vart?
        (a) a stick used by children in ball games
        (b) a poisoned needle used by Free Women to protect themselves
        (c) a comb, used primarily by slaves
        (d) a loincloth sometimes worn by male slaves
        (e) None of the above
Hover here for the answer
(e) None of the above

The vart is a trained batlike creature, some the size of a small dog, used as a weapon.
Raiders, Page 139

37)   By what inventive measure did Bosk defeat the fleets of Cos and Tyros?
Hover here for the answer
The use of tarns at sea

Raiders, Page 273

39)   True or False?
        "Gorean compliments are generally meaningful, for they tend to be given only when
        deserved, and sometimes not then."
Hover here for the answer

Beasts, Page 17

42)   What is often taken as a symbol of Priest-Kings?
Hover here for the answer
A circle of gold

Marauders, Page 33

43)   Howsoever she enters ______, voluntarily, or by force, free or secured, she emerges
        from it, by the laws of Torvaldsland, as a bond-maid.
        (a) the smooth-walled capture pit
        (b) into a warrior's 'slave embrace'
        (c) a bond-maid circle
        (d) the warrior's hut
        (e) None of the above
Hover here for the answer
(c) a bond-maid circle

Marauders, Pages 44 - 45

44)   When handed a drinking horn of Torvaldsland you do one of two things, What?
Hover here for the answer
Drain it or give it to another

Marauders, Page 89

45)   What covers the floor of the main chamber in the house of Samos.
Hover here for the answer
A map of known Gor

Tribesmen, Page 7

46)   The Waiting Hand, the five-day period preceding the vernal equinox, the first day of
        spring, is ______.
        (a) celebrated with festivals, singing and much food
        (b) a very solemn time for most Goreans
        (c) basically ignored by most Goreans
Hover here for the answer
(b) a very solemn time for most Goreans

Players, Page 10

47)   This word is spelled two different ways, Har-ta and Harta. What does it mean?
Hover here for the answer

Tarnsman, Page 57
Slave Girl, Page 133
Witness, Page 35

49)   Is Bazi tea really drunk in tiny glasses, usually three at a time?
Hover here for the answer

Tribesmen, Page 140

50)   What are the first few words of the Books?
Hover here for the answer
"My name is Tarl Cabot."

Tarnsman, Page 9